Professor Sabiiti, a Fulbright Scholar and TWAS Research Professor has got of over 40 years of working experience in research in agricultural/ environmental, rangeland Sciences, University teaching, graduate supervision, mentorship, and outreach including administrative experiences at national, regional, and international levels. He was appointed a Professor on contract for five years at Busitema University wef June 2021 to date. Previously he served at Makerere University full-time for 36 years (1985-November 2021) years with diligence and passion. Before that, he served as a Special Assistant (teaching and doing his MSC program 1976- 1979), sponsored by the University on yearly contract renewal. He has supervised 32 graduate students to completion and two ongoing at Masters (1) and Ph.D. (1) levels and now supervising 5 Msc graduate students as well at Busitema University. He has on record over 150 science and technology publications including books, and edited conferences that have been of value to the Government and many public /private communities. Currently, he is mentoring staff, teaching, graduate supervision, conducting research and publication and developing new research proposals for funding, and developing a Ph.D. program in environmental sciences.
Professor belongs to over 22 professional bodies and a few are listed below
- Member of the British Grassland Society since 2005
- Member Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences 2006.
- Member and founder of the Association of Uganda Professional
- Agriculturalists (ASUPA) since 2001.
- Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) since 2001.
- Fellow of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences 2005.
- Member of the African Crop Science Society since 1994 to date.
- Member of The Grassland Society of Southern Africa 1998 to date.
- Member of Soil Conservation Society of Uganda, 1996 to date.
- Member of the Uganda Society and the Uganda Society Journal Jan. 1994 to date.
- International Rangeland Congress, April 1991 to-date.
- International Grassland Congress 1989 to date
- Tropical Grassland Society of Australia 1993.
Ongoing Research at Makerere
- Development of a prototype for biogas purification and packaging systems, funding from Mak Rif 95 m/= E N Sabiiti (PI); C.Katongole, W.Mambo, Florence Mugaju et.al 2020-2021
- Developing equations for predicting feed intake by pastoral/agro-pastoral livestock: tackling uncertainty in the Uganda national enteric methane inventory-funding US$69,988 by Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)/Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases July 2000: C. Bakyusa Katongole (PhD) (PI),. Justine Nambi Kasozi (PhD). M. Nabasirye (PhD), E.N. Sabiiti (PhD) (CO-PI), F.B. Bareeba (PhD).
- Developing the dry season feeding technologies for different cattle production systems in Uganda funded by Mak Rif at shs 100m/= J. Nambi-Kasozi (PI), C. Katongole, Elly N Sabiiti (CO-PI),F .B. Bareeba, A.Kigozi 2020-2021
- Securing Water Supplies – Participatory Groundwater Monitoring and Management in Botswana and Uganda funded $10,000 by Australia-Africa Universities Network Partnership Research & Development Fund (PRDF) 2019 : (i) Western Sydney University: Professor Basant Maheshwari, Dr Dharma Hagare & Assoc. Prof. Maria Varua Africa: (i) University of Botswana: Professor Piet Kenabatho and Dr Ditiro Moalafhi (ii) Makerere University, Professor Elly Sabiiti (CO-PI) and Assoc.Prof Ali Basamba Twaha Ateenyi. The first grant is to enable the team develop a bigger project for funding 2020/2022
Research projects which won grants
- Developing dry season feeding technologies for different cattle production systems in Uganda (CO-PI). Funded by MakRif 100,000,000/= Nov2019 to Dec 2020. J.Nambi-Kasozi, C.Katongole, Elly N Sabiiti, F. B.Bareeba.
- Operationalization of the Centre of Excellence in Waste Management .E N Sabiiti PI US$50,000 2015-20/21-on going with local funding
- Adaptation of small scale biogas digesters for use in rural households in Sub Saharan Africa – Afri-Flame(Funded by African Union Commission) CO-PI US$900,000, 2012- 2017
- Enhancing Efficiency in Agricultural Waste Utilisation and management funded by Sida/SAREC and Bank of Uganda, Makerere University PI US$135,846 ,2010 -2017. Completed.
- Strengthening East African Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation Capacity through Training Research and Policy Interventions (SEARCCA) funded by Rockefeller Foundation (CO-PI) US$400,000,2011-2016-completed
- Strategies for Managing Water Quality and Sustaining Food and Fodder, Production with Application of Animal Manure in Peri Urban Areas funded by Western University of Sydney, Australia,(CO-PI)AU $ 216,000;2017-2021-on-going
- Developing Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems through Ecological Resource management and value Addition funded by sida/SAREC 2010-2015 (US$1.3m). Three PhD and 3 MSC students are being trained. Completed
- Enhancing Efficiency in Agricultural Waste Utilisation and management funded by Sida/SAREC and Bank of Uganda 2010-2015 (US$135,846).
- Knowledge Assessment on Climate Change and Urban/Urban food production in Kampala funded by START based at University of Dar es Salaam 2011-2014 (US$30,000).
- The Screening of Forages for Drought Tolerance for Climate Change in the Drylands of Uganda 2011-2014 funded by Rockefeller Foundation (US$30,000)
- The Potential of Small Scale Biogas Digesters to Improve Livelihoods and Long Term Sustainability of Ecosystems Services in Sub Saharan Africa 2011-2012 funded by DFID(Pounds 199,896) –Co-Investigator/Supervisor for International MSC student Measuring Resource Efficiency(Pounds71,890) for Makerere.
