Prof. Kamba is currently serving as the Deputy Vice Chancellor; Finance and Administration at Busitema University. He has a wealth of administrative expertise in higher education institutions. His areas of expertise include; Molecular biology, pharmaceutical management, and pharmaceutical legislation among others. He is a member of numerous National international professional bodies . Prof. Kamba has a proven track record of administration especially at the Managerial Level in Higher Institutions of Learning
Prof. Kamba is a multi-disciplinary scientist combining extensive hands-on graduate training in laboratory biomolecular research with postdoctoral training in quantitative and qualitative non-laboratory research. Motivated by a desire to acquire advanced expertise in scientific techniques essential to drug and vaccine discovery and development, He pursued a Masters degree training in Virology and doctoral training in Cell and Molecular Biology in leading universities in the UK and USA. He has expertise in several recombinant DNA technologies, including molecular cloning (a key technology for design of DNA vaccines and recombinant DNA for biochemical and biotechnological studies); recombinant protein production, purification and characterization (for therapeutics, subunit vaccines, diagnostics and biochemical studies); protein structural studies; in vitro RNA production (a key technology for production of pure RNAs of specific genes for biochemical studies and mRNA vaccines); assays of protein-RNA interactions; antiviral drug assays; antibacterial drug assays. He also has extensive hands-on experience with diverse, cutting edge scientific technology for validating drug targets, including biomolecular nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, protein crystallization (for structure elucidation by x-ray crystallography), circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, tandem liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC- MS/MS), matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry, in vitro selection of high affinity ligands for drug targets, virtual drug screening (structure based drug design), electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) and bioinformatics (including in silico prediction of protein secondary and three dimensional structures). On the other hand, He has undertaken postdoctoral population-based research in prescription opioid and psychotropic drug regulation and non-medical use, and developing technological interventions to mitigate the rising burden of prescription opioid and psychotropic drug abuse. In this vain, he has participated in developing a web- based prescription drug monitoring system (PDMS) which if deployed will strengthen compliance of prescribers and pharmacies with opioids and psychotropic drug regulations in Uganda. I have undertaken trainings in laboratory biosafety, radiation safety in the lab, responsible conduct of research, Good Clinical Practices (GCP), biostatistical and epidemiological data analysis, and advanced methods of qualitative research.
Lucrèce Ahovègbé, Raïmi A. Kpossou, Rajiv Shah, Chris Davis, Marc Niebel, Ana Filipe, Emily Goldstein, Khadidjatou S. Alassan, René Keke, Jean Sehonou, Nicolas Kodjoh, Surajit Ray, Craig Wilkie, Sreenu Vattipally, Lily Tong, Donald Smith, Pakoyo F. Kamba, Judith S. Gbenoudon, Rory Gunson, Patrick Ogwang, HCV-SSA network, Emma C.Thomson. (2024) Hepatitis C virus diversity and treatment outcomes in Benin; a prospective cohort study. Lancet Microbe [In Press]
Bruhan Kaggwa, Godwin Anywar, Edson Ireeta Munanura, Raphael Wangalwa, Henry Kyeyune, Hedmon Okella, Fadhiru Pakoyo Kamba, Ogwang Patrick Engeu. Application of the Herbal chemical Marker Ranking System (Herb MaRS) to standardization of herbal pharmaceutical raw materials-a case study. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies (2023) 23:348
Stephen Lutoti, Bruhan Kaggwa, Pakoyo Fadhiru Kamba, Jackson Mukonzo, Crispin Duncan Sesaazi, Esther Katuura. (2023). Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used in Breast Cancer Treatment by Traditional Health Practitioners in Central Uganda.Journal of Multidisciplinary
Healthcare 16: 635–651
Bruhan Kaggwa, Maria Gloria Nakayita, Edson Ireeta Munanura, Henry Kyeyune, Clement Olusoji Ajayi, Raphael Wangalwa, Daniel Pillah Walakira, Godwin Anywar, Lynn K. Bagoloire, Teddy Kakazi, Gabriel Ddamulira, Fadhiru Pakoyo Kamba, Patrick Engeu Ogwang (2023). Chemometric Classification of Mangifera indica L. Leaf Cultivars, Based on Selected Phytochemical Parameters;Implications for Standardization of the Pharmaceutical Raw Materials. Evidence-Based Complementary and AlternativeMedicine,Volume 2023, Article ID 7245876, 17 pages
Bruhan Kaggwa, Edson Ireeta Munanura, Henry Kyeyune, Godwin Anywar, Hedmon Okella, Clement Olusoji Ajayi, Raphael Wangalwa, John Mulangwa, Crispin Duncan Sesaazi, Lynn K. Bagoloire, Casim Umba Tolo, Pakoyo Fadhiru Kamba and Patrick Engeu Ogwang. (2023). Evaluation of catechin, lupeol and betulinic acid as markers for chromatographic quality control of Albizia coriaria as herbal raw materials; an experimental study. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research 17(5): 180-200
Bruhan Kaggwa, Henry Kyeyune, Edson Ireeta Munanura, Godwin Anywar, Stephen Lutoti, Jacqueline Aber, Lynn K. Bagoloire, Anke Weisheit, Casim Umba Tolo, Pakoyo Fadhiru Kamba, Patrick Engeu Ogwang. (2022). Safety and Efficacy of Medicinal Plants Used to Manufacture Herbal Products with Regulatory Approval in Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2022, Article (1304839), 21 pages
