Associate Professor. Waiswa Wilson Mwanja holds a Ph.D. in Aquatic Sciences from Ohio State University .He is the Acting Director for Busitema University Maritime Institute (BUMI) . He is also the current Chairperson of the Public Agricultural Research Institute (PARI) Advisory Committee (PAC) for the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) under the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), where he has been a member since 2009. He is a managing partner for a not-for-profit regional research firm, 'Eccelenzia Consorzio Research and Management (ECRAM), Associate Professor. Waiswa previously served as Head of Department of Fisheries (2007 to 2017) and as Head of Aquaculture (2001 – 2007) in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries in Uganda. He started his scientific carrier as a Fisheries Biologist with Uganda Fisheries Research Organization (UFRO, now NaFIRRI) of the Government of Uganda from 1991 to 1993. He was then admitted to Ohio State University as a Graduate Research Associate from 1993 to year 2000 attaining an Master of Science and a Doctorate degree in fisheries biosciences. He also has a MSc. in International Management from the University of Liverpool, UK.He has an active and dynamic approach to work and getting things done. His areas of interest are aquatic resources management, blue growth, environmental and social safeguards, and climate change. During his career, he has managed as well as being involved in several national, regional and international fisheries management, development and scientific projects. These comprise of planning, management, development, scientific research, and conservation of aquatic resources in general and specifically fisheries.He has been involved with training, organizing and facilitating capacity building workshops, policy and legal instrument reviews and updates, and provision of technical services as well as supply and distribution of implements and inputs for fisheries and aquaculture production. He has also been deeply and regularly involved with international management of complex multinational projects related to natural resources management and biodiversity, and how these are impacted by agricultural activities. He has been directly involved with management of research institutions both at scientific level and policy levels
- Conservation of critically endangered aquatic species in the Great lakes of Africa.
- Aquatic Health Management for Rural Aquaculture Development in Uganda
- Capture-based aquaculture for conservation and bolstering of Nile perch
- Nile perch ecology, evolutionary genetics, domestication and aquaculture development
- Rural Aquaculture planning and development.
- Review for inclusion/contribution of fisheries and aquaculture to the agricultural sector led growth agenda in Africa
- Aquafeed development, increasing Uganda's National fish feed output, quality and reliability.
- Organizing of rural fish farmers in effective producer cooperatives, preparing and disseminating Best Management Practices for rural aquaculture, and enhancing capacity of aquaculture extension services.
- Mwanja, W.W., Mwanja, R.K., Namumbya, S., Banga, M., Owani, S.O., Nadiope, E., Kwiri, C.W. and Mwanja, T.M. (Accepted, 2018). Exploration of natural and socioeconomic potential of Singida tilapia, Oreochromis esculentus (Teleostei: Cichlidae), Graham 1928, for its conservation and rural aquaculture development, Uganda Journal of Agricultural Science.
- Banga M, Mwanja K.R., Namumbya S., Owani S.O, Nadiope E., Mwanja M.T. and Mwanja W.W. (2018). Socio-economic considerations for rural aquaculture development of Singida tilapia, Oreochromis esculentus (Teleostei: Cichlidae, Graham 1928) in Uganda, East Africa. International Journal for Research in Applied and Natural Science, 4 (1) January 2018. ISSN 2208-2085/
- Mwanja T. M., Owani S. O., Nadiope E., Kwiri N., Kudeeba R., and Mwanja W.W. (2017). Feeding regimes for Singida tilapia (Oreochromis esculentus, Graham 1928) under controlled conditions: acceptance and utilization of natural feeds compared to dry rations. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2017; 5(2): 420-424.
- Mwanja, M.; Ondhoro, C.; Sserwada, M.; Achieng, P.; Ddungu, R.; and Mwanja, W. (2016). Morphological variation of Nile tilapia populations from major water bodies of Uganda. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 17 (1): 21 - 32
- Mwanja T. M., Muwanika V., Masembe C., Mwanja W.W. & Nyakaana S. (2014). Microsatellite DNA analyses reveal populations subdivisions among recently introduced Nile perch (Lates spp) in Lake Victoria. African Zoology 49(2), 181-194.