- Strengthening East African Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation Capacity through Training Research and Policy Interventions (SEARCCA) 2011-2015 funded by Rockefeller Foundation(Co-investigator/Advisory Committee member for the project) (US$400,000)
- Establishing transitional stages from peasantry to commercial agriculture in Uganda. E.N. Sabiiti, J. Mugisha, M. Nabasirye and T. Mugisa. 2004- 0n going. US$ 24,000. Funded by I@mak.com
- The impact of cattle manure application on productivity of the peri-urban small holder croplivestock production systems E.N. Sabiiti (Principal Investigator), M. Bekunda, J. Mugisha and P. Ngategize - by Rockefeller Foundation 2002 on going (US$69,700).
- Urban/Peri-urban crop-waste utilization for crop/livestock production systems -E.N. Sabiiti & S. Ledin -Sida/SAREC, 2000-2001 (SEK730, 000). This supported one PhD student and equipment.
- Urban/peri-urban crop-waste utilisation for crop/livestock production systems in Lake Victoria Crescent Region -E.N. Sabiiti & S. Ledin, S. Kyamanywa, J.S. Tenywa & J. Mugisha - Sida/SAREC, 2002-2005 (SEK 2,780,000). This was upgraded to support four PhD students, small grants & equipment .The four PhD students’ submitted theses.
- Urban/peri-urban crop-waste utilization for crop/livestock production systems in Lake Victoria Crescent Region -E.N. Sabiiti & S. Ledin, S. Kyamanywa, J.S. Tenywa & J. Mugisha - Sida/SAREC, 2005-2009(SEK 2,500,000).
- Dryland Husbandry Project in the Pastoral Production Systems. E.N. Sabiiti -Principal Researcher from October 1996-2003 funded by Sida/SAREC/OSSREA - (US$300,000).
- Integrating Forage Legumes in maize/elephant grass systems for optimizing peri-urban smallscale dairy farming. E.N. Sabiiti, J.S. Mugerwa, P. Ngategize, S. Kyeyune and S. Staal funded by Rockefeller Foundation from April 1997 – 2000 (US$73,000).
- Testing of new forage legumes for seed production potential in Uganda. E.N. Sabiiti and J.S. Mugerwa funded by FAO, Rome from 1992-1998 (US$45,000).
- Sorghum, Finger millet and pigeon pea germplasm collection in Uganda. E.N. Sabiiti, V.G. Reddy, P. Remanandan and M.H. Mengesha 1993. Funded by ICRISAT. US$25,000
Research in pipeline
- The Need for Capacity Building for MSc Degree Programme in Solid Waste Management at Busitema University: A Joint Partnership with Incheon National University, Republic of Korea Prof. Elly N. Sabiiti,Ph.D, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Busitema University, Uganda, elly.sabiiti@gmail.com; Prof. Heekwan Lee, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Engineering, Incheon National University, Republic of Korea
Articles published in refereed International /edited Journals
- Shamim Aryampaa ,Basant Maheshwaria, Montserrat Zamorano, Elly N.Sabiiti ,Christopher Olobod ,Najib L.Bateganyae.2021. Adaptation of EVIAVE methodology to landfill environmental impact assessment in Uganda – A case study of Kiteezi landfill. Journal of African Earth Sciences Volume 183, November 2021, 104310
- Shamim Aryampa, Basant Maheshwaria, Elly N Sabiiti and Montserrat Zamoranoc. 2021. A framework for assessing the Ecological Sustainability of Waste Disposal Sites (EcoSWaD). J.Waste Management. Vol 126:11-20
- (Data publication) Aryampa, S., Bukenya, B., Bateganya, N., Maheshwari, B., & Sabiiti, E. (2021). Waste quantities received for disposal at the Kiteezi landfill in Uganda from April 2011 to December 2020 [Data set]. Western Sydney University.
- Shamim Aryampa ,Basant Maheshwari ,Elly Sabiiti ,Najib L Bateganya and Brian Bukenya 2019. Status of Waste Management in the East African Cities: Understanding the Drivers of Waste Generation, Collection and Disposal and their Impacts on Kampala City’s Sustainability. 2019. Sustainability 2019. 11(19), 5523.
- Nakamya J. , Tumuhairwe J.B. , Sabiiti E.N. , Nakanwagi J.Beesigamukama D., and Aryampa S. : Soil Textural Inactivation of Residual Faecal Indicator Organisms in Bio Slurry Used for Carrot Production. Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology, Vol. 7 (3), pp. 30-35, July, 2021 ISSN: 2465-7522 Research Paper x
- Nakamya , J , Tumuhairwe , J B , Sabiiti , E N , Strachan , N J C , Avery , L M & Smith , J 2020 , Influence of biogas digesters on faecal indicator organisms in digestate and around homesteads In ethiopia ' , Biomass & Bioenergy , vol. 142 , 105746 .
- Katuromunda, S., Mpairwe, D., Sabiiti, E.N. & Wredle, E. 2017. Effect of supplementary feeding on the performance of Ankole x Friesian crossbred calves grazed on natural pastures. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 10(4): 1-12.
- E N Sabiiti and C Katongole 2016. Role of Peri-urban Areas in the Food System of Kampala, Uganda. 'Balanced Urban Development: Options and Strategies for Liveable Cities', Editors: Basant Maheshwari, Vijay P. Singh, Bhadranie Thoradeniya, ISBN: 978-3-319-28110-0 (Print) 978-3-319-28112-4 (Online).
