Mr. Musinguzi Alex is a Ph.D. holder in Materials and textile Engineering from Moi University, Kenya. He also holds a Master's degree in Textile Engineering from Politecnico di Torino-Italy and a Bachelor's degree of science in Textile and Clothing Technology from Kyambogo University. Presently, he is a Lecturer in Textile and Ginning Engineering department at Busitema University. Under this appointment, Mr. Musinguzi Prepares learning materials and delivers lectures to the undergraduate students in various courses such as Fiber Science and Technology, Fabric Technology, Yarn forming technology II, Development Studies, Man-made fibers, Polymer Processing, Gender in Textile and Polymer industries, Leather and foot wear technology, Yarn forming technology and Yarn forming technology III among others .He also Participates in the review and development of the University curriculum, supervision and evaluation of practical assignments to students. Examines, assesses and marks undergraduate students’ assignments. Furthermore, Mr. Musinguzi undertakes research to support the development of the University academic research agenda in addition to supervision of students. He also carries out industrial practice programme activities as well as Participating in the organization and implementation of University academic conferences, seminars and workshops through Provision of technical support. Mr. Musinguzi also support in the supervision of Assistant Lecturers and other junior academic staff as well as Participating in outreaches and knowledge transfer.
- A. Musinguzi, J.I. Mwasiagi, C. Nzila & I. Nibikora (2022). Antibacterial efficacy of the aqueous and ethanolic extracted dyes from Datura stramonium, Racinus communis, and Galinsoga parviflora plant leaves. https://www.routledge.com/Advances-in-Phytochemistry-Textile-and-Renewable Energy-Research-for-Industrial/Nzila-Oluoch-Kiprop-Ramkat Kosgey/p/book/9781032118710
- Musinguzi Alex, Mwasiagi, J. Igadwa, Nibikora Ildephonse, Nzila Charles (2021). Optimization of Process Conditions of Silk Fabric Dyeing with Galinsoga Parviflora leaf extract for Antibacterial Application. http://textile.webhost.uoradea.ro/Annals/Volumes.html
- Ocident Bongomin, Gilbert Gilibrays Ocen, Eric Oyondi Nganyi, Alex Musinguzi, Timothy Omara (2020). Exponential disruptive technologies and the required skills of industry
- Alex Musinguzi, Josphat Igadwa Mwasiagi, Aaron Wanyama, Onesmas Gumisiriza (2019). Antimicrobial activity of cotton and silk fabrics dyed with Datura stramonium (Jimson weed) plant leaf extracts.
- R.Peila, A.Ferri, M.Mihailiasa, A.Barresi, T.Zelenkova, I.Bevilacqua, A.Musinguzi (2014). Study on Transdermal Release from Functionalized Cotton Fabrics with Caffeine – Polycaprolactone Nanocapsules 6
- Feb 2009 to Date; Research supervision of students’ research projects on various topics in Textile Engineering, Technology and Science fields. Some of the recent topics supervised are;
- Natural dye extraction from Mirabilis Jalapa flowers and its Efficient Application on cotton and polyester fabrics – Marc 2022.
- Assessment of silk and cotton knitted fabrics dyed with Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis (China rose plant) extract -August 2018
- Production of a bio active fabric using extracts from selected indigenous medicinal plant species-August 2018
- Extraction of fibres from pineapple leaves and spinning yarn-April 2017 - Designing a carpet using acrylic yarn mattress waste paper and upholstery fabric- April 2017
- Application of Moringa Oleifera seed extract for activated sludge thickening- April 2017 - The effect of sawing parameters and wash type on the dimensional stability of knitted garments- November 2016.
- Development of safe antibacterial finish for kitchen fabric- November 2016 - Study of the tensile strength properties of soil reinforced with sisal- November 2016
- Oct 2014 - Dec 2014; Fiber identification, Classification and DTex measurements for Tax tag numbers (Uganda Revenue Authority research on Textiles)
- Feb 2013 - July 2013; Study on transdermal release from functionalized cotton fabrics with caffeine polycaprolactone nanocapsules (Master research project) and published ∙ May 2008 to July 2008; A study of the factors that causes yarn breakages in the spinning section (Industrial research; Phenix Logistics Company limited, Kampala- Uganda); (Undergraduate research)
Confrences and Workshops attended
- The 2nd Workshop on Higher Education Partnerships for Sub-Sahara Africa (HEPSSA) –Makerere University Hub from July 15th-16th, 2021.
- The Virtual workshop on validating the findings of the Literature Study on Korean Model and Contribution of Universities to National Economic Development with
- Recommendations for Africa’s Higher Education – by RUFORUM on 14th July 2021.
- The Virtual workshop on the Pre-Summit Academia Dialogue for the Republic of South Sudan – by RUFORUM held on the 8th July 2021.
- The workshop on the econometrics modelling using STATA organized by RUFORUM from 28th June – 2nd July 2021.
- The 1st Busitema University Science, Technology and Innovation Symposium from 24th-25th June 20217
- The Online Skills Enhancement training sessions on Scholarly writing on; a) Journal article and thesis b) Writing a Systematic review by RUFORUM from 24th– 26th March 2021.
- The Indian ITME Society Virtual Pre-event Buyer Seller Meet and Technical Seminar from 3rd-5th December 2020
- Africa Center of Excellence in Phytochemicals, Textile and Renewable Energy (ACEIIPTRE) Staff Exchange Programme at Busitema University Materials and Textile Labs from 9th to 23rd November 2020. The ICPTRE2020 Virtual International Conference on Phytochemical, Textile & Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development from 12th-14th August 2020.
- Training on research writing and publications at Busitema University health campus 2020
- Yearly Mendeley workshops/trainings at Busitema University main Campus.
- Training on Lab safety at Moi University main Campus from 11th-13th November 2019
- Training on writing winning grants and Proposals at Busitema University 2019
- Workshop on Pedagogy skills training at Busitema University main Campus 2019
- A non-residential workshop on Programs writing and Assessment at National Council for Higher Education from from 2nd– 5th April 2019
Textile Fibers, Textile technology, Textile chemistry, Textile machines, Polymer chemistry, Woven and non-woven structure, Medical and smart textiles, Industrial Innovation and Entrepreneurship