- Mwanja W.W. and Nyandat B. (2013). Challenges and issues facing small-scale producers: perspectives from Eastern Africa, pp. xx-xx. In Bondad-Reantaso, M.G. and Subsinghe, R.P. (eds.), Enhancing the contribution of small-scale aquaculture to food security, poverty alleviation and socio-economic development: report and proceedings of an expert workshop. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical paper, No, 572, Rome, FAO, 2013, xxp.
- Mudnakudu C. Nandeesha, Matthias Halwart, Ruth García Gómez, Carlos Alfonso Alvarez, Tunde Atanda, Ram Bhujel, R. Bosma, N.A. Giri, Christine M. Hahn, David Little, Pedro Luna, Gabriel Márquez, R. Ramakrishna, Melba Reantaso, N.R. Umesh, Humberto Villareal, Mwanja Wilson* and Derun Yuan. (2012). Supporting farmer innovations, recognizing indigenous knowledge and disseminating success stories. Expert Panel Review 6.4. In Farming the Waters for People and Food. R. P. Subasinghe, J. R. Arthur, D. M. Bartley, S. S. De Silva, M. Halwart, N. Hishamunda, C. V. Mohan & P. Sorgeloos.Proceedings of the Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
- Mwanja T. M., Muwanika V., Masembe C., Nyakaana S. & Mwanja W.W. (2013). Evolutionary history of Nile perch inferred from mitochondrial DNA variation analyses. Journal of Zoological Studies
- Mwanja, M.T., Mwanja, W.W., Muwanika, V., Masembe, C. and Nyakaana, S. (2012). Genetic evidence of successful establishment of the Nile perch (Lates spp. L.) in East African lakes and implications for management. Journal of Management of Biological Invasions, 3, (2): 77–88.
- Mwanja W.W*., Fuerst A.P. and Kaufman L. (2012). Reduction of the “ngege”, Oreochromis esculentus (Teleostei:Cichlidae) populations, and resultant population genetic status in the Lake Victoria Region
Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275583802_ The_collapse_of_the_ngege_ Oreochromis_esculentus_Teleostei_Cichlidae_populations_and_resultant_population_genetic_status_in_the_Lake_Victoria_Region [accessed Dec 04 2020]. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2012, 13 (2): 65-82 ISSN 1026-0919. Printed in Uganda. All rights reserved © 2012, National Agricultural Research Organisation. - Akoll P., Konecny R., Mwanja W.W* and Schiemer F. (2012). Risk assessment of parasitic helminths on cultured Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, L.). Aquaculture 356-357, pp 123-127.
- Akoll P & Mwanja W.W*. (2012). Fish health status, research and management in East Africa : from the past to the present. African Journal of Aquatic Science, 37(2): 117–129.
- Akoll P, Konecny R., Mwanja W.W*., Nattabi J.K., Agoe C. & Schiemer F. (2012). Parasite fauna of farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Uganda. Parasitology Research. 110: 315-323.
- Akoll P, Konecny R., Mwanja W.W* & Schiemer F. (2011). Infection patterns of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) by two helminth species with contrasting lifestyles. Parasitology Research 110 (4), 1461 -1472.
- Mwanja M.T, Muwanika V., Nyakaana S., Masembe C., Mbabaz D., Rutasire R. and Mwanja W.W*. (2011). Population morphological variation of the Nile perch (Lates niloticus, L. 1758), of East African Lakes and their associated waters. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 5(11), 941-949.
- Mwanja T.M., Nyende L.D., Kagoda S., Munguti M.J. and Mwanja W.W*. (2010). Characterization of fish oils of mukene (Rastrineobola argentea) of Nile basin waters – Lake Victoria , Lake Kyoga and the Victoria Nil River. African Journal of Tropical freshwater biology 19, 1, 49-58.
- Mwanja W.W.*, Kaufman L. and Fuerst P. A.(2010) 'Comparison of the genetic and ecological diversity of the native to the introduced tilapiines (Pisces: Cichlidae), and their population structures in the Lake Victoria region, East Africa', Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 13: 4, 442 — 450.
