Mr. Mugisha Moses is a lecturer in the Department of Water resources engineering, Busitema University. He attained a Bachelor of Agricultural Mechanization and Irrigation Engineering from Busitema University. He also holds Master of Science in Water Engineeing degree from Moi University, Kenya. Mr. Mugisha has attained over 10 years' exprience in academia from being a teaching assistant between 2011 and 2016 to a parmanet lecturer from 2017 to date. Adminstrative wise, Mr. Mugisha is an Examinations Coordinator, Industrial training Corordinator and Research/projects Coordinator. Outside academia, Mr. Mugisha has been a Consulting Engineeer for various Engineeing firms such as; Hydrocon(U) Ltd, Baata Eng. Co.(U) Ltd, and Farm Power Machinery (U) Ltd.
- Moses Mugisha, 2017: Msc. thesis on Application of Geospatial Techniques to the access the Irrigation potential in Karamoja region. This project will help give an important indication to the relevant stakeholders on the potential of Irrigation in Karamoja region as a way to curb the rampant Food security in the region.
- Moses Mugisha, 2011: Design of a Drip Irrigation system for Cotton of acreage 2 ha. This project was done to enable students obtain practical design skills and relevant knowledge in handling real life situations. The project was chosen considering the current global climate change which has significantly affected cotton trends in Uganda.
- Moses Mugisha et al., 2010: Proper management of storm runoff in Butaleja district by designing an efficient and economical grass lined trapezoidal drainage channel. This project was done to enable students obtain requisite skills for handling such occurrences.