Pakoyo F. Kamba, Winnie Nambatya, Herbert B. Aguma, Esmita Charani, Kalidi Rajab. (2022). Gaps and opportunities in sustainable medicines use in resource limited settings: A situational analysis of Uganda. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2022;1–7
Lucrèce Y.J. Ahovègbéa , b , ∗, PatrickE. Ogwang a , EmanuelL. Peter a , d , Andrew G. Mtewa a , c , Félicien M. Kasali a , e , Casim U. Tolo a , Judith Gbenoudon b , Anke Weisheit a , Kamba F.Pakoyo. (2021). Therapeutic potentials of Vachellia nilotica (L.) extracts in Hepatitis C infection: A review. Scientific African 13 (2021) e00918
Paul Kutyabami 1, Edson Ireeta Munanura 1,*, Rajab Kalidi 1, Sulah Balikuna 1, Margaret Ndagire 1, Bruhan Kaggwa 1, Winnie Nambatya 1, Pakoyo Fadhiru Kamba 1, Allan Musiimenta 2, Diana Nakitto Kesi 3, Victoria Nambasa 3 , Allan Serwanga 3 and Helen Byomire Ndagije 3. (2021). Evaluation of the Clinical Use of Ceftriaxone among In-Patients in Selected Health Facilities in
Uganda. Antibiotics 2021, 10, 779
Pakoyo Fadhiru Kamba, John Mulangwa, Peter Kageni, Sulah Balikuna, Allan Kengo, Brian Byamah Mutamba, Nelson Sewankambo, Richard Odoi Adome, Pauline Byakika-Kibwika (2021). Predictors of controlled prescription drug non-medical and lifetime use among patients accessing public mental health services in Uganda: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 11(3):e037602
Pakoyo Fadhiru Kamba, John Mulangwa, Bruhan Kaggwa, Freddy Eric Kitutu, Nelson Kaulukusi Sewankambo, Elly Tebasoboke Katabira, Pauline Byakika-Kibwika, Richard Odoi Adome and Robert Cyril Bollinger. (2020). Compliance of private pharmacies in Uganda with controlled prescription drugs regulations: a mixed-methods study. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy; 15: 16
Pakoyo F. Kamba, David A. Dickson, Neil A. White, Jennifer L. Ekstrom, Donna J. Koslowsky, Charles G. Hoogstraten (2018). The 27 kDa Trypanosoma brucei pentatricopetide repeat protein is a G-tract specific RNA binding protein. Scientific Reports (2018) 8:16989
Pakoyo Fadhiru Kamba, Munanura Edson Ireeta, Sulah Balikuna, Bruhan Kaggwa (2017). Threats posed by stockpiles of expired pharmaceuticals in low- and middle-income countries: a Ugandan perspective. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 95: 594-598
Pakoyo Fadhiru Kamba, Bruhan Kaggwa, Edson Ireeta Munanura, Tom Okurut, Freddy Eric Kitutu (2017). Why regulatory indifference towards pharmaceutical pollution of the environment could be a missed opportunity in public health protection. A holistic view. The Pan African Medical Journal 27:77
homas Ocwa Obua, Richard Odoi Adome1 Paul Kutyabami, Freddy Eric Kitutu, Pakoyo Fadhiru Kamba (2017). Factors associated with occupancy of pharmacist positions in public sector hospitals in Uganda: a cross-sectional study. Human Resources for Health 15: 1-12,
Mukwaya Z, Engoru T, Kainza EJ, Inyani JK, Buligwanga S, Munanura EI, Kalidi R, Mugisha M, Adome OR, Kaggwa B, Anyama N, Kamba PF (2016). Efficacy of a syrup formulated from combined extracts of Vernonia amygdalina and Musa paradisiaca for management of type 2 diabetes. African Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development 8(2): 71-80
Norbert G Anyamaζ, James K Tibenderana, Paul Kutyabami, Pakoyo F Kamba, Freddy E Kitutu, Richard O Adome (2012). Participatory healthcare-provider orientation to improve artemether- lumefantrine-based drug treatment of uncomplicated malaria: a cluster quasi-experimental study, BMJ Qual Saf 21:768–777
Josephine K Nakyanzi, Freddy E Kitutu, Hussein Oria, Pakoyo F Kamba (2010). Expiry of medicines in supply outlets in Uganda. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 88(2):154-158. PMCID: PMC2814474
- 2023 (Nov 21st) Current landscape and contemporary issues concerning pharmacy careers. Induction of new pharmacists Workshop, Pharmacy House,Kampala
- 2023 (Sep 28th) Strengthening Veterinary Pharmacy Practice Through Targeted Postgraduate Level Training in Uganda. Annual Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Conference, Silver Springs Hotel, Kampala
- 2023 (Jun 30th) Academia and Research Careers for pharmacists. Induction of new pharmacists Workshop, Pharmacy House, Kampala
- 2021 (Dec 15th) “Vaccines and drug development agenda in developing countries: What can pharmacists do differently?” Annual Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda (PSU) continuous professional development (CPD) Conference, Pharmacy House,
- Kampala
- 2021 (June 29th) Overview lecture for panel discussion on “Improving NCDs Outcomes Through Pharmaceutical Care” at the World Health Summit; Kampala, via zoom.
- 2019 (Aug 9th) Prevalence and predictors of controlled prescription drug abuse among mental health patients at three referral hospitals in Uganda, 3rd AFREhealth symposium, Lagos
- 2019 (Aug 3rd) Prevalence and factors associated with controlled prescription drug abuse among health care workers at three referral hospitals in Uganda, Annual MEPI-J D43 Networking Meeting, Lagos Continental Hotel, Lagos, Nigeria
- 2018 (Aug 8th) Dispensing practices of pethidine injection among private pharmacies in Uganda, 2nd AFREhealth symposium, ICC, Durban, South Africa
- 2018 (Aug 8th) Regulatory compliance in stock control and dispensing of controlled prescription drugs among private pharmacies in Uganda, 2nd AFREhealth
- symposium, ICC, Durban, South Africa
- Phamacology
- Virology
- Drug Discovery