- Mary Tibezinda, Ewa Wredle, Elly N. Sabiiti and Denis Mpairwe. 2016. Feed resource utilization and dairy cattle productivity in the agro-pastoral system of South Western Uganda. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 11(32), pp. 2957-2967.DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2016.1078
- J. Nambi-Kasozi, E. N. Sabiiti, F. B. Bareeba, E. Sporndly and F. Kabi 2016. Effects of inclusion levels of banana (Musa spp.) peelings on feed degradability and rumen environment of cattle fed basal elephant grass. Trop Anim Health Prod 48:693–698
- Justine Nambi-Kasozi , Elly N. Sabiiti , Felix B. Bareeba and E. Sporndly. 2014. Effect of feeding varying levels of banana peelings supplemented with maize bran, cotton seed cake and Gliricidia sepium on the performance of lactating dairy cows. Vol. 9(8), pp. 720-727, 20 February, 2014 DOI: 10.5897/AJAR 2013.7405 ISSN 1991-637X ©2014 Academic Journals, African Journal of Agricultural Research
- E. N. Sabiiti and C. B. Katongole 2014. Urban Agriculture: A Response to the Food Supply Crisis in Kampala City, Uganda ;pp 233-237 in The Security of Water, Food, Energy and Liveability of Cities. Challenges and opportunities for Periurban Futures. Eds B Maheshwari et al. Springer Publishers.
- Sabiiti, E.N., Katongole, C.B., Katuromunda, S., Sengendo, H., Basalirwa, C.P.K., Atukunda, G. and Nambuubi, S.K. (2014). Building Urban Resilience: Assessing Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in Kampala, Uganda. [Padgham, J. and J. Jabbour (eds.)]. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN: 978-92-807-3371-6DEW/1783/NA
- Kato, H, F B Bareeba and E N Sabiiti 2013. Productivity of soil fertilized with faecal manure of cattle fed Calliandra,Gliricidia and Luecaena browse/maize silage. Afric J of Agr Research Vol 8(7):634-638.
- Kato, H ,F B Bareeba and E N Sabiiti 2013.Productivity of soil fertilized with fermented Calliandra, Gliricidia and Leucaena browses and maize Forage. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B3(2013) 199-203.
- Katuromunda,S, E.N. Sabiiti and A. Mateete Bekunda. 2012. Effect of method of storing cattle faeces on the physical and chemical characteristics of the resultant composted cattle manure. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences,12, 13 (2): 95-106
- Katuromunda,S; Sabiiti,E.N. and M A Bekunda. 2011. Effect of application of cattle manure and mineral fertilizers on the growth characteristics and quality of Pennisetum purpureum fodder. Livestock research for Rural Development: 23(12):1-9.
- Sabiiti, E.N. 2011.Utilising Agricultural Waste to Enhance Food Security and Conservation of the Environment. Africa J of Food , Agriculture and Development .11(6):1-9.
- Katongole, C.B., Sabiiti, E.N., Bareeba, F.B. and Ledin, I. 2010. Performance of growing indigenous goats fed diets based on urban market crop wastes. Trop Anim Health and Prod, 8, 41:329-33
- Katongole, C.B., Sabiiti, E.N., Bareeba, F.B. and Ledin, I. 2009. Performance of growing indigenous goats fed diets based on urban market crop wastes. Trop Anim Health and Prod 41:329-336
- Katongole, C.B and E.N. Sabiiti. 2008. Alternative feed base with stall feeding: the key to reducing grazing /browsing pressure from natural grasslands in Uganda. Grassroots. Newsletter of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa. Vol 8(1) ISSN 101166122
- Katongole, C, B., Bareeba, F.B, Sabiiti,E. N and I. Ledin.2008. Nutritional Characterization of some Tropical Urban Market Crop Wastes. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 142(3):275-291.
- Kato,H. Bareeba,F.B.,Ebong,C and E N Sabiiti. 2006. Ensiling characteristics and milk producing capacity of browse/maize forage mixtures. Livestock Research for Rural Development. 18(6):1-7.
- Okello, S., and Sabiiti E. N. (2006). Productivity of Indigenous Cattle on Uganda Rangelands: Constraints and Opportunities. Makerere University Research Journal, Inaugural issue: 1:71-92.
- Okello, S., Sabiiti, E. N., and Schwartz, H. J., (2005). Factors affecting the in situ digestibility of dietary samples by Ankole cattle grazed on natural range pastures in Uganda. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 22(3):157-165
- Okello, S., Sabiiti, E. N., and Schwartz, H. J., (2005). Analysis of factors affecting milk yield of Ankole cows grazed on natural range pastures in Uganda. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 22(3):149-156
- Sabiiti, E.N., D. Mpairwe, M.S. Rwakaikara and S. Mugasi 2004. Restoration of degraded natural grasslands to enhance soil fertility, pasture and animal productivity. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9: (1) 466-469.
- Sabiiti, E.N., Bareeba, F., Sporndly, E., Tenywa, J.S., Ledin, S., Ottabong, E., Kyamanywa, S., Ekbom, B., Mugisha, J. and Drake, L. 2004. Urban market garbage: A hidden resource for sustainable urban/peri-urban agriculture and the environment in Uganda. The Uganda Journal: 50, 102-109.
- Sabiiti, E.N., D. Mpairwe and S. Mugasi, 2003. Rehabilitation of rangelands using forage/fodder legumes. African journal of range and forage Science 20: (2) 170.
- Mpairwe, D., E.N. Sabiiti, N.N. Ummuna, A. Tegegne and P. Osuji 2003. Integration of forage legumes with cereal crops: II. Effect of supplementation with lablab hay and incremental levels of wheat bran on voluntary food intake, digestibility, milk yield and milk composition of crossbred cows fed maize - lablab stover or oats - vetch hay ad libitum, 2002. Livestock Production Science 79: 213-226.
