Alice Nakiyemba Were

Associate Professor
First Name
Last Name
PhD Bioeconomics Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Job Title
Associate Professor/ Dean, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences/Senate Representative
Office Hours
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Prof. Nakiyemba holds a Ph.D. in Bioeconomics from Leuven Catholic University in Belgium, She also has a Master’s Degree in Sociology and Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science both from Makerere University. She currently doubles as  Associate Professor and the Dean at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Busitema University.  Prof. Nakiyemba has a vast exprince and interest in working with communities as well as cordinating water development and health related projects. She is endowed with various skills which make her able to work in any environment especially the ones with marginalized and traumatized groups of people. She has a wide experience in using and teaching qalitative research methodologies including proposal writing, data collection, management and analysis.

Research Projects
  • Principal Investigator of the project titled “Inclusive Education for Migrant Populations in Higher Education Institutions in Uganda”, funded by Busitema University Research Innovation Fund 2023/2024.
  •  Co-Investigator of a project titled “Development of Geospatio-Temporal Surveillance And Characterization of Malaria in the Changing Climatic Conditions In Eastern Uganda Study (GTS-MACS)” funded by Busitema University Research Innovation Fund 2023/2024.
  •  Co-investigator of a project titled: “Bamboo for Flood Risk Reduction in Butaleja District, Eastern Uganda”, funded by Busitema University Research Innovation Fund 2023/2024.
  •  Principal Investigator of the project titled “Women The Frontliners of Climate Change a case of Butaleja District Eastern Uganda funded by Busitema University Research Innovation Fund 2022/2023.
  •  Co-investigator of the project titled “Positioning Busitema University as a lead institution in promoting Community Health and Environmental Advocacy through Data Reuse funded by Busitema University Research Innovation Fund 2022/2023.
  •  Co-Investigator as qualitative specialist on the project titled: Impact of prophylactic CPAP in the delivery room (DR-CPAP) on neonates <1500g in a low-resource setting: A feasibility trial
  •  Co-investigator on a project titled National Multiplication Project Managing Diversity in Ugandan Higher Education Institutions, funded by the University of Postdam Germany under the framework of DAAD Alumni under the auspice of University leadership and Management 2021-2022.
  •  Co-promoter of a project titled Sustainable Land Use and Resilient Livelihoods in the landslide-prone Region of Mount Elgon Uganda (SureLive). The five-year project ended in December 2018 and was funded by the Belgian government (Vliruos)
  •  Team member of a project titled Ecologically based management of rodent pests in maize and rice in East Africa. This is a three-year project implemented in partnership with Sokoine University of Agriculture and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 
  •  Team member of the African Center of Excellence for Innovative Rodent Pest Management & Biosensor Technology Development (IRPM&BTD). This five-year project was implemented in partnership with Sokoine University of Agriculture and funded by the World Bank.
Publications and Papers
  • Alice Nakiyemba, Kinobe Zakaria, Kakungulu Mosses, Nyangoma Immeldah, Masaba Sowedi, Women's knowledge and perception of flood disasters in Butaleja District, Uganda, Progress in Disaster Science, Volume 25, 2025, 100399, ISSN 2590-0617,
  • Burgoine, K., Ssenkusu, J.M., Nakiyemba, A. et al. Impact of early continuous positive airway pressure in the delivery room (DR-CPAP) on neonates < 1500 g in a low-resource setting: a protocol for a pilot feasibility and acceptability randomized controlled trial. Pilot Feasibility Stud 10, 126 (2024).
  • Turyahabwe, R., Andama, E., Mulabbi, A. and Nakiyemba, A. 2024. Understanding the nexus between traditional brick-making, biophysical and socio-economic environment of Goma Division, Mukono Municipality, Central Uganda. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 11(4):6367-6378, doi:10.15243/jdmlm.2024.114.6367.
  • George Acquaah, Jude Ndzifon Kimengsi, Ametus Kuuwill, Alice Nakiyemba Were,Forest users' perceptions and institutional dynamics during covariate health-related shocks: Lessons from the Busitema Forest Reserve in Uganda, Scientific African, Volume 24, 2024, e02134,ISSN2468-2276,
  • Nakiyemba A., Musobya M., & Masaba S. (2023). A New Learning Experience of Training in the Social Sciences Using Online Platforms in Low-Resource Settings: A Pandemic Experience at Busitema University, Uganda. CODESRIA Bulletin, (05-06).
  • Wafula, M., Nakiyemba, A. &Kemigabo, C. (2023). Fisheries and SDGs at Namasagali FishingVillage, Kamuli Disrtict, Uganda. European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences, 1(4), 630-642.DOI: 10.59324/ejtas.2023.1(4).58
  • George Acquaah, Jude Ndzifon Kimengsi & Alice Nakiyemba Were (2023): Response of forest management institutions to health-related shocks. Learning from the Busitema Forest Reserve of Uganda during the COVID-19 outbreak, Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, DOI: 10.1080/14728028.2023.2212701:
  • Nakiyemba, A., Arayo, I., Kennedy, W., Joseph, K., Branda, L. J., Nandi, M. N., Phillipson, M. and Dayoub, M. (2022). Women and climate change impacts in Uganda: A review article. International Journal of Agricultural Technology 18(6):2469-2476.
  • Nakiyemba, A., Musobya, M. and Dayoub, M. (2021) The impact of agricultural activities on the livelihood of riparian communities of Nalwekomba wetland ecosystem along River Nile, Namasagali, Kamuli District Uganda. Agricultural Economics Review
  • Dayoub, M., Nakiyemba, A., Plosila, J. (2021). Applications of Internet of Things (IoT) in Agriculture - The Potential and Challenges in Smart Farm in Uganda. In: Hassanien, A.E., et al. Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision (AICV2021). AICV 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1377. Springer, Cham.

