Learning and teaching are essential and invigorating aspects of my intellectual life. Incessant learning has allowed me to continue to grow personally and intellectually because I am challenged by colleagues, students, and other members of the academic community who present and defend their ideas in the learning setting. This vitality, which is deliberative and provocative, drew me to a career in librarianship and is what will continue to challenge me, both as a Librarian and a Scholar. I firmly agree with S. R. Ranganathan’s Five Laws of Library Science, particularly that “Every reader his [or her] book.” My intention is to help my library users find theirs.
- October 2022 - June 2023, Strengthening community libraries as the catalyst to Self-Learning in Uganda's rural and poor households: a case of the Busia District, Government of Uganda, Research and Innovation Fund, Ugx 25,000,000, Co-PI
- September 2022 - February 2023, Recruiting and employing fresh graduates under the Work Readiness Program (WRP) of the Skills and Governance Plus Project (sg+), Ugx 32,400,000, PI
- March – June 2022, Creating a Web portal for the Graduate School of Studies, Research and Innovation, Busitema University, funded by Busitema University, Ugx 3,650,000, PI
- December 2021– November 2022, Develop a disciplinary-based information literacy e-curriculum for teaching engineering courses at Busitema University, funded by Engineering Information Foundations, USD 25,000, PI
- May – September 2022, Empowering Southern researchers and evidence professionals through an AI-enabled social learning platform, PI
- April - December, 2022, University Website Redesign and Onlinizing Staff Profiles to improve webometric rankings for Busitema University, funded by Busitema University, Ugx 20,700,000, PI
- January – December 2022, Bending Engineering Prototyping Rules: The Fab Lab Innovation Ecology, Preliminary study, PI
- March 2021 – Date, Creating Busitema University Subject/ Research Guides – CAS and SDI Project, Funded by Busitema University, Ugx 56,783,250, PI
- February 2021 – date, Creating Busitema University Institutional Repository using Dspace and Integrating it with the Library Catalogue Uganda Koha, Funded by Busitema University, Ugx 43,678,000, PI
- January 2021 – Date, Automating Busitema University Library Functions and creating an online public access catalogue, Funded by Busitema University, Ugx 63,488,800, PI
- January 2020 - date, Redesign of the Busitema University Library Website, Funded by Busitema University, Ugx 26,670,100
- June 2020 to December 2021, Leveraging technology to integrate Information Literacy into ODeL curriculum: a shared responsibility between the lecturer and the librarian, Funded by Government of Uganda, through Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund, Ugx 72,666,000, PI
- January 2020 – February 2021, Developing a Digital Library based on open-access resources for Uganda Institute of Information and Communications Technologies, UICT, Nakawa, Ugx 11,957,000, PI
- May-December, 2015, User-Friendly Libraries programme: HTC Mulago, NIC Muni, NTC Kaliro, and NIC Abilonino, Funded by Belgium Technical Agency (BTC) and Ministry of Education - Uganda, Ugx 19,2550,00, PI
- Setting up LIS Units: established four College Libraries under the User-Friendly Libraries programme: HTC Mulago, NIC Muni, NTC Kaliro, and NIC Abilonino, Funded by Belgium Technical Cooperation (BTC) and the Ministry of Education, Uganda
- Promoting the adoption of campus-based, faculty-driven open access policies, Budget - USD 3,940.00, funded by Electronic Information For Libraries (EIFL) & Consortium of Uganda University Libraries, May – November 2012.
- Enhancing Access and Information Training Skills in Electronic Resources, Grant: $6,042.50, funded by Makerere University Library & International Network for Availability of Scientific Publications, June – 28th 2011.
- Information Literacy for Academic Libraries and Research Institution in 10 universities in Uganda, Grant: USD 9,085.00, funded by Makerere University Library & International Network for Availability of Scientific Publications, September 2011 – January 2012
- Marketing and Advocacy for E-Resources usage in three countries – Rwanda, Malawi, and Zimbabwe, Grant: $19,335.3, funded by Makerere University Library & International Network for Availability of Scientific Publications, May 2011 – July 2012
- Learning Events and CHANGE Symposium: Search strategies for DAAD German Studies Research Grant scholars, Grant: $2,200.00, funded by DAAD – Kenya German Embassy, 12th – 16th March 2012.
- Makerere University Library, International Network for Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP), & Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL), and Consortium of Uganda University Libraries (CUUL), Duration January 2008 – July 2012
Functions Performed: Coordinated and facilitated the following workshops/ seminars:- Co-Facilitated a training programme: Promoting the adoption of campus-based, faculty-driven open access policies, Budget - $3,940.00, funded by Electronic Information For Libraries (EIFL) & Consortium of Uganda University Libraries, 1st May – 30th November 2012.
- Facilitated Enhancing Access and Information Training Skills in Electronic Resources workshop, Grant: $6,042.50, funded by Makerere University Library & International Network for Availability of Scientific Publications, 27th – 28th October 2011.
- Facilitated Information Literacy Workshop for Academic Libraries and Research Institution in 10 universities in Uganda, Grant: $9085.00, funded by Makerere University Library & International Network for Availability of Scientific Publications, 04th December – 07th December 2011.
