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Ph.D., Microbiology & Immunology, Makerere University
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Dr. Jacob is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Busitema University. He is a research scientist with extensive knowledge in qualitative and quantitative methodologies. He has mentored a large number of undergraduate and postgraduate students in microbiology, infectious diseases, and public health to date. His research interests include infectious disease epidemiology, molecular epidemiology of multi-drug resistant bacteria and other pathogens of public health concern, and an antimicrobial resistance one-health approach. He has written aand co-written more than 40 scientific articles.
Publications and Papers
- Nakawuki, A. W., Nekaka, R., Ssenyonga, L., Masifa, G., Nuwasiima, D., Nteziyaremye, J., & Iramiot, J. S. (2022). Bacterial colonization, species diversity and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of indwelling urinary catheters from postpartum mothers attending a Tertiary Hospital in Eastern Uganda. PloS one, 17(1), e0262414.
- David, O., Stanley, I. J., Enid, K. K., Rebecca, N., Veronica, K., Drake, M., Alfred, O., Janet, N., & Emmanuel, A. (2021). Infectious Waste Management in the Face of COVID 19 in a Rural Health Facility in Eastern Uganda. Asian Journal of Medicine and Health, 19(3), 22-36.
- Rebecca Nekaka, Paul Oboth, Julius Nteziyaremye, Yahaya Gavamukulya, Lydia VN Ssenyonga and Jacob Stanley Iramiot. Sero-Prevalence and Factors Associated with Helicobacter pylori Infection in a Rural Population in Eastern Uganda: A Community Cross-sectional Study. Primary Health Care: Open Access 2021, Vol.11, Issue 4, 378.
- Abdishakur E. Warsame1, Jamilu E. Ssenku, Joseph L. Mpagi, Stanley J. Iramiot, Shaban A. Okurut, Ali Kudamba, Mujibu Nkambo, Aidah Namuli, Joweria Nakizito, George Gidudu, Hawa Nabuuma, Hussein M. Kafeero, Sarah Nachuha and Abdul Walusansa. The Malaria Poverty Dilemma in Peri Urban University Communities in Eastern Uganda. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research 33(10): 1-23, 2021; Article no.JAMMR.67472 ISSN: 2456-8899 (Past name: British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, Past ISSN: 2231-0614, NLM ID: 101570965).
- Abdul Walusansa, Jacob S. Iramiot, Joseph L. Mpagi, Ali Kudamba, Shaban A. Okurut, Aidah Namuli, Godfrey Wasige, Hawa Nabuuma, Hussein M. Kafeero1, Muhammad Lubowa and Jamilu E. Ssenku. COVID-19 in the Eyes of Community Leaders in Selected Rural Districts in Eastern Uganda. Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 23(4): 20-37, 2021; Article no. JAMPS.67470 ISSN: 2394- 1111.
- Enid Kawala Kagoya, Kathleen Van Royen, Paul Waako Paul VanRoyen, Jacob Stanley Iramiot, Samuel Baker Obakiro, Tomislav Kostyanev, Sibyl Anthierens. Experiences and views of healthcare professionals on the prescription of antibiotics in Eastern Uganda. A qualitative study. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance.
- Baker Obakiro Kenedy Kiyimba, George Paasi, Agnes Napyo Sibyl Anthierens, Paul Waako, Paul Van Royen, Jacob Stanley Iramiot, Herman Goossens, Tomislav Kostyanev. Prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria among patients in two tertiary hospitals in Eastern Uganda. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance.
- Walusansa, A., Asiimwe, S., Kafeero, Hussein, Iramiot. J. Stanley, Jamilu. E. Ssenku, Jesca. L. Nakavuma & Esezah. K. Kakudidi. Prevalence and dynamics of clinically significant bacterial contaminants in herbal medicines sold in East Africa from 2000 to 2020: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Trop Med Health 49, 10 (2021).