  • Alex Mayamba, Robert Modest Byamungu, Herwig Leirs, Isabirye Moses, Rhodes H Makundi, Didas N Kimaro, Apia W Massawe, David Kifumba, Alice Nakiyemba, Mshaka E Mdangi, Brian E Isabirye & Loth S Mulungu (2021) Population and breeding patterns of the pest rodent: Mastomysnatalensis in a maize dominated agroecosystem in Lake Victoria crescent zone, Eastern Uganda, African Zoology, 56:1, 76-84, DOI: 10.1080/15627020.2021.1879675 (available at

  • Raheem, D.; Dayoub, M.; Birech, R.; Nakiyemba, A. The Contribution of Cereal Grains to Food Security and Sustainability in Africa: Potential Application of UAV in Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, and Namibia. Urban Sci. 2021, 5, 8. urbansci5010008

  • Mayamba, Alex; Modest, Robert; Makundi, Rhodes; Kimaro, Didas; Isabirye, Moses; Massawe, Apia; Kifumba, David; Nakiyemba, Alice; Mdangi, Mshaka; Isabirye, Brian; Leirs, Herwig; Mulungu, Loth (2019) Species Composition and Community Structure of Small Pest Rodents (Muridae) in Cultivated and Fallow Fields in Maize Growing Areas in Mayuge district, Eastern Uganda". Ecology and Evolution.

  • Alex Mayamba*, Bram Vanden Broecke, Herwig Leirs, Brian E. Isabirye, Robert M. Byamungu, Alice Nakiyemba, Moses Isabirye, David Kifumba, Apia W. Massawe, Didas N. Kimaro, Mshaka E. Mdangi and Loth S. Mulungu (2019) Fitness of the pestiferous small rodent Mastomys natalensis in an agroecosystem in Mayuge district, Lake Victoria Crescent, Uganda. Ammalia

  • Mlyashimbi, E. C. M a; J. Mariën b; D. N. Kimaro c; A. J. P. Tarimoa; M. Isabiryed;R.H. Makundie; A. W. Massawee; M. E. Mdangif; D. Kifumbad, A.Nakiyemba; H. Leirsb; S. R. Belmaing and L. S. Mulungue (2018) “Relationships between seasonal changes in diet of Multimammate rat (Mastomys natalensis) and its breeding patterns in semi-arid areas in Tanzania” Cogent Food & Agriculture

  • Gitau Mburu , Danielle Oxenham , Ian Hodgson , Alice Nakiyemba , Janet Seeley &  Alvaro Bermejo(2013) Community Systems Strengthening for HIV Care: Experiences From Uganda, Journal of Social Work in End-Of-Life & Palliative Care, 9:4, 343-368, DOI: 10.1080/15524256.2013.846889 (available at

  • Were, M. Isabirye, J. Poesen, M. Maertens, J. Deckers and E. Mathijs, "Decentralised Governance of Wetland Resources in the Lake Victoria Basin of Uganda," Natural Resources, Vol. 4 No. 1, 2013, pp. 55-64. doi: 10.4236/nr.2013.41006.

