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MSc. Livestock Development and Management, Makerere University
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Office Hours
8:00-5:00 PM
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Mr. Daari Noah is an Agriculturist by Profession and an Agr-Enterprises Development and Management Technocrat. Daari holds a BSc. in Agriculture Entrepreneurship and Farm Management and MSc. in Livestock Development and Management. In addition to other professional practices, He is currently a Technician in the Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Busitema University, where he mainly involved in students Enterprise Projects and community Agri-Enterprise Projects outreach.
Publications and Papers
- 2023: Daari, N.; Agriculture Commercialization in Uganda: The Role of Records Keeping in Agribusiness; Congress Proceedings: Busitema University 2nd Annual Science, Technology and Innovation Conference (BUSTIC2023)
- 2023 Daari N.; JK Gray, LC Caudle: Ten great veterinary public health/preventive medicine achievements in the United States, 1901 to 2000
- 2022; Daari, N., Challenges of Grassland Policies Implementation in Kenya and the Sustainable Development Goals; Congress Proceedings: The XXV International Grassland Congress; to be held on 14-19 May 2023 in Kantucky, USA.
- 2021: Daari N., Challenges of rangeland policies implementation in Uganda and the sustainable development goals
- Daari N., D. Tarlork, M. Valiante; The Boundary Waters Treaty, the International Joint Commission, and the Evolution of Transboundary Environmental Law and Governance
- 2019: Daari N., Assessing the effectiveness of the Livestock Restocking Program under the Peace Recovery and Development Plan: Case study of Alebtong District in Northern Uganda. On Going
- 2015: Daari N., Records Keeping as a Farm Management Tool: A Case of Busitema UniversityFarm Unit Arapai Soroti Uganda.
- The Joint XXIV International Grassland and XI International Rangeland Congress, Kenya 2021.
- The XXV International Grassland Congress; to be held on 14-19 May 2023 in Kantucky, USA.
Research Focus
- Agri-Enterprises Development and Management
- Agricultural policy
Staff Type
Academic Staff