- Mpairwe, D., E.N. Sabiiti, Ummuna, N.N., Tegegne, A. and Osuji, P. 2003. Integration of forage legumes with cereal crops: 1. Effects of supplementation with graded levels of lablab hay on voluntary food intake, digestibility, milk yield and milk composition of crossbred cows fed maize - lablab stover or oats - vetch hay ad libitum. Livestock Production Science, 79: 193-212.
- Mpairwe, D., E.N. Sabiiti, N.N. Ummuna, A. Tegegne, and P. Osuji, 2002. Effect of intercropping cereal crops with forage legumes and source of nutrients on cereal grain yield and fodder dry matter yields. Agric. Crop. Sci. J. 10: (1) 81-97.
- Beyunga, J.K., F.B Bareeba and E.N. Sabiiti, 2001. Nutritional evaluation of Elephant grass hybrids. MUARIK Bulletin. 4: 71-76.
- Kato. H., F.B Bareeba, E.N Sabiiti and C. Ebong, 2001. Fermentation characteristics and nutrient composition of ensiled Calliandra calothyrsus, Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala browses and maize fodder. MUARIK Bulletin. 4: 11-17.
- Katuromunda. S., E.N. Sabiiti and F.B. Bareeba. 2000. Effects of Siratro and maize bran supplementation on feed intake and milk yield and composition of crossbred lactating cows fed Pennisetum purpureum basal diets. MUARIK Bulletin. 3: 49-56.
- Mugasi, S.K., E.N. Sabiiti and B. Tayebwa, 2000. The economic implications of bush encroachment on livestock farming in rangelands of Uganda. Agric. J. Range and Forage Sci. 17(1, 2 & 3). 64-69.
- Luvumu, E.N., Bareeba, F.B. and E.N. Sabiiti 1999. Effect of interplanting Setaria with Gliricidia on chemical composition and nutritive value when fed to growing sheep. MUARIK Bulletin, 2: 35-39.
- Kabirizi, J.M., Bareeba, F.B., Sabiiti, E.N., Ebongo, C., Namagembe, A. and J. Kigongo. 2000. Effect of supplementing crossbred lactating dairy cows fed elephant grass based diets with lablab hay and a concentrate. Ug. J. of Agric. Sci. 2000, 5: 9-15.
- Mugisa, T.K. Ngategize, P.K. and E.N. Sabiiti, 1999. Determinants and Impact of Integration of Forage Legumes in Crop/Livestock Systems in Per-Urban Areas of Central Uganda. African Crop Sci. J. 4(7): 591-589.
- Tumutegyereize, K., Hyuha, T. and E.N, Sabiiti, 1999. Factors affecting dairy production in peri-urban areas of Kampala. Uganda J. Agric. Sciences 4:7-11.40. Tumutegyereize, K., Sabiiti E.N., and T. Hyuha, 1998. Economic analysis of dairy production systems in the peri-urban areas of Kampala. Accepted for Public J. Rural Development.
- Mpairwe, D., E.N. Sabiiti and J.S. Mugerwa, 1998. Effect of dried Gliricidia sepium leaf supplement on feed intake, digestibility and nitrogen retention in sheep fed dried hybrid (KW4) elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum x Pennisetum typhoides) ad libitum. Agrofor. Systems 41: 139-150.
- Lusembo, P., C. Ebong, E.N. Sabiiti and J.S. Mugerwa 1997. Seed production aspects of Macroptilium atropurpureum in Uganda. J. Appl. Seed Production. 15:37-40.
- Lusembo, P., C. Ebong, E.N. Sabiiti, Mohammed-Saleem, Abate Tedla and J. Ndikumana, 1997. Dry and wet season performance of selected herbaceous legumes in Uganda. Tropical Grasslands 31: 556-560.
- Kyagaba, E. Farah, K.O. and Sabiiti, E.N. 1996. Indigenous knowledge and natural resource management: a case study of the role of fire among the Bahima of South Western Uganda. The African Pastoral Forum. Working paper series, 10: 1-31.
- Lusembo, P., E.N. Sabiiti and J.S. Mugerwa. 1995. Influence of seed size on seedling characteristics of Centrosema pubescens. African Crop. Sci. J. 3:(4) 547-551.
- Lusembo, P., M.A. Mohammed Saleem, T. Abate and E.N. Sabiiti, 1995. Agronomic evaluation of herbaceous legumes in a sub-humid zone of Uganda. Afr. J. Range Forage Sc. 22(2): 68-71.
- Lusembo, P. E.N. Sabiiti & J.S. Mugerwa. 1994. Centroserna pubescens (Centro) and Manihot exculenta (cassava) intercropping: The effect of spacing and time of planting centre on seed yield. Afr. J. Range For. Sci. 11 (2): 48 - 50.
- Lusembo, P., Sabiiti, E.N. and Mugerwa, J.S. 1993. The effect of single super phosphate & plant population on the seed yield of Siratro. J. Appl. Seed Prod. 11:48-51
- Sabiiti, E.N., Wamala, J.B., Ogen-Odoi, A. and R.W. Wein, 1992. The role of fire in pasture and rangeland management. Nomadic Peoples, 31: 107 -110.
- Sabiiti, E.N. and Cobbina, J. 1992. Parkia biglobosa: A potential multipurpose fodder tree legume in West Africa. The International Tree Crops Journal 7: 113-138
- Sabiiti, E.N. and Cobbina, J. 1992. Initial agronomic evaluation of Parkia biglobosa in the humid zone of Nigeria. Agroforestry systems: 17:271-279.
- Sabiiti E.N. and R.W. Wein 1987. Fire behaviour and the invasion of Acacia sieberiana into savanna grassland openings. African Journal of Ecology 26: 301-313.
