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Ph.D., Engineering Materials, Makerere University
Job Title
Senior Lecturer
Office Hours
8:00-5:00 PM
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Omar is a Senior Lecturer and Head of Chemistry Department in Busitema University. He has a working experience of over 22 years in university teaching and research. He has special interest in research in engineering materials science and technology most especially in area of pulp and paper. So far I has won three research grants and three scholarships for his university education. He have seven publications in reputable Journals and proceedings. He has a good track record of managing research projects and research funds
Research Projects
- Paper manufacture from agricultural wastes reinforced wood pulp from carpentry shaves
- Paper manufacture from agricultural wastes reinforced wood pulp from carpentry shaves
- NSTIP – UNCST, Value Addition to agricultural Residues in paper making
- Pulp and paper Manufacture from Non Wood Plant Materials
- Development of Herbal Immune Booster at NCRL
- Textile dyeing and phytochemical characterization of crude plant extracts derived from selected dye-yielding plants in Uganda.
- Evaluation of Labile metal distribution in Lake Victoria sediments by sequential extraction
- Clarification of sugar cane juice at the Sugar cooperation of Uganda Ltd Lugazi
Research Focus
- Pulp and Paper
- Environmental Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
Staff Type
Academic Staff