  • Ian Hodgson , Alice Nakiyemba , Janet Seeley , David Bitira & D. Gitau-Mburu (2012) Only connect – the role of PLHIV group networks in increasing the effectiveness of Ugandan HIV services, AIDS Care, 24:11, 1368-1374, DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2012.656568 (available at

  • Hardon, A.P, Akurut D, Comoro C, Ekezie C, Irunde HF, Gerrits T, Kglatwane J, Kinsman J, Kwasa R, Maridadi J, Moroka TM, Moyo S, Nakiyemba A, Nsimba S, Ogenyi R, Oyabba T, Temu F, Laing R. (2007). Hunger, waiting time and transport costs: Time to confront challenges to ART adherence in Africa. AIDS Care, 19(5), 658-665.

  • Nakiyemba, A., Aurugai, D.A., Kwasa, T. and Oyabba, T.  (2007). Rolling out HAART in relation to adherence: Opportunities and challenges available to health facilities and providers in Uganda. In M. J. Boeree (Ed), 5th European congress on tropical medicine and international health (pp. 121-124). Amsterdam: MEDIMOND

  • Nakiyemba, A., Aurugai, D.A., Kwasa, T. and Oyabba, T. (2006). Factors that facilitate or constrain adherence to antiretroviral therapy among adults in Uganda: A pre-intervention study

  • Hardon, A.P, Akurut D, Comoro C, Ekezie C, Irunde HF, Gerrits T, Hodgkin, C., Kglatwane J, Kinsman J, Kwasa R, Maridadi J, Moroka TM, Moyo S, Nakiyemba A, Nsimba S, Ogenyi R, Oyabba T, Temu F, Laing R. (2006). On hunger, transport costs and waiting time: A synthesis of challenges to ARV adherence in three African countries. In A. Hardon et al., From access to adherence: The challenges of antiretroviral treatment studies from Botswana, Tanzania and Uganda (pp. 15-20). 