- Sabiiti, E.N. and R.W. Wein 1988. Fire and Acacia seed - a hypothesis of colonization success. Journal of Ecology, 85: 937-946.
- Sabiiti, E. N. 1983. Ecological studies on Macroptilium atropurpureum in Rwenzori National Park, Uganda. 1. Effects of pre-treating seeds with conc. sulphuric acid, scarification, boiling and burning on germination. Africa Journal of Ecology, 21: 28-289.
- Sabiiti, E. N. 1980. Dry matter production and nutritive value of Indigofera hirsuta in Uganda. East African Agriculture and Forestry Journal, 45: 296-303.
Some Papers in edited proceedings, of conferences/workshops/seminars
- Sabiiti, E.N. 2017. Presented a paper Establishment of Centres of Excellence as Engines of innovations in solid waste management for wealth creation and Environmental Health East Africa Waste Management Conference 24-25 August 2017 Kampala, Waste: Our health, our wealth, our responsibility.
- Sabiiti, E.N. 2017. Incorporating climate change in curriculum development for College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Conference on Climate Ecosystems and Livelihoods for Africa, Nairobi, Kenya 4-7Sept 2017.
- Sabiiti, E.N. 2017.The National plan for Universities to develop human resources to ensure adequate food security in Uganda for the 21st Century. Vice Chancellors Forum held at Isbat University, Kampala, Uganda 20th Oct 2017.
- E N Sabiiti 2017. Developing research and collaboration and capacity building. 4-5 December 2017,Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda: Urban and peri-urban agricultural production systems in Uganda Urbanization and its impact on Per-Urban Water and food Security in Africa under the Australia Africa Universities Network (AAUN).
- Sabiiti, E.N and S .Mugasi 2016. Fire as a management ecological tool for the restoration of degraded rangeland ecosystems for livestock grazing in Uganda. Oral Presentation; International Rangeland Congress, Saskatoon, Canada 15-30July 2016. The Future Management of Grazing and Wild Lands Congress.
- Sabiiti,E.N. 2014. Role of Peri Urban Areas in the Food System of Kampala, Uganda. International Conference on Peri-Urban Landscapes: Water, Food Security and Environmental Security, 8-10th July 2014, University of Western Sydney, Australia.
- Sabiiti, F. Bareeba, E. Sporndly, J.S. Tenywa, S. Ledin, E. Ottabong S. Kyamanywa, B. Ekbom, J. Mugisha, and L. Drake. 2008. Approaches in urban market garbage management and utilisation in Uganda. Proceedings of the Intern Conference on Waste-the Social Context held in Edmonton, Canada 11-15 May 2008.
- Bwengye, B. G., Sabiiti, E.N, Grimaud, P. 2008. Effect of Management on the Productivity of Chloris gayana in the Rangelands of Uganda. Paper presented at the XXI International Grassland Congress and VIII Intern Rangeland Congress,29-June -5th July 2008,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia, China.
- Katuromunda,S., E.N. Sabiiti and F.B. Bareeba. 2008. Integrating forage legumes in crop/livestock systems for sustainable food production in peri-urban agriculture in Uganda. Paper presented at the XXI International Grassland Congress and VIII Intern Rangeland Congress,29-June -5th July 2008,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia, China.
- Katongole,C.,Sabiiti,E .N , Bareeb,F B and I Ledin. 2007. Nutritive value of common urban market crop wastes for goat production in periurban agriculture in Uganda. Paper accepted for presentation in the 42 Joint Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, 16-20July 2007, Rhodes University,SA.
- Hyuha, T. S., Sabiiti, E.N. and E. Hisal. 2005. Impact of rice production on food security and women in Uganda. .In African Crop Science Conf. Proceed., Kampala, 5-9dec 2005. Eds. J S Tenywa, Adipala, E, Nampala, P, Tusiime, G, Okori, P and W Kyamuhangire. Vol 7(2):833-839. ISSN 1023-070X.
- Realizing the promise and potential of African agriculture: Science and technology strategies for improving agricultural productivity and food security in Africa. Inter-academy Council. 2004. ISBN 90-6984-418-4. Study report commissioned by the UN Secretary General. Elly N Sabiiti and other 18 international Scientists were appointed on the study Panel that did the research and produced the report. Pp266.
- Katongole, C.B. E.N. Sabiiti, F.B. Bareeba and I. Ledin. 2006. Developing feeds for Meat Goats in Crop/Livestock Grassland Production Systems in Uganda. Paper presented in the 41st Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa Congress, 17-21July 2006, ATKV Klein Kariba, and Limpopo, South Africa.
- Wein W., E N Sabiiti, P A Thomas, R M Roth and P Jerome Martin. 2005. Maximizing conservation in agricultural landscapes. In African Crop Science Conf. Proceed., Kampala, 5-9dec 2005. Eds. J S Tenywa, Adipala, E, Nampala, P, Tusiime, G, Okori, P and W Kyamuhangire. Vol 7(2):515-525. ISSN 1023-070X.
- Nambi-Kasozi, J., Sabiiti, E.N. and Bareeba, F. B. 2004. Effect of feeding varying levels of banana peelings supplemented with maize bran, cotton seed cake and Gliricidia sepium on the performance of lactating dairy cows. Paper presented at the Regional Symposium on Livestock Revolution Challenges and Opportunities 15th-18th March 2004, Nairobi Kenya.
- Nambi-Kasozi, J., Sabiiti, E. N. Bareeba, F. B. and Sporndly, E. 2004. Urban market crop wastes: Valuable animal feed resources in the crop/livestock production systems in Uganda. Paper presented at the 2nd Joint Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and the South African Society of Animal Science: The paradigm of efficiency and sustainability. 28th June-1st July 2004, Goudin Spa, South Africa.
