Dr. Margaret Stella Ujeyo Suubi is a lecturer in the department of education, Faculty of Science and Education of Busitema University. As an educationist, she has had a vast experience first as a high school teacher and a lecturer with practical experience in team leadership for academic teaching, research and community engagement. Margaret has special research interest in the role of higher education in Sustainable Development. She has participated in developing a sustainability change programme for the faculty. The Change programme involved developing an Education for sustainable (ESD) cross-cutting curriculum and student involvement in ESD. She has overseen community engagement for the students’ ESD association in the Faculty. She is also much interested in Gender in Education with special interest in women in educational leadership. She has coordinated gender mainstreaming activities for the university. She has served as a member of the University contracts committee, staff disciplinary committee, She is currently a doctoral candidate for a PHD in Educational Management awaiting external examination report on her research thesis.
Change Project for Education for sustainable development, Busitema University Faculty of
Science and Education, 2011. The project involved developing an ESD cross cutting curriculum
for teacher trainees and in service teacher programmes, mobilization of students and staff for
community engagement in sustainability and Green campus activities.
- Oketcho, J . E., Sempala, F. Ujeyo M. S.S. & Atibuni, D, Z. (2019). Headteachers’ Management Styles and Teachers’ Role Performance in Secondary Schools in Tororo District in Uganda. Journal of Education, 1-9.
- Ujeyo M.S.S. (2018). Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Higher Education. In J.Keengwe, & R. Byamukama (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Promoting Higher –Order Skills and Global Competencies in Life and Work(pp.117 -133). Hershey, P.A: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-6331-0-ch008
- Ujeyo M. S., Kisige A., Nabunya, K., & Neema-Abooki, P. (2017), Gender Issues in Project Planning and Management. PM World Journal. 6 (6)
- Etomaru, I., Ujeyo, M.S., Luhamya, A. & Kimoga, J (2016). Institutional Autonomy: Implications for Teaching and Research in Public Universities in Uganda. International Research in Higher Education 1, (2). Andama, E., & Ujeyo M.S.S. (2015).
- Mainstreaming education for sustainable development in teacher education at Busitema University, Uganda. In Lotz-Sisitka et al. (Eds.), 5. 5. Mainstreaming environment and sustainability in African Universities: Stories of Change (pp: 127-137 ).Grahamstown: Rhodes University Environmental Learning Research Centre.
- Ujeyo M.S. & Najjuma R. (2022). Sustainable Development in Higher education: Approaches for Transformation. In J.Keengwe, & R. Byamukama (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Transformative and Innovative Pedagogies in Education. IGI Global.
Education for sustainable development, community engagement, Higher education