- Madut Akech G, Naloli M, Sebwami P, Patrick Kazibwe, Maureen Atwikiriize, Julius Onyait, Paul Oboth, Julius Nteziyaremye, Rebecca Nekaka1, Jacob Stanley Iramiot .Pneumococcal carriage and antibiotic susceptibility patterns in mother-baby pairs in a rural community in Eastern Uganda: a cross-sectional study F1000Research 2020, 9:1156
- Iramiot, J.S., Kajumbula, H., Bazira, J. et al. Antimicrobial resistance at the human animal interface in the Pastoralist Communities of Kasese District, South Western Uganda. Sci Rep 10, 14737 (2020).
- Nekaka R, Nteziyaremye J, Oboth P, Iramiot JS, Wandabwa J (2020) Malaria preventive practices and delivery outcomes: A cross-sectional study of parturient women in a tertiary hospital in Eastern Uganda. PLOS ONE 15(8): e0237407.
- Isaac Waniala, Sandra Nakiseka, Winnie Nambi, Isaac Naminya, Margret Osuban Ajeni, Jacob Iramiot, Rebecca Nekaka, and Julius Nteziyaremye. Prevalence, Indications, and Community Perceptions of Caesarean Section Delivery in Ngora District, Eastern Uganda: Mixed Method Study. Hindawi Obstetrics and Gynecology International. Volume 2020 |Article ID 5036260 | 11 pages |
- Abdul Walusansa, Jacob. S. Iramiot, Christine F. Najjuka1, Dickson Aruhomukama, Hussein Kafeero Mukasa, Henry Kajumbula and Benon. B. Asiimwe. High Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistant Escherichia coli Serotype O157: H7 among Pastoral Communities in Rural Uganda. Microbiology Research Journal International 30(6): 36-43, 2020; Article no. MRJI.58494ISSN: 2456-7043 (Past name: British Microbiology Research Journal, Past ISSN: 2231-0886, NLM ID: 101608140)
- Iramiot JS, Kajumbula H, Bazira J, de Villiers EP, Asiimwe BB (2020) Whole genome sequences of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli isolated in a Pastoralist Community of Western Uganda: Phylogenomic changes, virulence and resistant genes. PLOS ONE 15(5): e0231852.
- Nteziyaremye J, Iramiot SJ, Nekaka R, Musaba MW, Wandabwa J, et al. (2020) Asymptomatic bacteriuria among pregnant women attending antenatal care at Mbale Hospital, Eastern Uganda. PLOS ONE 15(3): e0230523.
- Chepkwurui Joyce, Lydia V.N. Ssenyonga, Jacob Stanley Iramiot. Breast self examination among female clients in a tertiary hospital in Eastern Uganda. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 12, 2020, 100186
- Guma Isaac, Emuron John Robert, Namugambe Swabrah, Nabirye Gloria, Philip Denis Okungura, Paul Oboth*, Jacob S. Iramiot and Rebecca Nekaka. Community- based Active Tuberculosis Case Finding in Pastoralist Communities of North-Eastern Uganda. Microbiology Research Journal International 29(3): 1-10, 2019; Article no. MRJI.52212 ISSN: 2456-7043 (Past name: British Microbiology Research Journal, Past ISSN: 2231- 0886, NLM ID: 101608140)
- Iramiot, J.S., Rwego, I.B., Kansiime, C. and Benon B. Asiimwe. Epidemiology and antibiotic susceptibility of Vibrio cholerae associated with the 2017 outbreak in Kasese district, Uganda. BMC Public Health 19, 1405 (2019) doi:10.1186/s12889-019-7798-6
- Watsemwa Juliet Jane, Jacob Stanley Iramiot* and John Bosco Kalule. Prevalence and Antifungal Susceptibility patterns of Candida Isolated on CHROMagarTM Candida at a Tertiary Referral Hospital, Eastern Uganda. Microbiology Research Journal International. 28(6): 1-6, 2019; Article no. MRJI.51597 ISSN: 2456-7043 (Past name: British Microbiology Research Journal, Past ISSN: 2231-0886, NLM ID: 101608140)
