Dr. Geofrey Lubadde is a senior lecturer and the Deputy Dean (Academics) of Busitema University's Faculty of Agricultural and Animal Sciences. He holds a PhD in Plant Breeding from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, an Msc in Crop Science from Makerere University, and a Bsc in Agriculture (hons) from Makerere. He is involved in training students in plant breeding, research methodologies, and plant pathology at the faculty, as well as supervising undergraduate and graduate students' research and serving as an external examiner. He has contributed to the development and revision of curricula for the University's certificate, diploma, undergraduate, and graduate agriculture programs. Dr. Geofrey is a member of the faculty board, as well as the chair of the Higher Degrees Committee. He spent ten years as a senior research officer and team leader at the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), which is situated at the National Semi-Arid Resources Research Institute, before joining Busitema University. In addition to giving over thirty officers focused direction, he was in charge of developing cereal crop cultivars at NARO that are suitable for low input and semi-arid settings. He oversaw the Dry Land Cereals initiative, which created types of semi-arid-adapted sorghum and millet. Under his leadership, Nine grain varieties (NARO-SORG-1, NARO-SORG-2, NARO-SORG-3, NARO-SORG-4, NARO-MILL-1 through 5) were introduced for farmer adoption under his direction, in addition to mobilizing resources and coaching colleagues, Dr. Geofrey was directly responsible for mobilizing resources as the program leader via producing funding bids, administration and staff appraisal, budget preparation and financial transactions, risk mitigation and control, strategy planning, and report writing. He has published in peer-reviewed publications in the fields of plant breeding and socioeconomics, and he is a peer reviewer for numerous journals. Dr. Geofrey is a member of African Plant Breeders’ Association and Uganda Honey Bee Keepers’ Association
- Registration of ‘NAROSORG2’ Sorghum Variety with Desirable Farmer Attributes for Uganda
- Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction and Genotype Main Effect and Genotype by Environment Interaction Effects-Biplot Analysis of Sorghum Grain Yield in Uganda
- Effect of low temperature stress on field performance of highland sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) at flowering stages
- SORGHUM PRODUCTION HANDBOOK FOR UGANDA. pp 37. National Semi Arid Resources Research Institute of the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NaSARRI-NARO), Uganda.
- Efficacy of bio and synthetic pesticides against the American bollworm and their natural enemies on cotton
- Comparison and suitability of genotype by environment analysis methods for yield-related traits of pearl millet
- Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction of Improved Pearl Millet for Grain Yield and Rust Resistance
- Response of locally adapted pearl millet populations to s1 progeny recurrent selection for grain yield and resistance to rust
- Combining Ability and Heterosis for Grain Yield and Rust Resistance in Pearl Millet
- Production Determinants of the Pearl Millet Cropping System in Uganda and Implications to Productivity
- Major pearl millet diseases and their effects on-farm grain yield in Uganda
- Impact of Uganda's National Agricultural Advisory Services
- Plant Breeding
- Crop Science