Dr. John Wasige holds a Ph.D. in Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Health Monitoring sciences . His practice areas cover agriculture and rural development, Global change and food security,Land and water, Health monitoring for food security, Organic agriculture, climate smart agriculture, agricultural and pastoral production, early warning systems, biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource use, development communication, digital development and E-Governance, education and skill development, international environmental policy,project evaluation and proposal development as well as Project Management. He has a strong expertise in cross-sectorial approaches such as ecosystem and landscape approaches and relations between ecosystem services and human well-being. He is a principal international consultant guiding the implementation and delivery of global change, Agricultural and environmental outcomes for major corporates and the public sector, with multilateral institutions (UNCCD, UNDP GEF, GCF, FAO, and EU)and USAID).
Dr. Wasige has experience in global and national capacity building in Environmental monitoring through delivering and moderating in; workshops, webinars and zoom meetings. He has just concluded a lead consultancy assignment for the ministry of agriculture in Uganda (MAAIF) and UN-FAO, where he developed Long-Term Agriculture Strategies (LTS) under future climate change and as a contribution to updating Nationally Determined Contributions commitments to the Paris agreement. He has strong managerial competency with experience in Results Based Management to organizational goals, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation and fostering regular discussion of performance and provision of feedback and coaching to staff. He is mature and confident in dealing with senior and high ranking members of national and international institutions. He has a strong record of English writing, video documentation skills, communication skills and publication based on independent thinking. His vision is to create a thriving planet for all living beings for generations to come.
His ultimate goal is to advance knowledge to Increase Food Production, household Incomes, ecosystem restoration and to achieve a balance between development and sustainable ecosystems.
- Kabirigi, M., F. K. Ngetich, K. K. Mwetu, P. Rushemuka, E. J. Wasige, Vicky M. Ruganzu, and N. L. Nabahungu, 2017. Implications of tillage practices, management of soil surface and fertilizer application on sustainable dryland agriculture: A case study of Eastern Rwanda. African Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 12(31), pp. 2524-2532. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2017.12289
- Sakirat M. Shuaibu, John A. Ogbodo, Ejiet J. Wasige, Sani A. Mashi, 2016. Assessing the impact of agricultural drought on maize prices in Kenya with the approach of the SPOT-VEGETATION NDVI remote sensing. Journal for Food, Agriculture and Society, Vol 4, No 3: 8-18
- Kassim Ssekabira, Twaha Ali Basamba, Simon Peter Okurut, John Wasige, Ann Tumushabe, 2016. Carbon Sequestration for Enhanced Soil Quality in the Lake Victoria Crescent of East Africa. International Journal of Ecological Science and Environmental Engineering, 3(1): 32-36.
- Wasige, E.J., Groen, T.A., Rwamukwaya, M.B., Tumwesigye, W., Smaling, E.M.A., Jetten V., 2014. Contemporary land use/land cover types determine soil organic carbon stocks in south-west Rwanda. Journal of Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 100:19-33. DOI (10.1007/s10705-014- 9623-z)
- Wasige, E. J., Groen, T. A., Smaling, E., Jetten, V., 2013. Monitoring Basin-Scale Land Cover Changes in Kagera Basin of Lake Victoria Using Ancillary Data and Remote Sensing. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 21, 32–42.
- Bamutaze, Y., M. M. Tenywa., M. J. G. Majaliwa., V. Vanacker., F. Bagoora., M. Magunda., J. Obando., and J. E. Wasige., 2010. Infiltration characteristics of volcanic sloping soils on Mt. Elgon, Eastern Uganda. Catena Volume 80, Issue 2: 122-130. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2009.09.006
- Wasige, E.J., Tenywa, M.M., Byalebeka, J.B., Majaliwa, M.J.G., Lufafa, A., 2002. Evaporation measurement and validation of meteorological models. MUARIK bulletin 5, 88-91. ISSN 1563- 3721.