- Mwanja, T.M. and Mwanja W.W*. (2009). Escape of farmed Tilapiine into the wild and entry of farmed forms in fishponds, and possible interaction between wild and farmed tilapiines from a sample of smallholder farms in central Uganda. Africa Journal of Ecology. 47: 469-475
- Mwanja T.M. and Mwanja W.W*. (2008) Preliminary results of the analysis of the population structure of the Nile perch (Lates niloticus Linnaeus, 1758) of Lake Victoria using microsatellite markers. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7(16), 2885-2892.
- Mwanja W.W.*, Booton G.C., Kaufman L. and Fuerst P.A. (2008). A Profile of the introduced Oreochromis niloticus (Pisces: Teleostei) populations in Lake Victoria Region in relation to its putative origin of Lakes Edward and Albert (Uganda - E. Africa) based on Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA analysis. Afri J. Biotechnol Vol. 7 No. 11, pp 1769 – 1773.
- Mwanja, W.W.*, Akol A., Abubaker L., Mwanja M., Msuku S.B. and Bugenyi F.(2006). Status and Impact of Rural Aquaculture Practice on Lake Victoria Basin Wetlands. African Journal of Ecology, 45, 165-174.
- Mwanja W.W. 2004. Role of satellite water bodies in evolution and conservation of Lake Victoria Region fishes. African Journal of Ecology, 42 (s1), 14-20.
- Mwanja, W.W.*, L. Kaufman, and Fuerst P.A. 2000. Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA Markers: Conservation And Management Implications (Abstract). Ohio Journal of Science 100 (1): A38.
- Mwanja W.W.*, Armoudlian A.S., Wu L., Wandera S.B., Booton G.C., Kaufman L. and Fuerst A.P. (2001). The Bounty of minor lakes: the role of small satellite water bodies in evolution and conservation of fishes in Lake Victoria region, East Africa. Hydrobiologia 458 (1-3), 55 -62.
- Fuerst P.A., Kaufman L. and Mwanja W.W.* (2000). Lake Victoria Region: Large lakes and their surrounding minor water bodies as a natural laboratory for adaptive ecology, speciation and evolution of fish species. Ohio Journal of Science 100 (1): A44.
- Mwanja W. (2000). Genetic status of selected fish taxa in relation to conservation of genetic and species diversity in the Victoria and Kyoga Lake basins. In Ogutu-Ohwayo, R. and Ndawula L, The Biodiversity of Lake Victoria: its conservation and sustainable use. National Fisheries Resources Research Institute. Available online at: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/35213
- Mwanja W*., Fuerst P.A. and Kaufman L. (1999). Lake Victoria Region: large lakes and their surrounding minor water bodies as natural laboratories for speciation and evolution. International Lakes in Crisis. North American Lake Management Society, Lakeline, 19(2), 12-24.
- Mwanja, W*.; Chandler, M; Kaufman, L; Fuerst, A.P. 1995. (Abstract) Population structure and hybridization in fish: Lake Victoria Tilapia studied with Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Ohio Journal of Science, 95 (2).
- Mwanja, W.* and Kaufman, L. (1995). A note on recent advances in genetic characterization of tilapia stocks in Lake Victoria Region. African Journal of Tropical. Hydrobiology of Fishes 6, 51-5.
- Balirwa J., Sekiranda S., Okello W., Aanyu M. and Mwanja W. W. (submitted) Fisheries Ecosystem. In, Y. Baguma (Ed.). National Agricutlural Research Organization for the last 50 years since independence. Fountain Publishers, Kampala, Uganda.
- Fioravanti M.L., Florio D., Gustinelli A.1, Caffara M., Turci F., Konecny R., Nikowitz T., Wathuta E.M.4, Magana A., Otachi E.O., Matolla G.K., Warugu H.W., Liti D.5, Mbaluka R., Thiga B., Munguti J., Akoll P., Mwanja W.*, Kassahun D., & Tadesse Z. (2009). In Drexler S.S. and Waidbacher H. (Eds.) Book of Abstracts (Final Conference; Machakos, Kenya; 2nd to 4th September 2009), Universität f. Bodenkultur Universitätsbibliothek, ISBN-Number: 978-3-900962-84-5. Available at: http://bomosa.oeaw.ac.at/mains/book_of_abstracts_vers2.pdf
- Akoll P., Konecny R., Fioravanti ML., Mwanja W. W*., Mwanja M.W., and Schiemer F. (2009). Risk evaluation of parasite transmission to caged fish in Uganda. In Drexler S.S. and Waidbacher H. (Eds.) Book of Abstracts (Final Conference; Machakos, Kenya; 2nd to 4th September 2009), Universität f. Bodenkultur Universitätsbibliothek, ISBN-Number: 978-3-900962-84-5. Available at: http://bomosa.oeaw.ac.at/mains/book_of_abstracts_vers2.pdf.