- Facilitated Marketing and Advocacy Workshop in five countries – Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, and Zimbabwe, Grant: $19,335.3, funded by Makerere University Li1brary & International Network for Availability of Scientific Publications, May 2011 – July 2012,
- Facilitator for Learning Events and CHANGE Symposium: Search strategies for DAAD German Studies Research Grant scholars, Grant: $2,200.00, funded by DAAD – Kenya German Embassy, 12th – 16th March 2012.
For each training, the duties performed include:
- Preparing training materials
- Facilitating the training
- Training evaluation
- Workshop report writing
- Lugya, F.K. (2019). Ideational, Canonical, Semantic, and Textual Relationship among Sacred Works: A Case Study of the Bible, International Journal of Library Science, 17(1).
- Lugya, F.K. (2018). User-Friendly Libraries for Active Teaching and Learning: Case for Business, Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges in Uganda, Information and Learning Science Journal, Emerald
- Lugya, F.K. (2018). The nature and impact of social settings on information flow: Espresso Royale Cafe at an Undergraduate Library, International Journal of Library Science, 16(2).
- Lugya, F.K. (2014). Examining the incentives and motivations for research-based legislation in Uganda. Library Journal, Library Review, 63(1/2).
- Lugya, F.K. (2014). What counts as a science and discipline in library and information science?, Library Review, 63(1/2)
- Lugya, F.K. and Weech, T. (2014). Library’s role in overcoming barriers to information flow in East African community, International Journal of Library Science, 13 (4), expected online by August 2014.
- Vittore, C.A., Larson, R., Lugya, F.K., Seadle, M., Tammaro, A.M., & Weech, T (2013). iSchools Building on the Strengths Found in the Convergence of Librarianship, Archival, and Museum Studies to Improve the Education of Managing Digital Collections, iSchools Conference February 11-15 th, 2013, Fort Worth, USA.
- Brittany N.S., Lugya, F.K. and Evans, C. (2013). Learning focused search in an online social network community, iSchools Conference February 11-15 th, 2013, Fort Worth, USA
- Lugya, F.K. (2010). Successful resource sharing in academic and research libraries: lessons for developing countries, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, pp124. ISBN 978-3-8433-7767-6
- Lugya, F.K. (2010). Usability of Makula among Makerere University Library users: a case study. Qualitative & Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 23rd-28th May, 2011, Athens, Greece. Lugya, F.K. (2010). The hidden forces that positively shape library consortia: addressing the gap between developed and developing countries. Qualitative & Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 23rd-28th May, 2011, Athens, Greece.
- Sustaining open science training and practice, CUUL Open Science Symposium: What can we do now?, Panel Member, Consortium of Uganda University Libraries /Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL)/ SPIDER, Virtual, 28th July 2021
- Marketing and Advocacy workshop for CUUL members, University of Zimbabwe, 14th – 16th February, Zimbabwe; 3rd – 5th April, Makerere University, Uganda; and University of Rwanda, 23rd – 25th July 2012, Rwanda.
- Learning Events and CHANGE Symposium: Search strategies for DAAD German Studies Research Grant scholars, March 13th – 15th, 2012, Nairobi, Kenya. Information Literacy Workshop, Consortium of Uganda University Libraries, 5th-7th, December, 2011, Makerere
- Information Literacy Workshop, Consortium of Uganda University Libraries, 5th-7th, December, 2011, Makerere University
- Enhancing Access and Information Training Skills in Electronic Resources workshop, Uganda Martyrs University (UMU), August 20-22, Kampala; Nkumba University Library - Entebbe, July 23-25; Gulu University Library - Gulu, June 18-20, 2008, Uganda.
- Enhancing Access and Information Training Skills in Electronic Resources workshop, Uganda Martyrs University (UMU) - Archbishop Kiwanuka Memorial Library, Kampala, Uganda, August 20-22, 2008
- Enhancing Access and Information Training Skills in Electronic Resources workshop, Nkumba University Library - Entebbe, Uganda, July 23-25, 2008
- Enhancing Access and Information Training Skills in Electronic Resources workshop, Gulu University Library - Gulu, Uganda, June 18-20, 2008.
Established 4 College Libraries under the User-Friendly Libraries programme: HTC Mulago, NIC Muni, NTC Kaliro, and NIC Abilonino
Success Stories
National Teachers' College, Kaliro
BTC Uganda - Zhane's Stories
Enhance learning with user-friendly libraries - NTC Muni
- Member, International Federation of Library and Information Science Associations (IFLA)
- Member, American Library Association (ALA)
- Member, Uganda Library and Information Science Association (ULIA)
Library Administration, Community informatics, Digital libraries, Librarianship, Library Cooperation and Networking, Information Literacy and Instruction, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Task Analysis, Usability, Library Automation, Web-based Technologies, Reference services, and Publishing and Scholarly Communication.
Additional Skills
Excellent with Internet technologies, E-mail clients (Webmail, Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird), Windows 98/2007, Windows NT, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS Outlook, MS PowerPoint; Web Authoring Technologies (Drupal, Open CMS, WordPress, CSS, HTML, XHTML), Database Design Technologies (MS Access, XML, PHP, MySQL), Arch-GIS, and Quantum GIS; and Publishing technologies (PageMaker, In-Design, Illustrator, and Photoshop).
Library systems
Koha, Virtue (VTLS), Voyager, ViFind (Open Source), Cardmaster, CDS/ISIS, ALICE Library Automation Software, Athenaeum LightPackages Library Software, and Resourcemate
Educational Platforms/ Applications
Moodle, Blackboard, Google Classroom