- Wycliffe Tumwesigye, John Wasige, Groen Thomas, 2015. EFFECT OF LAND USE CHANGE AND
- Sliuzas, R.V., Lwasa Shuaib, Jetten, V.G., Petersen, G., Flacke, J., Wasige, E.J. Searching for flood
- risk management strategies in Kampala. In: Planning for resilient cities and regions: proceedings
- of AESOP-ACSP joint congress, 15-19 July 2013, Dublin, Ireland. 10 p
- Wasige, E. J., 2009. Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change and Climate Variability on Crop
- Production in Uganda. END OF PROJECT TECHNICAL REPORT SUBMITTED TO START/ US National Science Foundation
- Wasige, J. E., M.M. Tenywa, and G. Wyseure, 2006. Sensitivity analysis of the P-T model for
- promotion of water harvesting in the banana-coffee farming systems of Uganda. Proceedings of the 23th conference of the Soil Science Society of East Africa. 20th -24th December, HOTEL ROVAD Masaka Uganda
- Musiime, O., M.M Tenywa, M.J.G Majaliwa, A.Lufafa, D.Nanfumba, J.Wasige1, P.L. Woomer2, &M.Kyondha, 2006. Soil moisture stress effect on yield in the rice production systems of Uganda.
- Proceedings of the 23th conference of the Soil Science Society of East Africa. 20th -24th December, HOTEL BROVADMasaka Uganda
- Nanfumba, D., M.M. Tenywa, O. Okui, P.L. Woomer, J.G. Majaliwa, A. Lufafa, O. Musiime and E. J. Wasige, 2006. Identification and characterization of the anopheles mosquito breeding habitats in
- wetland rice systems of Uganda. Proceedings of the 23th conference of the Soil Science Society of East Africa. 20th -24th December, HOTEL BROVADMasaka Uganda
- Nanfumba, D., M.M. Tenywa1, O. Okui, P.L. Woomer, J.G. Majaliwa, A. Lufafa, O. Musiime, M.Kyondha and E. J. Wasige, 2006. Effect of labour loss due to malaria on expected paddy rice yield in Bugiri district, Uganda. Proceedings of the 23th conference of the Soil Science Society of East Africa. 20th -24th December, HOTEL BROVADMasaka Uganda
- Nanfumba, D., Tenywa, M.M., Musiime, O., Majaliwa, M.J.G., Kyonda, M., Okui, O., Woomer, P.L., Wasige, E.J., Lufafa, A. 2005. Evaluation of the spatial prevalence of malaria in paddy rice growing
- systems in Uganda. Proceedings of the 7th African Crop Science Society Conference 5th -9th December Entebbe Uganda
- John A. Ogbodo, Ejiet John Wasige, Sakirat M. Shuaibu, Timothy Dube and Samuel Emeka Anarah,2019. Remote Sensing of Droughts Impacts on Maize Prices Using SPOT-VGT Derived Vegetation Index. In P. Castro et al. (eds.): Climate Change-Resilient Agriculture and Agroforestry, Climate Change Management. Ecosystem Services and Sustainability. Springer Nature Switzerland AG
- Wasige John E.., Michel Kabiligi., Norman Kwikiriza., Robert Mwerera., Jane Bemigisha, TimothyLubanga., Charles Galabuzi., Gerald Eilu., Daniel Nkondola, 2013. Planning Future Adaptation to climate change impacts on Crop yield in the upper catchment of Lake Victoria Basin. CABI book papers (in the press)
- Wasige John E., Michel Kabiligi., Norman Kwikiriza., Robert Mwerera., Jane Bemigisha, TimothyLubanga., Charles Galabuzi., Gerald Eilu., Daniel Nkondola, 2013. Detecting long-term rainfall changes in Kagera basin to support climate change adaptastion policy. CABI book papers (in the press)
- Wasige John E., Michel Kabiligi., Norman Kwikiriza., Robert Mwerera., Jane Bemigisha, Timothy Lubanga., Charles Galabuzi., Gerald Eilu., Daniel Nkondola, 2013. Local perceptions to climate change effects and food security in the upper catchment of lake Victoria basin. CABI book papers (in the press)
- World Agricultural Production
- Food Security and Livelihoods
- Early Warning systems
- Management of spatial-temporal variability in agricultural systems
- Agricultural development in developing countries