Professor Ochwoh is currently at the Faculty of Science and Education, Nagongera Campus. Initially, he was Employed as Assoc. Professor in the Department of Agricultural Mechanization and Irrigation Engineering (Feb. 2014-Feb. 2020) and He also served as a Coordinator of the Directorate of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovations at Busitema University between 2014 – 2018. Professor Ochwoh has worked on Contract as Assoc. Professor in the Department of Agricultural Production, School of Agricultural Sciences, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University. In August, 2006 he was ppointed Associate Professor in the Department of Soil Science, Makerere University. He also headed the department of Soil Science, Makerere University ,between April 2005 and 2nd May 2009 following over 25 years of lecturing in the same Department.
- 2014 – To Date: Systems Intensification of Rice (SIR) Research –AICAD Project (a). 2013 – 2015: Management of Rhizobia, Phosphorus, Potassium and Sulphur to Enhance (b). Soybean Yield on Slope-Positions of Isingiro South-Western Uganda – AGRA Project
- 2004 – 2006: Testing Integrated Soil Nutrient Management Technology Options Under the Teso Farming System in Eastern Uganda. Sponsored by RU FORUM
- 1994-1996: A Survey on the Occurrence, Character, Causes and Management of High Manganese in some Uganda Soils - Sponsored by International Fellowship of Sciences (IFS, Sweden).
- 1992-1995: In collaboration with Mr. David Katwire: Studies on the Problems of Acidity in some Ferralsols, Acrisols and Reclaimed Swamp soils of Uganda-Sponsored by African Academy of Sciences (AAS):
- 1991-1995: In collaboration with Dr. C. Wortmann: Screening Beans for Manganese Toxicity, Sponsored by CIAT Regional Bean Programme in Eastern Africa. (a). 1990-1992: Identification of Acid Tolerant Bean Varieties and Their Responses to Phosphorus and Lime Treatments, Sponsored by Makerere University Research Grant.
1. Victor A. Ochwoh, 2002. The Dynamics of Phosphorus Extract ability, Adsorption, and Desorption Rates as Influenced by Phosphorus Applications and Incubation Times (PhD. Thesis, University of Pretoria, RSA).
2. Victor A. Ochwoh, 1979. The Effects of Organic Materials on Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) of some Ugandan Soils. (M.Sc. Agric. Thesis, Makerere University).
- Ochwoh, V.A., E. Nankya, P. C. De Jager, A. S. Claassens. 2016. The Impact of Phosphorous Applications and Incubation Periods on P-Desorption Characteristics with Successive DMT-HFO-P Extractions on P Fixing Soils. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 13(6): 1-14, 2016; Article no.IJPSS.27884. ISSN: 2320-7035. Available online at
- Ochwoh, V.A., Nankya, E., Abulo P., Obuo, P. 2015. Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer application on grain yield of upland rice in Eastern Uganda.
- (9), pp. 230-233, November, 2015. Available online at
- Wanyama, I., V.A. Ochwoh, E. Nankya, P.J.A. Van Asten. 2015.
- Optimisation of major nutrients (N, P and K) for lowland rice production in Eastern Uganda. International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR) 7(2), 218-227, August, 2015. ISSN: 2225-3610 (Online) http://www.innspub.net
- Omiat, E. G., J. M. Ssebuliba, V. A. Ochwoh and J. Bisikwa. 2015. Sweet potato tuber yield and carotenoid response to green manure and inorganic fertilisers in eastern Uganda. African Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences and Technologies [Online] Vol. 2 [1]: 92-103.
- Ochwoh V. A., Nankya E., Claassens A. S., C. J. Steenkamp. 2015. Transformations and Distributions of the Applied and Native Phosphorus into Different Phosphorus Pools in Incubated Rustenburg and Loskop soils. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research. Volume 3, Issue 5, ISSN (Online) 2319-1473: 1571-1578.
- Kyakuwaire, M., Ochwoh, V.A. Kakudidi, E. Tumuhairwe, J. 2015. Characterization of Soil Conditions for Wild Edible Plants’ Habitats in Semi-Arid Areas of Uganda. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research. Volume 3, Issue 6, ISSN (Online) 2319-1473: 1686-1690.
- Victor A. Ochwoh, Andreas S. Claassens, and P.C. de Jager, 2005. Chemical Changes of Applied and Native Phosphorus During Incubation and Distribution into different soil Phosphorus Pools. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. Vol.36: 335-556
- S. M. Kasozi, B. Bashasha, and V. Ochwoh, 2005. Economics of Sorghum Production and Soil Fertility Management in Kabale Highlands, Uganda. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.3 (3&4): 105-109.
- P. Abulo, G. Olupot, V.A. Ochwoh and E. Adipala, 2005. Effect of phosphate fertilizer and pesticide application on the yield of ground nuts in central Uganda. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol.7: 37-40.
- Victor A. Ochwoh, A.S. Claassens and P.C. de Jager, 2003. The effects of applied P and incubation times on the transformations and contribution of stable P pools to the labile P following successive DMT-HFO-P extractions of a high and low P fixing soils. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol. 6: 526-535
- Victor A. Ochwoh, 1997. Studies on the Management of Manganese Toxicity in Some Soils of Uganda. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Vol.3:593-601.
- Wortmann, C.S., L. Lunze, Ochwoh, V.O.A. and J. Lynch, 1995. Bean Improvement for Low Fertility Soils in Africa. African Crop Science Journal, Vol.3: 469-477.
Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility, Land use ,Land Management. , Rice Nutrition, Phosphorus , Land Resources , Climate Smart Agriculture.