- Nambi-Kasozi, J, E. N. Sabiiti, F. B. Bareeba and E. Sporndly. 2004. Nutritional evaluation of banana peelings from the various banana varieties in the different regions of Uganda. Paper presented in the XXth International Grassland Congress 2005, June –July 2005, Dublin, Ireland.
- Kato, H., Bareeba, F.B. and Ebong, C. 2004. The effect of fermentation on rumen degradation and microbial protein synthesis associated with Calliandra, Gliricidia, Leucaena browses and maize forage. Paper accepted for presentation at the XXth International Grassland Congress 2005, June –July 2005, Dublin, Ireland.
- Kalibala, R., Kyamanywa, S. and Sabiiti, E.N.2002. Range and occurrence of insect pests on Lablab in crop/livestock farming systems. Proceedings of Integrated Pest Management Conference. J. S. Tenywa, M P Nampala, S., Kyamanywa and M. Osiru (Eds). pp70-73. Kampala, Uganda.
- Proceedings of the workshop on integrated Small holder Dairy Farming Systems in Periurban Areas with emphasis on Forages and Fodder Tree Utilisation, Embu, Kenya 13-17 June 1999. Eds. G.M. Karanja and E.N. Sabiiti.
- Lusembo, P., C. Ebong and E.N. Sabiiti 1999. Integration of pasture seed and broom production in Uganda. Proceed. Afric. Crop Science Conference, 4:661 -665.
- Mugasi, S.K. and E.N. Sabiiti, 1997. Shrub encroachment as a constraint in Utilization of range and grassland resources: A case of the pastoral rangelands of Kazo, Mbarara district. In: E.N. Sabiiti and F.B. Bareeba (Eds). Proceedings of the 3rd UPANE workshop 29 - 31 July. 1997, Makerere University, Kampala.
- Sabiiti, E.N. and J.S. Mugerwa 1997. Integration of livestock into land use systems for sustainable production. Proceedings of the 1st Intern. Scientific Conf. on Vet. Medicine: The Key to Animal Health 16 - 18 April, 1997, Intern. Conf. Centre, Kampala. Abstract pp189.
- Sabiiti, E.N., Mugerwa, J.S., Ngategize P. and G. Kyeyune 1997. Integration of Forage Legumes into Maize/elephant Grass Systems for Dairy Farming. Proceedings of the XVIII International Grassland Congress, June 8 - 19, 1997, Winnipeg, Manitoba and Saskatoon, Sasktchewan. Vol. 3.
- Sabiiti, E.N. and S.K. Mugasi. 1997. Control of Weeds in Pasture Systems. Proceedings of the 16. Biennal Weed Science Society Conference for Eastern Africa. Eds. Adipala, Tusiime G. and Okori, P. pp 51 - 56.
- Sabiiti E.N.; J.S. Mugerwa and F.B. Bareeba, 1993. Agronomic evaluation of forage legumes for improving native pasture systems in Uganda. Afr. Crop Science J. Conference proceedings Vol. 1 : 171-173.
- Sabiiti, E.N. J. Cobbina and J. Lambourne. 1993. Contribution of Parkia biqlobosa to the feeding value of pasture systems in West Africa. Proceed. XVII Intern. Grssld Congr. 2055-2056. Ed. M.J. Baker, SIR, Publ.
- Sabiiti, E.N. 1993. Integration of Parkia species in the Agro-silvo pastoral systems in West Africa. Paper presented at the Intern. Symposium on Farmed Parklands In the Semi-arid zone of West Africa. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 25 - 31 October, 1993.
- Okigbo, B.N. and E.N. Sabiiti, 1993. Sustainability of productive farming systems with particular reference on soil fertility, multiple use systems and weed ingress-small holder systems in humid tropical (Africa). Keynote paper at the XVII Intern. Grassld. Congress, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 8-21 February, 1993.
- Lusembo, P., Sabiiti, E.N. and Ebong, C. 1993. The effect of support systems on the seed production of Centrosema pubescens in Uganda. Proceed, of the XVII Grassld. Congress, pp 1759 -1760. Ed. M.J. Baker, SIR, Public.
- Mpairwe, D., E.N. Sabiiti and Mugerwa, J.S. 1992. Potential of legume shrubs and tree fodder as animal feedstuff, in Proceed. 2nd Uganda Pasture Network Workshop: Pasture and Feeding Systems for Sustainable Livestock Production and the environment. Eds: E.N. Sabiiti, F.B. Bareeba and S.N. Mwebaze pp 42 -50.
- Lusembo, P. Sabiiti, E.N. and Mugerwa, J.S. 1992. The status of forage seed production in Uganda. Paper presented at the 1st Forage Seed Production Workshop, Makerere University, 10 -12 August 1992. Sponsored by ILCA.
- Sabiiti, E.N. 1992. Forage genetic resources in Uganda. Paper presented at the 1st National Plant Genetic Resources Workshop held at Mukono DFI, 9-11 Nov.1992. E.N. Sabiiti, H. Kamau, D. Karamura, J. Wasswa and J. Nkuhe (Eds.).
- Sabiiti, E.N. 1992. Forage Integration into crop/livestock production systems. Proc. of the 2nd Uganda Pasture Network-workshop held at Makerere University 14-16 Dec. 1992. E.N. Sabiiti, F.B. Bareeba and S.N. Mwebaze (Eds). Pp19-26.