- Tadesse Z., Fioravanti M.L., Mwanja W.W., and Wathuta E.M. (2009) Overview of the legal and regulatory framework for inland aquaculture up scaling in Eastern Africa. In Drexler S.S. and Waidbacher H. (Eds.) Book of Abstracts (Final Conference; Machakos, Kenya; 2nd to 4th September 2009), Universität f. Bodenkultur Universitätsbibliothek, ISBN-Number: 978-3-900962-84-5. Available at: http://bomosa.oeaw.ac.at/mains/book_of_abstracts_vers2.pdf
- Mwanja M.T., Mwanja W.W., Munguti J.M. and Bende A. (2009). Analyses of Potential Fish Feed Ingredients and Formulation Low Cost High Nutritional Value Feed for Low Volume High Density BOMOSA cage Culture of Nile tilapia based in ponds, reservoirs and temporary water bodies for rural fish production, Uganda. In Drexler S.S. and Waidbacher H. (Eds.) Book of Abstracts (Final Conference; Machakos, Kenya; 2nd to 4th September 2009), Universität f. Bodenkultur Universitätsbibliothek, ISBN-Number: 978-3-900962-84-5. Available at: http://bomosa.oeaw.ac.at/mains/book_of_abstracts_vers2.pdf
- Bende A.J., Mwanja T.M. & Mwanja W.W. (2009). Cultural influences on fish eating as barriers to the adoption of appropriate technologies for farmed fish production in a pastoral corridor in Uganda: the case of BOMOSA cage fish farming project introduction in Nakasongola district. In Drexler S.S. and Waidbacher H. (Eds.) Book of Abstracts (Final Conference; Machakos, Kenya; 2nd to 4th September 2009), Universität f. Bodenkultur Universitätsbibliothek, ISBN-Number: 978-3-900962-84-5. Available at: http://bomosa.oeaw.ac.at/mains/book_of_abstracts_vers2.pdf
- Mwanja W.W.*, Akol A., Abubaker L., Mwanja M., Msuku S.B., Bugenyi F. A. Bende and M Banga-Mwanja (2008). Socioeconomics Aspects of Rural Aquaculture Practice in Lake Victoria Basin Wetlands, East Africa. In (Ed.) ‘African Fishes and Fisheries Diversity and Utilization’. Book of Abstracts, The Department of Biology, The Ethiopian Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Association, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, pp190
- Kapuscinski J., Hard J., Neira R., Paulson K., Ponniah A., Kamonrat W., Mwanja W*, Fleming I. (2007). Approaches to Assessing Gene Flow. In (ed.) Kapuscinski, A.R., K.R. Hayes, S. Li and G. Dana (eds). (E. M. Hallerman and P.J. Schei, series editors). 2007. Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Vol 3: Methodologies for Transgenic Fish. CABI Publishers. 310 pp.
- Mwanja, W.W. (2007). Freshwater fish seed resources in Uganda, East Africa, pp. 461-476. In:Bondad-Reantaso, M.G. (ed.). Assessment of freshwater fish seed resources for sustainable aquaculture. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 501. Rome, FAO. 628 pp.
- Mushi V.E, Oenga D.N and Mwanja W.W*. (2005). Meeting the increasing fish demand through development of aquaculture in the Lake Victoria Basin. In: LVFO 2005. The state of the Fisheries Resources of Lake Victoria and Their Management: Proceedings of the Entebbe Regional Stakeholders’ Conference. 24-25 February 2005, Entebbe Uganda, pp 159-165.
