Associate Professor Dr. Wilson Babu Musinguzi has over fifteen years of relevant experience in the engineering professional/ academic arena including but not limited to administration/management, lecturing, strategic curriculum development/review leadership, research, and community development impact projects. I have an excellent record of resource mobilization for education, research, capacity building, and community projects. He has vast experience in Total Quality Management.
He holds a Ph.D. in Renewable Energy Engineering from Makerere University, Uganda (2015); a Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Engineering (SEE) from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden (2006); and a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Makerere University, Uganda (2004). I have published widely in areas of Mechanical and Energy analysis. Since 2006, I have lectured many courses in engineering. He has mentored many students and staff and immensely impacted communities.
He has served as the Dean Faculty of Engineering Busitema University, Uganda for over five (5) years (2015-2020). In this executive position, he excelled on the fronts of teaching and learning, research, community outreach, innovations, and management/leadership skills. He has played a leadership role in the development and/or review of many academic programmes to mention a few: Ph.D./MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering, Ph.D./MSc in Materials Engineering, MSc in
Renewable Energy (at Makerere, University of Dar es Salaam and the University of Zimbabwe); MSc in Computer Forensics; MSc in Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. He has participated in teams developing and reviewing academic and work environment policies namely: Grants Management policy, Staff Promotion and Appointments policy; Staff Development policy; Intellectual Property policy; Research and Innovations policy; Research Ethics policy; Outreach policy; Anti-Plagiarism policy; Recognition and Reward policy; Gender policy; and Quality Assurance policy.
He is a founding member, project coordinator, and the pioneer Executive Board Chairman (2017-2019) of Renewable Energy Business Incubator (REBI) Ltd., engaged in fostering Renewable Energy Access to remote and vulnerable settlements. Since the Inception of REBI as a project in 2011, he has led the team in developing a Total Quality Management System (TQM) to the level of obtaining an ISO certification in 2019. He has also been a member of the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) (since 2016) whose mission is to serve as the global network of engineering Deans mobilized to advance engineering education, research, and service to the global community. He has served on a number of expert committees within and outside the University.
- Renewable Energy Business Incubator (REBI) Ltd, 2017-2020, USD USD 770,000; Vocational Training for Job Creation in the Renewable Energy Value Chain in Uganda, Project No. UGA-16/0012 funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Uganda (2017-2020). Serving as Executive Board Chairman (until May 2019) and current Board Member.
Project Brief: “REBi Limited proposed to partner with technical and vocational institutions to equip youth and young adults with relevant skills demanded by the labour market. Upon completion of their final semester coursework, students are attached to renewable energy companies for industrial training to acquire hands-on skills and experience in areas of Electrical and Mechanical engineering relevant for the sector development. This skills enhancement is expected to increase their employability and job creation”.
- NORAD Master Programme: Master of Science in Renewable Energy at Makerere University and University of Dar es Salaam in collaboration with NTNU (Norway), Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique), University of Malawi (Malawi), Mekelle University and Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia); USD 2 million, 2007 – 2014. Participated as a researcher, Assistant coordinator and later as coordinator.
Project Brief
The program is offered by both Makerere University and University of Dar-es-salaam.
• The other collaborating institutions in Eastern Africa used to send in their students on scholarship and also send their professors to take part in lecturing and supervision of research at either Makerere University or University of Dar-es-Salaam.
• NTNU coordinated the project by linking the institutions in the south with NOMA (NORAD). Also professors from NTNU are involved in lecturing specialized courses at Makerere and University of Dar-es-Salaam and are also for the general guidance on curriculum development and quality assurance of the master program
- Energy and Petroleum project (EnPe) sponsoring one PhD student connected to NOMA project coordination at Makerere (2010-2014), Budget: 1,000,000 NOK (~ USD 167,000). Served as Coordinator and beneficiary. Result: The PhD candidate (myself) completed in time and is serving the nation excellently.