- Lusembo, P. & E.N. Sabiiti, 1992. Technology development of pasture seed production for small-scale farmers in Uganda. Paper presented at the 1st National Forage Seed Production Workshop, Makerere University, 10-12 August 1992.Sponsored by ILCA.
- Sabiiti, E.N. and J.S. Mugerwa, 1992. Parkia: Alternative multipurpose tree legume species in sub-Saharan Africa. Paper presented at the All Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture, Nairobi, Kenya, 22-27 Nov. 1992
- Sabiiti, E.N. & Mugerwa, J.S. 1992. Multilocational testing of new forage legumes for seed production potential. Paper presented at the 2nd FAO Regional Working Group on Resources for E. Africa. Makerere University, 31 Mar. - 4 Apr. 1992.
- Sabiiti, E.N. & Mugerwa, J.S. 1992. Current and future research on forage seed production in Uganda. Paper presented at the 1st Forage Seed Production Workshop, Makerere University, 10–12 Aug. 1992. Sponsored ILCA.
- Sabiiti, E. N. & J. S. Mugerwa, 1992. Potential browse species as feed for small ruminant production in Uganda. Paper presented at the 10th Small Ruminant -Collaborative Support Research Programme Scientific Workshop held at ILRAD, Nairobi, Kenya 26 - 27 Feb 1992.
- Sabiiti, E. N., J.S. Mugerwa and F. Bareeba. 1991. Pastures in sustaining soil fertility and crop production. Proc. of the 11th Annual general meeting/conference of the Soil Science Society of East Africa, held at Colline Hotel, Mukono, Uganda 3rd –6th Dec 1991
- Bareeba, F.B., E. N. Sabiiti, P. Lusembo, P. & J. S. Mugerwa 1993. Introduction and screening of Sesbania germplasm in the sub humid Zone Uganda. In: J.A. Kategile & S.B. Adoutan (Eds.). Collaborative Research on Sesbania in East & Southern Africa. Proc. of an AFRNET Workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya. 9-14 Sept. 1991. pp 35-44
- Sabiiti, E.N. and R.W. Wein. 1991. Effects of fire intensity and browsing by goats on the dynamics of Acacia/encroachment in rangelands of Uganda. Proceedings of the IVth Intern. Rangeland Congress, 22-26 April 1991, Montpellier, France. 2: 860-862.
- Lusembo, P., E. N. Sabiiti and C. Ebong, 1990. The use of support systems for Siratro and Centro seed production in Uganda. Paper read at the National Agricultural Science Conference, Kampala, Uganda. Nov. 1990.
- Sabiiti, E.N. 1990. The place and role of fire in pasture and rangeland management in Uganda. Proc. of the Workshop on range improvement for increased beef production. Mbarara, 16-19 Jan. 1990
- Sabiiti, E.N. 1990. Some important browse species for Livestock Feed in East Africa. Paper presented at the 2nd Intern. Conf. on Range management in the Arabian Gulf, Kuwait 3-6 March 1990.
- Sabiiti, E.N. and J.S. Mugerwa 1990. Forage research and development for livestock production in Uganda: A review In: B.H. Dzowela, A.N. Said, A. Wendem-Agenehu & J.A. Kategire (Eds). Utilization of research results on Forage & Agricultural By-product materials as animal feed resources in Africa. Proc. of the first joint workshop held in Lilongwe, Malawi 5-9 Dec 1988. PANESA/ARNAB, ILCA, Addis Ababa, pp 186-206.
- Sabiiti, E.N. & R.W. Wein 1989. Fire effects on herbage yield and nutritive value of natural grasslands in Uganda. Proc. of XVI Intern. Gsld Cong., Nice, France pp 1579-1580.
- Sabiiti, E.N. and J.S. Mugerwa 1988. Major causes of the changes in vegetation (pasture) and suggested remedies. Paper read at the 1st All African Soil Science Society, International Conference Centre, Kampala, Uganda 5-11 December 1988.
- Sabiiti, E. N. (1988). Oversowing improved pasture legumes into natural or established grass pastures in Uganda. Proceedings of the Animal Production Society of Kenya Conference Nairobi, Kenya 23-25 Nov. 1988.
- Kyamanywa, S. and E.N. Sabiiti 1992. The importance of insects in pasture Production and Utilisation in Uganda. In: P.R. Henderlong, E.N, Sabiiti, F.B. Bareeba and S.N. Mwebaze (Eds.). Pasture Management for Livestock Production in Uganda. Proceedings of the 1st Uganda Pasture Network (UPANE) Workshop held at Makerere University, 14-17 December 1987. pp 57-69.
- Sabiiti, E.N., R.W. Wein, J.B. Wamara and A. Ogen-Odoi 1992. The role of fire in pasture and range management in Uganda. In: P.R. Henderlong, E.N. Sabiiti, F.B. Bareeba and S.N. Mwebaze (Eds.). Pasture Management for Livestock Production in Uganda. Proceeding of the 1st Uganda Pasture Network (UPANE) Workshop held at Makerere University, 14-17 December 1987. pp.93 - 97.
- Sabiiti, E.N., J.S. Mugerwa, F.B. Bareeba, J.K. Zake and P.R. Henderlong 1992. Collection, evaluation and multiplication of forage germplasm. In: P.R. Henderlong, E.N. Sabiiti, F.B. Bareeba and S.N. Mwebaze (Eds.). Pasture Management for Livestock Production in Uganda. Proceedings of the 1st Uganda pasture Network (UPANE) held in Makerere University, 14-17 Dec. 1987. pp 2-8.