- Mwanja W.W*., Fuerst P.A. and Kaufman L. (2005). Opportunities and challenges to conserve genetic diversity of the fish resources of the Lake Victoria Region, East Africa. In LFVO 2005: Proceedings of Lake Victoria 2000 A new Beginning Conference, 15-19 May 2000, Jinja Uganda. ISBN: 9970-713-11-1, pp 212-220.
- Mwanja W.W*., Mwanja M.T., Mbahinzireki G. and Fuerst A.P. (2005). The need for genetic studies in enhancing the fishery status of native tilapiines in Lake Victoria Region (East Africa). In LFVO 2005: Proceedings of Lake Victoria 2000 A new Beginning Conference, 15-19 May 2000, Jinja Uganda. ISBN: 9970-713-11-1, pp 212-220.
- Mwanja, W.W., Mwanja, M. T., Mbahinzireki, G. & Fuerst, A.P. (2005). The Need For Genetic Studies In Enhancing the fishery status of native tilapiines in Lake Victoria Region (East Africa). In LVFO 2005: Proceedings of Lake Victoria 2000, a New Beginning Conference, 15-19 May 2000, Jinja Uganda. ISN: 9970-713-11-1, Pp 212-220.
- Mwanja W.W*. (2001). Genetic viability of Nabugabo lakes (Lake Victoria Satellite lakes) fish species. In ‘A compilation of Scientific Information on Nabugabo Ramsar Site, Uganda. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference held at Nabugabo in January 2001’ by H. Busulwa, P.G. Mafabi, & L.M. Ndawula, JOSU Links (U) Ltd., Kampala, Uganda. Available online at: http://aquaticcommons.org/20706/1/mwanja.pdf
- Mwanja W.W*., Booton C.C., Kaufman L., Chandler M. and Fuerst P. (2004). Population and stock characterisation of Lake Victoria tilapiine based on RAPD markers. In Edward M. Donaldson & Don D. Mackinley (eds.) Aquaculture Biotechnology Symposia Proceedings. American Fisheries Society, 115 -124.
- Mwanja W.W*. and Fuerst P*, 2003. How issues of genetic diversity affect management of African inland water fisheries: the example of Lake Victoria Region. In T.L. Crisman, L. Chapman, C.A. Chapman, & L. Kaufman (eds.), Conservation of Aquatic Biodiversity of Africa, pp 288-300.University Press of Florida Press, Gainesville, Florida.
- Mwanja, W.W*. (2000). Genetic Biodiversity and Evolution Two Principal Fisheries Species Groups, the Labeine and Tilapiine of Lake Victoria Region, East Africa. Thesis of Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio, USA.
- Fuerst P.A., Mwanja W.W*. and Kaufman L. (2000). The genetic history of the introduced Nile tilapia of Lake Victoria (Uganda, East Africa): The population structure of Oreochromis niloticus (Pisces: Cichlidae) revealed by DNA microsatellite markers. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture (ISTA V) Brazil.
- Mwanja W.*, Bugenyi F. and Kaufman L. (1997). Genetic characterization of tilapiine stocks in the Lake Victoria Region, p33-34. In R.S.V. Pullin, C.M.V. Casal, E.K. Abban, and T.M. Falk (eds) Characterization of Ghanaian tilapia genetic resources for use in fisheries and aquaculture. ICLARM conf. Proc. 52, 58p.
- Fuerst A.P., Mwanja W.*, Kaufman L. and Booton G.C.(1997). Genetic phylogeography of introduced Oreochromis niloticus (Pisces: Cichlidae) in Uganda. Tilapia Aquaculture, In (NREAS 106) Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture (ISTA IV), National Research and Engineering Service, Ithaca - New York, 1, 87-96.
- Mwanja Waiswa Wilson (1992). Resource utilization and trophic interactions among 0+ fishes of the Regelsbrunn back water of the river Danube (Austria). Thesis for Postgraduate Certificate in Limnology, Mondsee, Austria.
