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Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering, Makerere University
Job Title
Assistant Lecturer.
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Mr. Obeti attained a Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Mechanization & Irrigation Engineering from Busitema University . He later attained a Master of Science degree in Agricultural Engineering from Makerere University. He is currently working as Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Busitema University. Under this Appointment, Mr. Obeti prepares and plans learning materials and delivers lectures to undergraduate students. He also undertakes research to support the development of the university academic research proposals, He participates in the community outreach programmes as well as implimentation of departmental academic seminars and workshops.
Publications and Papers
- Lawrence Grism Obeti Joshua Wanyama, Noble Banadda, Alphonse Candia, Samuel Onep and Ronald Walozi.
- Performance evaluation of collard based Bio-filter for treating fish tank effluent for re-use.
- Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 8 (2019) 28-36 doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2019.01.004.
- Lawrence Grism Obeti, Joshua Wanyama, Noble Banadda, Alphonse Candia, Samuel Onep, Ronald Walozi and Andrew Ebic.
- Bio-filtration Technologies for filtering ammonia in fish tank effluent for reuse — A review.
- Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 8 (2019) 205-214, doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2019.06.001.
- John Yawe, Alphonse Candia and Lawrence Grism Obeti. Quantitative Rice Postharvest Losses in the Albertine and Olweny Rice Hubs, Uganda. Agricultural Engineering and Appropriate Research Centre, Namalere P.O Box 7144, Kampala, Uganda.
- International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM) ||Volume||07||Issue||04||Pages||AH-2019-220-229||2019|| Website: ISSN (e): 2321-3418 Index Copernicus value (2016): 93.67, (2017):89.90, DOI: 10.18535/ijsrm/v7i4.ah01
- Namatovu Safina, Atukunda Gertrude, Obeti Lawrence, Walozi Ronald, Candia Alphonse, Onep Samuel, Bwambale Mbilingi and Andrew A. Izaara. Profitability and Viability Analysis of Aquaculture Production in Central Uganda: A Case of Urban and Peri-Urban Areas Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 22(4): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJAEES.37721.
- A. Candia, E.T. Oker, J. Lamo, G.L. Obeti, J. Yawe, O.S.E. Adur, A.R. Saasa, J. Muzei, J. Olupot, S. Epiku, W. Okiror and I. Mutinda. Improved open-sun drying method for local swamp rice in Uganda. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2015, 16 (2): 219 - 230 ISSN 1026-0919 (Print). ISSN 2410-6909 (Online)
Professional Appointments
Research Focus
- Post-harvest Engineering, Farm machinery
- Environmental Engineering
- Food processing Engineering
- Irrigation system design
Courses Taught
Project management,
Instrumentation and control,
Advanced processing engineering,
Bio-engineering and Food process engineering.
Research methodology,
Staff Type
Academic Staff