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Ph.D., Student, Energy Engineering, Busitema University
Job Title
Assistant Lecturer
Office Hours
8:00am-5:00 pm
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Attach CV
Eng. Kilama works as an assistant lecturer in the engineering and technology department. With over 12 years of practical experience working on the factory floor, he is a self-driven practical engineer who needs little supervision. He also lectures at the university about power plant installation and maintenance and the construction of power lines. He is registered with UIPE and has class B and X installation permits from the Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA). At Busitema University, Kilama is pursuing a Ph.D. in Sustainable Energy. He has a Master of Science, a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Makere University
Research Projects
- Design and development of single wire earth return power system distribution
- Design and development of Hydrotiller machine for paddy rice production
- Design and development of Biomass electricity production plant
Publications and Papers
- Kilama, G., Lating, P. O., Byaruhanga, J., & Biira, S. (2019). Quantification and characterization of cocoa pod husks for electricity generation in Uganda. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 9(1), pp22.
- S. Biira and G. Kilama (2014). “Analysis of solar radiation in Uganda (A case study of Kasese, Jinja and Sororti Districts)”, International Journal of Current Research. Vol. 6 pp.8110-8115.
Research Focus
- Energy engineering
- Solar system engineering
- Agricultural and Electrical Machinery
Courses Taught
Electrical Technology
Electrical Machines and Devices
Seminars in Professionalism and Engineering ethics
Circuit Theory and Digital Electronics
Electronic Devices
Committees Served
Construction Management committee for the construction of Laboratory Offices and classroom blocks for Marine Institute at Namasagali Campus
Technical committee member of Busitema 4MW solar PV power plant
Staff Type
Academic Staff