- Atuheirwe Maxine* and Jacob Stanley Iramiot. Antibacterial Activity of Locally Prepared Herbal Cough Extracts against Klebsiella pneumoniae and Streptococcus pneumoniae. International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review 26(2): 1-9, 2019; Article no. IJBCRR.49559ISSN: 2231-086X, NLM ID: 101654445
- Bakandonda Fredrick, Muwanguzi Shadrack, Nakate Prossy, Opolot Ismail, Imongit Sam, Nnakanwagi Mariam Mirembe, Nteziyaremye Julius, Rebecca Nekaka1 and Iramiot Jacob Stanley*. Asymptomatic Bacteriuria and Candida Colonization among Pregnant Women in a District Hospital in Eastern Uganda. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research 29(10): 1-10, 2019; Article no. JAMMR.49292 ISSN: 2456-8899
- Waako Christopher Knox, Kateregga Elvis, Lulenzi Jalia, Nakhokho Ephraim, Oloka Emmanuel, Tebagerwa Annet, Ibilat Gorett, Rebecca Nekaka1 and Iramiot Jacob Stanley*. The Role of Hospital Surfaces and Theatre Environment in Transmission of Nosocomial Infections in a Rural District Hospital in Eastern Uganda. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research 27(10): 1-13, 2018; Article no. JAMMR.44101 ISSN: 2456-8899
- Herbert Itabangi*, Victoria Katawera, Victoria Nyaitera, Jacob Stanley Iramiot, Martha Nakaye, Bashir Mwambi, James Mukasa Kiguli, Joel Bazira and Fredrick Byarugaba. Otomycosis among Patients Presenting with Ear Discharges at a Tertiary Hospital in South Western Uganda. International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health 32(2): 1-9, 2018; Article no. IJTDH.44070 ISSN: 2278–1005, NLM ID: 101632866
- Iramiot Jacob Stanley*, Henry Kajumbula, Joel Bazira, Catherine Kansiime, Innocent B. Rwego, Benon B. Asiimwe (2018). Multidrug resistance among Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae carried in the gut of out-patients from pastoralist communities of Kasese district, Uganda. PLoS ONE 13(7): e0200093.
- Ssegawa Lawrence, Kasuka Iga Arafat, Angeyo Grace Samantha, Mudebo Emmanuel, Nakhabala Moses, Linda Kyomuhendo Jovia1, Nabongho Aaron Kenneth, Ahimbisibwe Joseph, Ibilat Gorret, Rebecca Nekaka and Iramiot Jacob Stanley*. A Retrospective Study on the Prevalence and Health Worker’s Perspective on Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Ngora District, Eastern Uganda. Microbiology Research Journal International. 24(3): 1-11, 2018; Article no. MRJI.42575 ISSN: 2456-7043
- Masifa George, Jacob Stanley Iramiot, Rita Muhindo, Peter Olupot-Olupot and Ann Nanteza. Bacterial Aetiology and Antibiotic Susceptibility Profile of Post-Operative Sepsis among Surgical Patients in a Tertiary Hospital in Rural Eastern Uganda. Microbiology Research Journal International 24(2): 1-8, 2018; Article no. MRJI.41690 ISSN: 2456-7043
- Ahebwa Amelia, Akol Walter, Achong Emmanuel, Mugerwa Timothy, Nakayenga Aminah, Omega Phillip, Rebecca Nekaka and Iramiot Jacob Stanley*. Awareness of Antimicrobial Resistance among Primary Health Care Workers in Buyende District, Rural Eastern Uganda. Microbiology Research Journal International 22(5): 1-11, 2017; Article no. MRJI.38832 ISSN: 2456-7043 (Past name: British Microbiology Research Journal, Past ISSN: 2231-0886, NLM ID: 101608140)
- Ivan Mugisha Taremwa, Lucas Ampaire, Jacob Iramiot, Obed Muhwezi, Aloysius Matte, Herbert Itabangi, Hope Mbabazi, Jeninah Atwebembeire, Monicah Kamwine, Victoria Katawera, Yona Mbalibulha, Patrick Orikiriza, Yap Boum II. Assessment of three medical and research laboratories using WHO AFRO_SLIPTA Quality Standards in Southwestern Uganda: a long way to go. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2017; 28:129.
