Dr. Richard Oriko Owor is a natural products chemist who earned his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Nairobi and his MSc. in chemistry from Makerere University. He is presently a Lecturer at Busitema University's Chemistry Department. He has worked as a chemistry teacher and researcher in the area of natural products chemistry. His area of interest is the identification of bioactive and toxic phytochemicals from tropical plants and mushrooms, as well as the structure modification of the bioactive natural products to enhance their pharmacological profiles and applications. He is an active member of NAPRECA and the Royal Society of Chemistry (623593). Currently, Dr. Richard is a part of the Busitema University Natural Products and Drug Research Group (BUNaPReG), which is housed at the Faculty of Health of Health Sciences at Busitema University.
- 2020-To date Formulation and Clinical Evaluation of Herbal Products for Management of Covid-19 funded by Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation – Office of the President (STI-OP, Uganda)- currently the Co-principal Investigator.
- 2022-2023 – Development of herbal cosmetic for skin disease management funded by Busitema University Research and Innovation Fund- Principal Investigator.
- 2022-2023 – Formualtion herbal remedy for Cure of HIV management funded by Busitema University Research and Innovation Fund- Research Investigator.
- 2018 DAAD Short-Term Research visit to Technische Universität Dortmund
- Obakiro, S. B., Kiprop, A., K’owino, I., Andima, M., Owor, R. O., Chacha, R., and Kigondu, E. (2022). Phytochemical, Cytotoxicity, and Antimycobacterial Activity
- Evaluation of Extracts and Compounds from the Stem Bark of Albizia coriaria Welw ex. Oliver. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2022, 7148511.
- Obakiro, S. B., Kiprop, A., Kigondu, E., K’Owino, I., Odero, M. P., Manyim, S., Omara, T., Namukobe, J., Owor, R. O., Gavamukulya, Y., and Bunalema, L. (2021). Traditional Medicinal Uses, Phytoconstituents, Bioactivities, and Toxicities of Erythrina abyssinica Lam. ex DC. (Fabaceae): A Systematic Review. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2021, 5513484.
- Buyinza, D., Derese, S., Ndakala, A., Heydenreich, M., Yenesew, A., Koch, A., and Oriko, R. (2021). A coumestan and a coumaronochromone from Millettia lasiantha. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 97, 104277.
- Owor, R. O., Bedane, K. G., Openda, Y. I., Zühlke, S., Derese, S., Ong’amo, G., Ndakala, A., and Spiteller, M. (2020). Synergistic anti-inflammatory activities of a new flavone and other flavonoids from Tephrosia hildebrandtii vatke. Natural Product Research, 35(22), 4486-4493.
- Owor, R. O., Bedane, K. G., Zühlke, S., Derese, S., Ong’amo, G. O., Ndakala, A., and Spiteller, M. (2020). Anti-inflammatory Flavanones and Flavones from Tephrosia linearis.Journal of Natural Products, 83(4), 996-1004.
- Owor, R. O., Derese, S., Bedane, K. G., Zühlke, S., Ndakala, A., and Spiteller, M. (2020).Isoflavones from the seedpods of Tephrosia vogelii and pyrazoisopongaflavone with antiinflammatory effects. Fitoterapia, 146, 104695.
- Ruth Anyango Omole, Mainen Julius Moshi, Matthias Heydenreich, Hamisi Masanja Malebo, Jeremiah Waweru Gathirwa, Richard Owor Oriko, Leonida Kerubo Omosa, and Jacob Ogweno Midiwo. (2019). Antiplasmodial Biflavanones from the Stem Bark of Garcinia buchananii Engl. Pharmacogn Commun. 9(3), 96-99.
- Andima M., Ssegujja B., Owor R. O., Andama E. (2014). Preliminary qualitative analysis of phytochemical constituents of the endemic Aloe tororoana Raynolds in Tororo, Eastern Uganda J. Agr. Sci. 3(3), 96-99.
- Kifuko R., Kunobwa J. Owor R. O and Okalang U. (2013). Effects of Ugandan Common Sachet Alcohol Brands on Liver Catalase Activity. J. Biol. Chem. Res. Vol. 31, No. 1,pp. 109-116.
- Owor R. O., Nyakairu G.W.A., Mbabazi, J. and Kwetegyeka, J. (2012). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Roasted Pork, Kampala, Uganda. Inter. J. Current Res. 4(8)
- Isolation of New Flavonoids from Selected Tephrosia Species and Their Effects on Cytokine Production. Richard Oriko Owor, Albert Ndakala, Solomon Derese, Kibrom Gebreheiwot Bedane, Sebastian Zühlke and Michael Spiteller. Presentation on NAPRECA Uganda Chapter Conference 2022. Organized by NAPRECA – Uganda Chapter held 30thSeptember 2022 at Food Science and Technology Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.
- Isolation of New flavonoids from selected Tephrosia Species and Their effects on cytokine production. Richard Oriko Owor, Albert Ndakala, Solomon Derese, Kibrom Gebreheiwot Bedane, Sebastian Zühlke and Michael Spiteller. 1st International Conference on Reimagining the Natural Products Industry in Africa (RNPIA-2021) held 5th – 7th July 2021 at Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala (Uganda)
- Anti-inflammatory flavonoids from Tephrosia vogelii. Richard Oriko Owor, Kibrom Gebreheiwot Bedane, Sebastian Zühlke, Solomon Derese, George Otieno Ong'amo, Albert Ndakala and Michael Spiteller. NAPRECA – Uganda International Virtual Research Seminar held 24th September 2020.
- Anti-inflammatory flavonoids from the genus Tephrosia. Richard Oriko Owor, Kibrom Gebreheiwot Bedane, Sebastian Zühlke, Solomon Derese, George Otieno Ong'amo, Albert Ndakala and Michael Spiteller. Busitema University Research Seminar Series 6 was held on 18th August 2020.
- Anti-inflammatory flavonoids from the genus Tephrosia. Richard Oriko Owor, Kibrom Gebreheiwot Bedane, Sebastian Zühlke, Solomon Derese, George Otieno Ong'amo, Albert Ndakala and Michael Spiteller. NAPRECA – Kenya International Online Seminar Day held 31st July 2020.
Lecturer-Busitema University
- Identification of bioactive and toxic phytochemicals from tropical plants and mushrooms
- Structure modification of the bioactive natural products to enhance their pharmacological profiles and applications