Dr. Fulgensia Kamugisha Mbabazi is a Senior Lecturer of Applied Mathematics and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Science and Education, Busitema University, Uganda. She holds Bsc. Mathematics (MUST), Msc in Mathematics (MAK) and PhD in mathematics (PAUSTI).
Her expertise is in Biomathematics especially modeling infectious diseases in Animals and plants as well as application of models in fluid dynamics. Dr. F.K. Mbabazi has taught mathematics courses including: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential equations, Computational Fluid dynamics, Fluid dynamics, Dynamical systems, Stochastic processes, Mathematical modelling and simulation, Introduction to non-parametric statistics, experimental design and supervised students’ research at Masters.
- Mbabazi, F. K., Mugisha, J. Y., & Kimathi, M. (2019, February). Hopf-bifurcation analysis of pneumococcal pneumonia with time delays. In Abstract and Applied Analysis (Vol. 2019). Hindawi.
- Mbabazi, F. K., Mugisha, J. Y. T., & Kimathi, M. (2018). Modeling thewithin-host co-infection of influenza A virus andpneumococcus. Applied Mathematics and Computation
- Mbabazi, F. K., Mugisha, J. Y. T., & Kimathi, M. (2020). Global stability of pneumococcal pneumonia with awareness and saturated treatment. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2020.
- Mbabazi, F. K., Gavamukulya, Y., Awichi, R., Olupot–Olupot, P., Rwahwire, S., Biira, S., & Luboobi, L. S. (2020). A mathematical model approach for prevention and intervention measures of the COVID–19 pandemic in Uganda.
- Mbabazi, F. K. (2020). Projection of COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda. medRxiv. Available at
- Tulirinya, J., Awichi, R. O., Mbabazi, F. K., & Nagulama, M. (2021). Modelling the influence of evaporation on residual chlorine in water storage tanks using CFD. East African Journal of Engineering, 3(1), 33-49.
- Nagulama, M., Rwahwire, S., Mbabazi, F. K., & Tulirinya, J. (2021). Modeling of Tire-Road Surface Interaction under Wet Conditions. Asian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
- 19-23 October, 2015: F.K. Mbabazi, a Unified Model to Assess ICT Integration into Distance Learning/Teaching : Mathematical Modelling, Conference Proceedings, The 2nd Inverse Problem
- 25 reviews
- March 10-12, 2020: Participated in a 3 day workshop ‘UGANDA GENDER CHAMPIONS’ WORKSHOPS’, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, Kampala
- Jan 28-29, 2020: Attended a 2 day workshop ‘Writing successful grant proposals’ at Busitema University
- Aug16th-18th, 2019: Participated in Capacity Building Training organized by Eastern Africa Network for Women in Basic Sciences (EANWoBAS)-UNIK Hotel, Kireka, Kyaliwajala –Uganda.
- July 26, 2019: The 41st Mathematics Teachers’ Conference 2019, ‘Innovative Practices in Mathematics for Future Predictions’ Kampala-Uganda.
- Aug 6-9, 2018: Participated in a training course ‘Writing for Publication’ at Makerere University, Kampala-Uganda.
- June 10-12, 2015: Attended a Research Management: Grants Proposal Writing and Scholarly Writing Training Workshop at Busitema University, Tororo-Uganda
- Dec 8- 12, 2014: Participated in HEI-ICI workshop held at Makerere University, Kampala.
- Dec 8-12, 2003: Attended the 1st PAN AFRICAN BIOMATHEMATICS CONGRESSa on Importance of Mathematical Modeling of Biological Processes and Biomedical Processes at Makerere University, Kampala-Uganda.
- 11 NOV 2021 – 11 NOV 2021: East Africa Webinar: Impact of Data Literancy on Research Data Mangement (Participated Virtual)
- 15 NOV 2021 – 19 NOV 2021: International Access Week 'It matters How We Open Knowledge: Challenging Established Norms to Enable Researchers in Developing Countries Benefit from Open Access (Panelist)
- 13 OCT 2021 – 13 OCT 2021: Training of programme controllers on initiation of procurement IFS, Busitema University, Uganda
- 7 JUL 2021 – 7 JUL 2021 :Fostering Meaningful Assessment Amidst COVID-19, Directorate of Quality Assurance, Busitema University, Uganda
- 24th Jun 2021 – 25th Jun 2021: Presented on the 1st Busitema University Science, Technology and Innovation Symposium. Effect of Time Delay on the Control of banana xanthomonas Wilt on Banana Production and Yield, Busitema Universty, Uganda
- 20 APR 2021 – 20 APR 2021: Presenter, Mathematical Modelling for Infectious Diseases: Artificial Intelligence and Interdisciplinary Research Launch, Busitema University, Uganda
- 20 APR 2021 – 20 APR 2021: Advancing University Management commitment to internal quality assurance processes; Training workshop on Quality Assurance
- 7 FEB 2021 – 9 FEB 2021: Grant Writing Workshop Training, Faculty of Health Sciences Busitema University, Mbale-Uganda
- 5 FEB 2021 – 6 FEB 2021 : Finalization of University research Agenda, Faculty of Health Sciences Busitema University, Mbale-Uganda
- 20 JUN 2020 – 14 JUL 2020: Participant, E-learning training workshop (Virtual Workshop) ,Uganda Martyrs University, Uganda
- May 26, 2020: Presented “A Mathematical Model Approach for Prevention and Intervention Measures of COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda”. Virtual research seminar, Busitema University, Uganda
- May 15-16, 2020: 3rd Colloquium: COVID-19 Forecast and Prediction, Online Conference (Invited speaker)-Polland
- May 4, 2020: Scientific Perspectives on COVID-19, Attended 1st International Online Conference on COVID-19/ Scion scientific online conference.
- June 19-23, 2017: F.K. Mbabazi and M. Kimathi, 2017, Importance of Nested Models in Modeling Infectious Diseases, Conference Proceeding, Strathmore International Conference (SIMC 2017).
Senior lecturer of Mathematics
- Biomathematics
- Modeling
- Calculus
- Simulation
- Fluids
- Experimental design
- Statistics