  • Presented the paper titled: “The impact of agricultural activities on the livelihood of riparian communities of Nalwekomba wetland ecosystem along River Nile, Namasagali, Kamuli District Uganda” at the international section of the 16th Conference in Agricultural Economics, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece, 7-8 October 2021.     
  •  Presented a paper at the International Congress Water 2011, organized by Mekelle University and VLIR-UOS, September 19-26, 2011, in Mekelle, Ethiopia, titled: Farmers, Politicians and Technocrats: Conflict dynamics surrounding water and livelihoods in the Upper River Rwizi water catchment Lake Victoria Basin Uganda. September 2011. 
  •  I worked as a consultant for a USAID project, Strengthening ART Adherence Levels in Uganda: Case Study of District Comprehensive HIV/TB Program (DHTP) Eastern Uganda (STAR-E Project). From July 2011 to November 2011, I supervised research assistants during data collection, data entry, data analysis, and writing the final report.
  •  Worked as a consultant with the International HIV/AIDS Alliance on a research project titled Key Populations and Women in monogamous relationships in Uganda: HIV Response and Vulnerability with a particular focus on maternal Mortality. The assignment involved designing research protocol, training data collectors, data collection and report writing from October 2010 to March 2011.
  •  Worked as a Research consultant with the International HIV/AIDS Alliance on a project titled: Emerging Networks of People Living with HIV in Uganda: prevention, Visibility and Disclosure. The assignment involved qualitative data analysis, report writing, and producing a peer-reviewed paper for publication from October to December 2010. 
  •  Worked as a Research Associate with Water Mission International on a Research project titled Water For Africa, a Health Intervention Impact Study, from June 2010 to August 2010.
  •  Presented a paper at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly from 2nd – 7th May 2010, Vienna, Austria Session: Vegetation and Erosion, titled: Sugar cane growing and Cattle grazing as drivers to wetland degradation in Uganda: A case of upper river Ruizi and Iguluibi catchments Lake Victoria basin May 2010.
  •  Presented a paper at the 25th conference of the Soil Science Society of East Africa from 7th - 11th December 2009, Moshi– Tanzania, titled: Community’s involvement in the use and management of wetlands under decentralised governance in Uganda: A case of upper river Ruizi and Iguluibi catchments Lake Victoria basin in December 2009.
  •  Worked as a consultant with the Uganda AIDS Control Program to train field data collectors and field supervisors in qualitative methodologies on the theme: Identifying Adherence Intervention Strategies for Scale-up in the National ART Program in Uganda in April 2007. 
  •  Emerged as a medal finalist at the Eighth Annual Global Development Conference of the Global Development Network, which took place in Beijing, China, with the theme, Shaping a New Global Reality: The Rise of Asia and its Implications, Category: Global Health Concerns, Domestic Responses and Reforms in January 2007. 
  •  Presented a paper at the XVI International Aids conference in Toronto, Canada:  Factors that facilitate or constrain adherence to ARV therapy among adults In Uganda: a pre-intervention study in August 2006.
  •  Facilitated at the East African Regional Meeting on ARV adherence by presenting a paper on factors that facilitate or constrain adherence to antiretroviral therapy among adults in Uganda: a pre-intervention study. This was organized by INRUD and involved Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Rwanda in April 2006.
  •  Principal Investigator for the Uganda country study on ARV adherence in collaboration with WHO, University of Amsterdam and Busoga University. A multi-country pre-intervention survey was carried out in Uganda, Tanzania and Botswana. This included designing the overall project, training research assistants in data collection focusing on qualitative methodologies, supervising all project activities and submitting the final project report for publication from October 2004 to January 2006. 
  •  Worked as a Consultant/primary facilitator for ECOVIC UGANDA, KENYA AND TANZANIA CHAPTERS to train members of the Regional Governing Council, Secretariat staff in areas of Research methodologies, Project Management, Lobby and Advocacy skills, Communication skills and Gender Mainstreaming to ensure a clean Lake Victoria for all in July 2005.
  •  Worked as a Consultant/leading facilitator for ECOVIC UGANDA CHAPTER to train Board members, Secretariat staff, member Organizations, beneficiaries and other stakeholders in areas of Project Management, Lobby and Advocacy skills, Communication skills and Gender Mainstreaming to ensure a clean Lake Victoria for all in April 2005.
  •  Worked as a consultant/leading facilitator in training community mobilisers and other vital actors for FABIO/DENIVA Pressure from the project below, Uganda, in February 2005.
  •  Part of the consultancy team that studied civil society organizations in Uganda, phase II of the Uganda Program for Holistic Development [UPHOLD], in 20 districts in Uganda, using qualitative and quantitative methodologies    from June to July 2004.
  •  Worked as a consultant with Mayuge District to train Secondary school teachers in Counselling skills of HIV/AIDS for youth 
  •  Trained the youth out of school in Mayuge district in the basic life skills for HIV/AIDS in May 2004.
  •  Part of the consultancy team that mapped civil society organizations in Uganda in phase I of the Uganda Program for Humanistic Development [UPHOLD] in 20 Districts in December 2003.
  •  In November 2003, I was part of the team conducting the Mid-Term Review for the Goal Bugiri HIV/AIDS four-year project in Uganda.
  •  Worked as a field assistant with Makerere University Faculty of Social Sciences on a four-year project on Public policy, changing Gender relations and identities in Uganda in collaboration with Gotoborg University in Sweden in September 2002.
  •  District research assistant for Regional Center for Quality Health Care Project Makerere University. This was to assess the quality of care of reproductive health services in rural areas in the Kamuli district using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies from February to March 2001.
  •  District research assistant for law and advocacy for women in Uganda to assess the effectiveness of the Decentralized courts on women's justice in Kamuli District using qualitative methodologies in May 2000.
  •  District research assistant for Law and Advocacy for Women in Uganda on a domestic violence project in Iganga District using qualitative methodologies in July 1999.
  •  District research assistant for Law Reform Commission on Rape and Defilement project in Kamuli district using qualitative methodologies in September 1997.
Professional Appointments
  • Associate Professor
  • Senior lecturer
  • Dean of students, Faculty of Natural Resource and Environmental Science
Research Focus
  • Climate change
  • Natural Resource Governance
  • Gender
  • Public health
  • Health systems
Committees Served
Member of the Programs and Policies’ Committee of Busitema University Senate
Member of the Academic Affairs and Library Committee of Busitema University Senate
Member of the Board of Graduate Studies and Innovations Committee of Busitema University Senate
Chairperson of Busitema University Ceremonies Committee
Representing Senate to Busitema University Council.
Member of the Marine Steering Committee
Member of Busitema University Senate
Representing Academic staff to Busitema University Council
Member of Busitema University Adhoc Disciplinary Committee
Staff Type
Academic Staff