- Negroni G. and Mwanja W.W. (2016). Training for regulatory authorities, businesses and communities of the ARSO Members from EAC and SADC on Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks: Towards a better management of risks. ACP-EU Technical Barriers to Trade Project www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trade/wp6/.../Annex6-CountryReport_Uganda.doc
- Mwanja W.W. (2014). Assessment of fisheries and aquaculture contribution to the Agriculture sector led growth agenda in Malawi. Researchgate:DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15164.23680
- Mwanja W.W. and Nyandat B. (2013). Challenges and issues facing small-scale producers: perspectives from Eastern Africa, pp. xx-xx. In Bondad-Reantaso, M.G. and Subsinghe, R.P. (eds.), Enhancing the contribution of small-scale aquaculture to food security, poverty alleviation and socio-economic development: report and proceedings of an expert workshop. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical paper, No, 572, Rome, FAO, 2013, xxp.
- Mudnakudu C. Nandeesha, Matthias Halwart, Ruth García Gómez, Carlos Alfonso Alvarez, Tunde Atanda, Ram Bhujel, R. Bosma, N.A. Giri, Christine M. Hahn, David Little, Pedro Luna, Gabriel Márquez, R. Ramakrishna, Melba Reantaso, N.R. Umesh, Humberto Villareal, Mwanja Wilson* and Derun Yuan. (2012). Supporting farmer innovations, recognizing indigenous knowledge and disseminating success stories. Expert Panel Review 6.4. In Farming the Waters for People and Food. R. P. Subasinghe, J. R. Arthur, D. M. Bartley, S. S. De Silva, M. Halwart, N. Hishamunda, C. V. Mohan & P. Sorgeloos.Proceedings of the Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
- Mwanja W.W.*, Signa D. and Eshete D. (2011). Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector Review for Eastern Africa. SFE Technical Document Series, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Subregional Office for Eastern Africa - Addis Ababa.
- Waiswa Wilson MWANJA (2017). Effectiveness and efficiency of fertilizer use in Rwanda. Produced for MINAGRI, REMA, UNEP and UNDP.
- Waiswa Wilson MWANJA (2015). Social Assessment Report: Development of Urban Infrastructure in six Secondary Cities of Rubavu, Rusizi, Musanze, Muhanga, Huye and Nyagatare of Rwanda, and the City of Kigali. Produced for MINAFRI, LODA and World Bank, Kigali Rwanda.
- Waiswa Wilson MWANAJ (2015). Environment Management Framework: Development of Urban Infrastructure in six Secondary Cities of Rubavu, Rusizi, Musanze, Muhanga, Huye and Nyagatare of Rwanda, and the City of Kigali. Produced for MINAFRI, LODA and World Bank, Kigali Rwanda.
- Waiswa Wilson MWANJA (2015). Resettlement Policy Framework: Development of Urban Infrastructure in six Secondary Cities of Rubavu, Rusizi, Musanze, Muhanga, Huye and Nyagatare of Rwanda, and the City of Kigali. Produced for MINAFRI, LODA and World Bank, Kigali Rwanda.
- Waiswa Wilson MWANJA (2015). Environmental Assessment Study on Coffee Washing Stations & designing of a modal Wastewater Treatment System. Rwanda Environmental Management Authority, Kigali Rwanda. Produced for NAEB, Kigali, Rwanda
- Waiswa Wilson MWANJA (2015). Final Report on the Consultancy Services for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the proposed construction of a pier at the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI), Jinja of NARO, and construction and refurbishment of offices, laboratories, conference halls and residential buildings for World Bank and Uganda National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO): Reference No.:.NARO/SRVCS/14-15/033 part of the Agricultural Technology & Agribusiness Advisory Services Project CR. NO 47690, Project ID NO. P109224
- Waiswa Wilson Mwanja (2014). Sector specific guidelines for Environmental Monitoring and Audit for Agricultural Projects. Produced for Rwanda Environmental Management Authority, Kigali, Rwanda.
- Mugabira, M., Borel, P., & Wilson Mwanja, D. (2013). National Investment Policy for Aquaculture Parks in Uganda. Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Entebbe, Uganda.
- June 2013: Impact of fertilizer use Rwanda: Rweru-Mugesera Lakes-Wetlands Complex. Produced for Rwanda Environmental Management Authority, Kigali Rwanda.