- Monicah Kamwine, Patrick Orikiriza, Kabanda Taseera, Jacob Stanley Iramiot, Patrick Ojuka, Steven Ikiriza, Jeninah Atwebembeire, Duncan Otieno, Silver Tweshengyereze, Juliet Mwanga-Amumpaire, Joel Bazira and Yap Boum II. Prevalence of antibodies to Brucella species in commercial raw bovine milk in Southwestern Uganda. BMC Res Notes (2017) 10:215
- Tushabe John Vianney, Katuura Esther and Iramiot J. Stanley*. Bacterial and Fungal Contaminants in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Cultures at National Tuberculosis Referral Laboratory-Kampala. Microbiology Research Journal International 19(5): 1-8, 2017; Article no. MRJI.32801 ISSN: 2231-0886, NLM ID: 101608140 SCIENCEDOMAIN international.
- Annet Guwo, Rebecca Nekaka, Paul Oboth, Julius Nteziyaremye and Jacob S Iramiot*. Cryptosporidiosis among People Living with HIV/AIDS on Highly Active Anti Retroviral Therapy (HAART) at Mukono Church of Uganda Hospital, Uganda. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2016) Volume 30, No 1, pp 47-56
- Joel Walugembe, Jacob S. Iramiot and Esther Katuura. Indigenous knowledge and antibacterial activity of selected herbs used locally to treat common cold in Central Uganda. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. Vol. 10(31), pp. 520-528, 17 August, 2016
- Nambafu Joan, Musisi John Stephen, Mwambi Bashir, James Kiguli, Patrick Orikiriza, Joel Bazira, Herbert Itabangi and Iramiot J. Stanley* (2015) Prevalence and Economic Impact of Bovine Fasciolosis at Kampala City Abattoir, Central Uganda. British Microbiology Research Journal 7(3): 109-117, 2015, Article no. BMRJ.2015.101
- Iramiot J. Stanley*, Freddie Bwanga, Herbert Itabangi, Martha Nakaye, Mwambi Bashir and Joel Bazira. Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns of Clinical Isolates of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Western Uganda. British Microbiology Research Journal. 2014; 4(10): 1168-1177.
- Joel Bazira*, Yap Boum II, Joseph Sempa, Jacobs Iramiot, Deborah Nanjebe, Nelson Sewankambo and Damalie Nakanjako. Trends in Antimicrobial Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Clinical Samples at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital in Rural Uganda. British Microbiology Research Journal. 2014; 4(10): 1084- 1091.
- Bashir Mwambi*, Jacob Iramiot, Freddie Bwanga Marthae Nakaye, Herbert Itabangi and Joel Bazira Clindamycin Resistance among Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital, in South Western Uganda. British Microbiology Research Journal. 2014; 4(12)
- Nakaye, M., Bwanga, F., Itabangi, H., Stanley, I. J., Bashir, M., & Bazira, J. (2014). AmpC-BETA Lactamases among Enterobacteriaceae Isolated at a Tertiary Hospital, South Western Uganda. British Biotechnology Journal, 4(9), 1026–1036.
Professional Appointments
Research Focus
- Infectious diseases
- Epidemiology
- Molecular epidemiology of multi-drug resistant Bacteria
- Public health
- Antimicrobial resistance
Courses Taught
Staff Type
Academic Staff