- NOMA Gender Incentive Project offering additional benefits to female students in the NOMA MSc Renewable Energy program (2011-2013). Budget: 319,000 NOK (~USD 53,000). Served as Coordinator. Results: The project created an enabling environment for female students to cope with both family and studies through incentives for child care, additional research grants and many completed in time. The enrolment for female students increased in the subsequent years and generally women are able to complete studies at the same rate as men.
- NORAD Energy and Petroleum (EnPe) project within Energy Technologies. Partners Makerere University, NTNU (Norway), Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique), University of Malawi (Malawi), Mekelle University and Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia); USD 1,25 million, 2010 – 2015). Participated as a researcher and coordinator at Makerere University. We are completing Phase II; USD 2 million, 2014 – 2020. Participating as a researcher and coordinator at CEDAT, Makerere University
- Climate Facility (NCF): Sustainable Renewable Energy Businesses in Uganda, between Norges Vel (Norway) and Makerere University; Euro 500,000, 2010 – 2014. Participated as the Local Project Manager on Makerere side
- NORAD support grant to Renewable Energy Incubator at Makerere; USD 600,000, 2013 – 2016. Participating as an advisor/Local Project coordinator. The support was for continuation of the actions under (iv) and further equity for enterprise development in Businesses in Renewable Energy especially bioenergy for household cooking, Pico hydro and solar technologies.
- Design and implementation of a 4 MW solar power plant project (Approx. US$7 million grant from Egyptian Government to Uganda and counterpart funding from Ugandan Government) to support energy nexus projects for the University community and surrounding communities in Busia District and the region. The overarching goal of this project is to spur environmental sustainability through green and energy development, clean water projects among others. I serve as the Project Coordinator (since 2018).
- Edmund Tumusiime, John B. Kirabira, Wilson B. Musinguzi (2020). Performance evaluation of cellulose fiber’s effectiveness as a thermal insulation material for productive biogas systems. Journal of Energy Reports (Science Direct, Elsevier Ltd).
- Christine Nambajjwe, Wilson Babu Musinguzi, Samson Rwahwire, Allan Kasedde, Catherine Namuga, Ildephonse Nibikora (2020). Improving electricity from silk cocoons through feeding silkworms with silver nanoparticles. Materials Today: Proceedings (Science Direct, Elsevier Ltd), Vol. 28 part2 (2020), pp. 1221-1226.
- Wilson Babu Musinguzi, Ibrahim Luqman Mpungu (2019). The Impact of Using Upgraded Biogas on Generator Performance. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal Vol. 4, No. 5, 186-192 (2019). ISSN: 2415-6698.
- Edmund Tumusiime, John B. Kirabira, Wilson B. Musinguzi (2019). Long life performance of Biogas systems for productive applications: The Role of R&D and Policy. Journal of Energy Reports (Science Direct, Elsevier Ltd), 5, pp. 579-583.
- Rwahwire, S., Musinguzi, W.B. (2019). Impact Resistance and Shore Hardness of Barkcloth Reinforced Epoxy Composites for Interior Automotive Panels. Materials Science Forum, 951, 9-13
- Kale, B. M., Rwahwire, S., Nilkanth Kisan Kale, Musinguzi, W., B. (2019). PLA Composite Films Based On Acetate Substituted Microcrystalline Cellulose. Key Engineering Materials, 801, 133-138.
- Mackay A.E. Okure, Wilson B. Musinguzi, Terese Løvås (2016). Parametric modeling of producer gas-combustor and heat exchanger integration for micro-gas turbine application. Journal of Energy Challenges and Mechanics, Volume 3 (2016), Issue 4, pp. 191-200. ISSN 2056-9386.
- Okure M.A.E., Tuhairwe F., Musinguzi W.B. (2016). Technical and Economic Viability of Biogas-based Electricity Generation for Distributed Renewable Energy Systems in Livestock Communities of Uganda. in: E. Delfino & C. Vezzoli, eds., Proceedings of the LeNSes Conference: Sustainable Energy for All by Design, pp 87-93. ISBN 978-88-95651-23-1.