- Mwanja W.W. (2009). Republic of Uganda National Aquatic Animal Biosecurity Capacity. In Melba B. Reantas, Rohana P. Subasinghe and Ramesh Perera (eds.), Report of the FAO Workshop on the Development of an Aquatic Biosecurity Framework for Southern Africa. Lilongwe, Malawi, 22–24 April 2008. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report. No. 906. Rome, FAO. 2009. 55p. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 906 FIMA/R906. ISSN 2070-6987.
- Mwanja W.W. Cultural influences on fish eating as barriers to adoption of appropriate technologies for farmed fish production in a pastoral corridor in Uganda: the case of BOMOSA cage fish farming projects introduction in Nakasongola district
- Mwanja W.W.*, Akol A., Abubaker L., Mwanja M., Msuku S.B., Bugenyi F. and Banga M ( 2008). Toward a social economically suitable model for rural aquaculture in Lake Victoria Wetlands, pp 347. In E. Tielkes (ed), Competition for Resources in a Changing World New Drive for Rural Development. Cuvillier Verlag 647pp.
- Bende A.J. and Mwanja W*. (2008). Assessing the Relevance of Market Skills in Community Development and Household Progress in Rural Poor Communities: A Case Study of Kasolwe and Ndorwa Rural Communities in Kamuli District, Eastern Uganda. Tropentag 2008. http://www.tropentag.de/2008/abstracts/full/198.pdf
- Mwanja, W.W. (2006). National Aquaculture Sector Overview (NASO) of Uganda. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Website www.fao.org/fishery/countrysector/naso_uganda/en
- Mwanja W*., Olok S., Mulonda Kalende B., Brugere C., and Moehl. J. (2005). Small-scale for profit hatcheries as catalyst for aquaculture development in Eastern Uganda and models for successful South to South cooperation. FAO Newletter (FAN) No. 33.
- FAO (2004). FAO Regional Technical Expert Workshop on Cage Aquaculture in Africa. FAO Fisheries Proceedings 6; October 20 – 24, 2004, Entebbe Uganda. Available online at: http://www.fao.org/3/a-a0833e.pdf.
- Mwanja, W*. and P. A. Fuerst. 1995. Conservation and development of Lake Victoria Fishery: biodiversity and genetics. Proceedings of ARTP Symposium on Ugandan Agricultural Research, p. 7.
- Eshete DEJEN and Waiswa Wilson MWANJA*(2020). Fisheries as an alternative livelihood option for resilience building in ASALs. The Horn of Africa and Sahel Virtual Knowledge Share Fair, by IGAD and FAO, September 2020.
- Mwanja Waiswa Wilson (2019). Integrated Fisheries Management for Three Transboundary Rivers in IGAD for the Period 2021 to 2031. IGAD Regional Workshop for Adoption of the Draft Fisheries Integrated Plans by IGAD Member States of Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and South Sudan, Bishoftu, Ethiopia.
- Mwanja Waiswa Wilson (2016). Domestication and aquaculture technologies development as a means of conservation of the critically endangered Singida tilapia (Oreochromis esculentus) of Uganda. Joint Agricultural Scientific Conference by NARO and Makerere University Kampala, at Munyonyo Speak Hotel Kampala.
- Mwanja Waiswa Wilson (2012). Collapse and ways for resuscitation of the Ngege, Oreochromis esculentus, fisheries in Lake Victoria Region. National Agricultural Research Organization Scientific Conference, Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe Uganda.
- Mwanja Waiswa Wilson (2011). National Fisheries Sector Overview. National Stakeholders Consultation and Fisheries Research Needs Assessment. The National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI), Jinja Uganda.. Available at: http://www.firi.go.ug/presentations/national fishery overview wilson mwanja.pdf
- Mwanja W.W. (2009). Republic of Uganda National Aquatic Animal Biosecurity Capacity. In M.B. Reantaso and R.P Subasinghe, FAO Workshop on the Development of an Aquatic Biosecurity Framework for Southern Africa Lilongwe, Malawi, 22–24 April 2008. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 906, FIMA/R906 (En).
- Preliminary results of analysis of the population structure of the Nile perch (Lates niloticus Linnaeus, 1758) of Lake Victoria using microsatellite markers: 4th International Conference of the Pan African Fish and Fisheries Association (PAFFA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2008.
