Ronald Kabbiri (PhD) is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Agribusiness and Extension, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Sciences since December 2020. He is also the Head of Department and Coordinator of Industrial Training and Outreach programmes. Prior to joining Busitema University, Ronald worked at Mountains of the Moon University as a faculty dean and lecturer in the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. Ronald holds a PhD in Applied Biological Sciences (Agricultural Economics) from Ghent University, Belgium. He also has a MSc Agricultural Economics and BSc Horticulture degrees from Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro – Tanzania. Ronald has several years of teaching, research and consultancy experience. His research is mainly on agricultural value chains, farm management, agricultural marketing and market integration. In addition, Ronald is a programme assessor. He has had several engagements with National Council for Higher Education. He has also been involved in developing and reviewing undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in agribusiness in Mountains of the Moon University and Busitema University. Consequently, he has participated in writing several projects for research and community engagement. Previously, he headed Project 1, a component under VLIRUOS programme. Ronald has also been involved in many capacity building initiatives and transferable skills focusing on corporated planning, horticulture, agricultural marketing, farm management, phytosanitary and climate change in agriculture and natural resources. He also has significant practical experience and interdisciplinary research publications in agriculture and food economics. Ronald was a member of European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) from 2015 to 2018.
- Kabbiri, R. (2018). Dairy market integration: impact of mobile phones on price transmission and marketing channels in Uganda. Ghent University. Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent, Belgium.
- Kabbiri, R., Dora, M., Kumar, V., Elepu, G., & Gellynck, X. (2018). Mobile phone adoption in agri-food sector: Are farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa connected? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 131, 253–261.
- Kabbiri, R., Dora, M., Alam, M., Elepu, G., & Gellynck, X. (2016). Spatial Integration of Milk Markets in Uganda. Proceedings in Food System Dynamics, 57–63. DOI 2016: pfsd.2016.1606.
- Kabbiri, R., Dora, M., Elepu, G., & Gellynck, X. (2016). A Global Perspective of Food Market Integration: A Review. Agrekon
- Tugume, Esau, Kabbiri, R. (2012). Assessment of Marketing Constraints of Avocado (Persea americana) in Kabarole District, Western Uganda. Rwenzori Journal, 2(2), 25–38.
- Kabbiri, R. (2009). Economic Analysis of Draught Animal Power in Tanzania. ISBN 9783639213591: Amazon.com: Books.
- Kabbiri, R. (2010). The Informal Seed Sector in Tanzania. ISBN 9783639240658: Amazon.com: Books.
- Kabbiri, R, Senkondo, E., M. M, Aboud, A. A., Israel, S. H., Mbaga, S., Msaki, J. J., Mkomwa, S.A. (2008). Profitability of draught animal power in semi-arid Tanzanai: A case study of Handeni, Kongwa and Siha districts. In: Proceedings of the third annual PANTIL research workshop. (Edited by Batamuzi, et al.), 7 – 9 October 2008, Dodoma, Tanzania. 107 – 114pp.
- Kabbiri, R., Senkondo, E. M. M., and Aboud, A. A. (2009). Effect of Draught Animal Power ona Farm size: The Case of Handeni, Kongwa and Siha Districts, Tanzania. In: Proceedings of the fourth annual PANTIL research workshop. (Edited by Batamuzi, et al.), 19 – 21 October 2009, Morogoro, Tanzania. 90 – 107pp.
- Agri-food value chains
- Market integration
- Financial literacy
- Market econometrics
- Farm management