- Sabiiti, E.N., P.R. Henderlong and J.S. Mugerwa 1988. Evaluation of Desmodium adscendes through vegetative propagation in planted and natural pastures. In: B.H. Dzowela (Ed.). 15 Proc. of the 3rd PANESA Workshop held at Arusha International Conference Centre, Arusha, and Tanzania 27-30 Apr. 1987. pp.112-119. ILCA.
- Sabiiti, E.N., R.W. Wein and E.L. Edroma 1986. Fire and the productivity of agricultural ecosystems in Uganda. Proceedings of the 8th Soil Science of East Africa General Meeting, Kampala International Conference Centre, 15-19 Dec.1986 pp. 208-212.
- Sabiiti, E.N., R.W. Wein & E.L. Edroma 1991. Fire and browsing effects on the biology of the African Acacia species. A review. In: F.B. Kayanja & E.L. Edroma (Eds). African wildlife: Research and Management. Intern. Council for Scientific Unions, pp 28-29.
- Sabiiti, E.N. 1984. Evaluation of Indigofera hijsuta in association with Chloris gayana Kunth under grazing in Uganda. In: J. C. Tothill and J.J. Mott (Eds). The ecology and management of the world's savannas, pp.288-290. Aust. Acad. of Science, Canberra
- Appointed by Makerere University Senate as ORATOR twice and presented citations for H E Yoweri Kaguta Museven for recognition with a Distinguished Authorship Award for writing a dictionary-Katomboozi in local language was giving ceremony of Makerere University in2019 second and when he received his Honorary award of D.LL (Hon. causa) 2010 for his considerable socio-economic development for Society in Uganda and eleswhere .
- Was nominated by the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries and was subsequently appointed by the Board of Directors of ASARECA to be the 1st President of ASARECA General Assembly, Dec 2011 to Dec 2013. He chaired the 1st ASARECA General Assembly 14-16Dec 2011, at Entebbe, Uganda and the 2nd ASERACA General Assembly in Dec 2013, Bujumbra, Burundi.
- Appointed member of the Board of Trustees of the Uganda Independence Scholarships Trust Fund March 1999 to date. This is a Presidential Appointment.
- Appointed Director on the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) board by the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, 2002 to 2008.
- Appointed by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and Sports to serve as Chairman of the Curriculum Subcommittee for the Agricultural Colleges in 2000 that reviewed the curriculum and recommended a- 2 year Diploma instead of three years.
- Appointed Member on the Task Force on Agricultural Colleges (Bukalasa & Arapai) by the Permanent Secretary, Min. of Education and Sports 1999.
- Appointed by the Chancellor of Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara as the first Chairman to its Council June 2003 to date and the University got its License in June 2006 and I am still Chairman of Council.
- Served as Chairman of the Agribusiness Advisory Committee between the Faculty of Agriculture and the Private Sector in Uganda to monitor a new masters degree programme in Agribusiness Management (1999- 2003).
- Appointed by OSSREA as the National Co-coordinator, Dryland Husbandry Project funded by SIDA. The Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine and MAAIF and NARO implemented the project from 1996 –2003.
- Appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, Makerere University to the MU/Government Committee of 14 that prepared a document on Human Capacity building for decentralization supported by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1999/2000. The project attracted about US$17M from the Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank and Government of Uganda. The implementation committee now is I@mak.com - Innovations at Makerere Committee.
- Appointed by Ministry of Education and Sports as member of the Joint Commission for setting up University of Agriculture and environmental Sciences 1995-2002. The university has been established and is called Gulu University. I was also chairman of the Curriculum Committee that worked out the academic faculties and programmes.
- Appointed member Task Force for setting up Agricultural University in the North, by the Prime Minister of Uganda, 1994.
- Elected as a member on the Advisory Committee for the Pastoral Information Network Programmes Sept. 1992-1996. Project funded by SAREC and coordinated by the Department of Range Management, Univ. of Nairobi.
- Appointed a member by the Minister of Education and sports on National Task Force to prepare a National Agricultural Education strategy document in 2003 which was approved by Cabinet.
- Elected the first President of the newly formed Association of Uganda Professional Agriculturalists (ASUPA) 2002.
- Faculty Academic Staff representative on the New Senate under the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions, Act 2001 since 2002-2015.
- Appointed board member of the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) by the Minister of Education and Sports, 2002- to 2005 and was again reappointed on the Board from 2006-2009.
- Appointed Chairman of the Committee to formulate a constitution for the newly formed professional Agricultural Association of Uganda, May 2001.
- Member of the Management Committee of the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) 1995-2003.
- Member of the National Forum on the Plan for Modernization of Agriculture 1996-2003.
- Member of the National Steering Committee for the Plan for Modernization of Agriculture 1996-2003.
- Appointed by the Kampala City Education Officer to be a member on the School Management Committee of Buganda Road Primary School, May 1999 to 2018.
- Appointed by Min. of Agriculture to be Member of the National Steering Committee to Combat Desertification in Uganda, 1997 to 2010.
- National Coordinator, Plant Genetic Resources Coordinating Committee, 1992 -1997
- Research Management skills in science and technology and agricultural/Environmental Sciences
- Community development and action research in Dry lands for pastoral livelihoods,
- Grassland Sciences/Pasture Agronomy for livestock production
- Range Ecology and management-wildlife/livestock
- Biodiversity and sustainable development
- Seed Science & Technology
- Crop/livestock integration for poverty reduction and food security
- Peri-Urban Agriculture and food security
- Integrated Urban Waste Management for food production, energy systems and sanitation
- Human Resource Management and leadership skills and Institutional building
- Consultancies in agricultural/environmental Sciences sector-policy formulation and institutional
- development and Advisory services