- Toward a social economically suitable model for rural aquaculture in Lake Victoria Wetlands. Presentation at the International Conference of Re-circulating Aquaculture (ICRA) and the Issues Forum of the Aquaculture Engineering Society, Roanoke Virginia, USA 2008
- Changed Tilapiine Fishery of Lake Victoria Region. Presentation at the GLOW V: Aquatic Systems Management and Health Society, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2008
- Large lakes and their surrounding minor water bodies as a natural laboratory for speciation and evolutionary biology. Presentation at the GLOW V: Aquatic Systems Management and Health Society, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2008
- Status and Impact of Rural Aquaculture on Lake Victoria Basin Wetlands. Presentation at the 7th Conference for the Aquaculture Association of South Africa, held at Grahamstown South Africa 2005
- Wilson Waiswa Mwanja, Anne Akol, Matthew Mwanja, Laila Abubaker, Scot Batman Msuku, and Fred Bugenyi. 2004. Systems Design and Development of Guidelines for Sustainable, and Environmentally Responsible Profitable wetlands-based small-scale aquaculture. Annual General Meeting, VicRes Programme, East African Inter University Council
- Paul A. Fuerst, Wilson W. Mwanja* and Les Kaufman. 2000. The opportunities and challenges to conservation of genetic biodiversity of the fishery of the Lake Victoria Region, East Africa. Lake Victoria 2000, Jinja Uganda.
- Wilson W. Mwanja*, Audrey S. Armoudlian, Lizhao Wu, Silvester B. Wandera, Gregory C. Booton, Les Kaufman and Paul A. Fuerst. 1999. The Bounty of minor lakes: the role of small satellite water bodies in evolution and conservation of fishes. International Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Tropical Waters, Naivasha Kenya.
- Wilson W. Mwanja*, Audrey S. Armoudlian, Lizhao Wu, Silvester B. Wandera, Gregory C. Booton, Les Kaufman and Paul A. Fuerst.1998. Ecological and Evolutionary Changes of Fish species in the Lake Victoria Region and Lake Edward - Albert System: the role of minor satellite water bodies. Symposium on African Great Lakes. International Association of Great Lakes Research conference, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.
- Paul A. Fuerst, Wilson W. Mwanja*, Lizhao Wu, Gregory C. Booton, Les Kaufman. (1998). Use of DNA Microsatellite Markers to Study Genetic Diversity in the Species of the Genus Oreochromis from Lake Victoria Region. International Conference on Tropical Fishes, Southampton, UK.
- Wilson W. Mwanja*, Les Kaufman, Paul A. Fuerst. 1998. Genetic characterization of populations ningu, Labeo victorianus, and two other species of East African Labeo (Pisces: Cyprinidae) International Conference on Tropical Fishes, Southampton, UK.
- Paul A. Fuerst, Wilson W. Mwanja*, Gregory C. Booton, Ioannis Batjakas. Les Kaufman.1998. Of Lake Victoria Region Tilapiines: the displaced and isolated; shrunk and native; the restricted and exotic; and the expanded and introduced., FISA/PARADI African Fish and Fisheries: Utilisation and Diversity conference, JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa.
- How issues of genetic diversity affect management of African inland water fisheries: the example of the Lake Victoria Region. Carter Lecture Series on Conservation of Aquatic Biodiversity of Africa, University of Florida Gainsville. 1999
- Challenges of Social and Ecological Sustainability in Africa. The MacArthur Interdisciplinary Program on Peace and International Cooperation and Rockefeller Foundation. 1997.
- Conservation and Development of the Lake Victoria Fishery Agriculture Research Training Program - Research Program Symposium, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY , USA. 1995.
- Conservation Genetics of Lake Victoria Cichlids. Fisheries Research Institute, Jinja, Uganda. 1994.
- Associate Professor, Aquatic Sciences
Building resilience to climate change ,Aquatic resources ,Blue growth Bblue economy resources Rural aquaculture development, Maritime education and training, Environmental management , and conservation, Fisheries Aquatic resources. Aquaculture development, and Fisheries management communities.