- Abbo M.S., Da Silva I.P., Okure M., Lating P., Musinguzi W. (2016). Selection of Distributed Renewable Energy sites using Simple Additive Weighting. in: E. Delfino & C. Vezzoli, eds., Proceedings of the LeNSes Conference: Sustainable Energy for All by Design, pp 211-217. ISBN 978-88-95651-23-1.
- Wilson B. Musinguzi, Mackay A.E. Okure, Adam Sebbit, Terese Løvås and Izael Da Silva (2014). Thermodynamic Modeling of Allothermal Steam Gasification in a Downdraft Fixed- bed Gasifier. Journal of Advanced Materials Research, 875-877 (2014) pp 1782-1793 © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland .
- Mackay A.E. Okure, Wilson B. Musinguzi, Adam Sebbit, Terese Løvås (2014). Exergoeconomic analysis of a novel small-scale CHP system for rural electrification in Uganda. Published in the conference proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2014) conference, 14 – 16 July 2014. Orlando, Florida, USA, pages.1978-1985. ISBN: 978-1-77592-068-73.
- Mackay A. E. Okure, Wilson Musinguzi, Andrew Wabwire, Ssengonzi Bagenda (RegConf2014). Experience from Rural Electrification in Uganda: A Case Study of a Husk Powered System in Tiribogo Village". Published in the proceedings of the 9th regional collaboration conference on Research and Innovations forum for sustainable regional Development. 20 – 23 July, 2014 Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Entebbe Uganda, pages 28 –37.
- Wilson B. Musinguzi, Mackay A.E. Okure, Adam Sebbit, Terese Løvås (2012). Thermal characterization of Uganda's Acacia hockii, Combretum molle, Eucalyptus grandis and Terminalia glaucescens for gasification. Journal of Biomass and Bioenergy (Science Direct, Elsevier Ltd), 46, pp. 402-408.
- Houshfar E., Sandquist J., Musinguzi W., Khalil R.A., Becidan M., Skreiberg Ø., Goile F., Løvås T., Sørum L. (2012). Combustion properties of Norwegian biomass: wood chips and forest residues. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, 110-116, pp. 4564-4568.
- Khalil R.A., Houshfar E., Musinguzi W., Becidan M., Skreiberg Ø., Goile F., Løvås T., Sørum L. (2011). Experimental investigation on corrosion abatement in straw combustion by fuel-mixing. Journal of Energy & Fuels, 25 (6), pp. 2687–2695.
- Wilson B. Musinguzi, Mackay A.E. Okure, Adam Sebbit, Terese Løvås (2011). Smallscale CHP for Rural Electrification in Uganda – The State-of-the-art and Prospective Development. The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (AET2011). Entebbe, Uganda.
- Mackay A. E. Okure, Wilson Musinguzi (2006) A Novel Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Cycle Based on Gasification of Bagasse, Advances in Engineering and Technology, Oxford, UK., Elsevier Ltd, 465- 472 pages, ISBN=0-08-045312-0
- The World Engineering Education Forum- Global Engineering Deans’ Council (WEEF- GEDC 2019), 20-27 October 2019, Santiago Chile. A Panelist for the session “Engineering and Sustainable Development”
- The World Engineering Education Forum- Global Engineering Deans’ Council (WEEF- GEDC 2018), 12 – 16 November 2018, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Conference Theme: “Peace Engineering”. I presented a paper titled “Mechanization on small Holder Farmers – An Innovative Approach by Busitema University”
Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Power Plant Engineering, Energy Systems, Energy Systems, Energy Production, Materials Handling, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning, Water Sources and Treatment, Environmental Engineering Design, Environmental Impact Assessment, Solid Waste Management, Environmental Pollution, Engineering Mathematics.