Dr. Ojok is Professionally a Family Physician who strongly believes in preventive medicine and empowering people to be in charge of their own health. He holds a Masters in Medicine and a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery both from Makerere University. He is currently a medical Officer and the Assistant Director, Health Services at Busitema University. Under this appointment, Dr. Ojok ensures proper management and maintainance of curative and preventive health services to both students and staff of the University in accordance with the National health standards. Dr. Ojok is also a secretary to the University Health Services Committee to which he provides technical support which aids in monitoring of the University Health Services.
- Attended the 1st ever Emergency Medicine Conference in Uganda. My special interest was in Trauma Management and Ultra Sound Scanning Techniques for emergency care. I was able to learn and achieve my goals for the conference.
- 3rd Grande Doctors Conference; Transforming service delivery for Universal Health Coverage
- Attended and presented my research findings for Factors associated with Village Health Team members' adherence to practice guidelines in Mella sub-county, Tororo district, Eastern Uganda.
- Family health
- Medicine