Professor Dan Kibuule is a pharmacist/clinical pharmacologist. He is a highly self-motivated, efficient and innovative academic leader. He is particularly recognized for his unique skills in developing and implementing new pharmacy and health programmes, high research productivity, income mobilization and team-based leadership. In his 18 years of Pharmacy academia, he has been instrumental in developing and implementing pharmaceutical and health training programs, mainly in Southern Africa and East Africa. Internationally, Prof. Kibuule is a key member of several movements to strengthen Pharmaceutical Education in Africa including; the Centers of Excellence (CoE) for Africa project implemented by FIPEd, Medicine Utilization Research in Africa Group (MURIA), International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE-Africa chapter) and served as an ExCo member of academic section of The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP). Prof. Kibuule has vast global health and pharmacy practice experience including; Clinical trials, Medicines Information, hospital/regulatory pharmacy and pharmaceutical management systems.Prof. Kibuule’s long-range vision is “Global health institutions working together to foster centers of excellence in pharmaceutical education, research and innovation”.
- Godman, Brian, Joseph Fadare, Hye-Young Kwon, Carolina Zampirolli Dias, Amanj Kurdi, Isabella Piassi Dias Godói, Dan Kibuule et al.. (2021). Evidence-based public policy making for medicines across countries: findings and implications for the future. Journal of comparative effectiveness research, 10(12), 1019-1052.
- Bare, A., Ivey, M., Kibuule, D., & Stevenson, J. G. (2021). An analysis of hospital pharmacy practice in Namibia, based on FIP’s Basel Statements. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice.
- Tirivangani, T., Alpo, B., Kibuule, D., Gaeseb, J., & Adenuga, B. A. (2021). Impact of COVID19 pandemic on pharmaceutical systems and supply chain–a phenomenological study. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 2, 100037.
- Godman, B., Egwuenu, A., Haque, M., Malande, O. O., Schellack, N., Kumar, S, Kibuule D,... & Seaton, R. A. (2021). Strategies to improve antimicrobial utilization with a special focus on developing countries. Life, 11(6), 528.
- Akapelwa, T. M., Ezaela, C. E., Mushabati, F., Bamitale, S. D. K., & Kibuule, D. (2021). Commentary on the Antidiabetic Activity of Kigelia Africana. Journal of Preventive and Rehabilitative Medicine, 3(2), 21-23.
- Sefah IA, Ogunleye OO, Essah DO, … Kibuule D, et al (2021). Rapid Assessment of the Potential Paucity and Price Increases for Suggested Medicines and Protection Equipment for COVID-19 Across Developing Countries With a Particular Focus on Africa and the Implications. Front. Pharmacol. 11: 588106. doi: 10.3389/fphar. 2020.588106 . Frontiers in Pharmacology
- Kagoya, H.R., Mitonga, H., Kibuule, D. and Rennie, T., (2021). National standard treatment guidelines: their impact on medicine use indicators in a resource-limited setting. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research.
- Sefah, Israel Abebrese, Darius Obeng Essah, Mainul Haque, Sylvia A. Opanga, Santosh Kumar, Ibrahim Chikowe, Dan Kibuule et al. (2021). Covid-19, healthcare and selfmedication issues in resource limited-settings: findings and implications based on experiences in Ghana. Advances in Human Biology.
- Lates J, Kibuule D. EDITORIAL COVID-19: Rebooting pharmacy education in resourcelimited settings. Pharmacy Education 2021: DOI: 10.46542/pe.2020.202.6770
- Kibuule D, Lates J, Ishola A, Hango E, Kalemeera F, Knott M, Mavu D, Singu B, Rennie T, Brinkmann I, Mubita M. (2020) Migration to online pharmacy education in Namibia: Successes, challenges and competence implications. Pharmacy Education. 2020:174-82.
- Kibuule D, Aiases P, Ruswa N, Rennie TW, Verbeeck RK, Godman B, Mubita M. (2020) Predictors of loss to follow-up of tuberculosis cases under the DOTS programme in Namibia. ERJ open research. 2020 Jan 1;6(1)
- Mavu D, Lates J, Hango E, Rennie T, Lusepani M, Kibuule D, Mubita M. (2020) PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION: COVID-19 resilient pharmacy education: A grassroots work-integrated programme to strengthen the pharmaceutical workforce in Namibia. Pharmacy Education. 2020 Nov 5:205-11.
- Mavu D, Mubita M, Niaz Q, Lusepani M, Nowaseb S, Enkara T, Philomien A, Pick R, Kibuule D. (2020). Emergency compounding of COVID-19 medicines: A readiness programme to upskill pharmacy graduates in Namibia. Pharmacy Education. 2020:117-23.
- Godman, B., McCabe, H., D Leong, T., Mueller, D., Martin, A. P., Hoxha, I. Kibuule D,.... & Meyer, J. C. (2020). Fixed dose drug combinations–are they pharmacoeconomically sound? Findings and implications especially for lower-and middle-income countries. Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research, 20(1), 1-26.
- Corkhill NL, Lates J, Mubita M, Kibuule D, Jonkman LJ, Hachey D, Hunter CJ, Bates I, Rennie TW (2020). Creating clinical pharmacy capacity in Namibia: a collaboration to establish a post-graduate pharmacy degree programme. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2020 Dec;42(6):1528-32.
- Kibuule D, Nambahu L, Sefah IA, Kurdi A, Phuong TN, Kwon HY, Godman B. (2020) Activities in Namibia to limit the impact of COVID-19 versus Europe and Iran and the implications for the future. Federation of Infection Societies/Healthcare Infection Society International. 2020 Sep 28.
- Kagoya, H. R., Kibuule, D., Rennie, T. W., & Kabwebwe Mitonga, H. (2020). A model to strengthen utility of quality pharmaceutical health systems data in resource-limited settings. Medicine Access@ Point of Care, 4, 2399202620940267.
- Ogunleye OO, Basu D, Mueller D, Sneddon J, Seaton RA, Yinka-Ogunleye AF, Wamboga J, Miljković N, Mwita JC, Rwegerera GM, Massele A, Kibuule D. (2020) Response to the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic Across Africa: Successes, Challenges, and Implications for the Future. Frontiers in pharmacology. 2020 Sep 11;11:1205.
- Kafula, M. N., Ugburo, E., & Kibuule, D. (2020). Consumption of psychotropic medicines at a referral hospital Namibia: findings and implications. African Health Sciences, 20(2), 1000-1010.
- Kibuule, D., Aiases, P., Ruswa, N., Rennie, T. W., Verbeeck, R. K., Godman, B., & Mubita, M. (2020). Predictors of loss to follow-up of tuberculosis cases under the DOTS programme in Namibia. ERJ Open Research, 6(1).
- Niaz, Q., Godman, B., Campbell, S., & Kibuule, D. (2020). Compliance to prescribing guidelines among public health care facilities in Namibia: findings and implications. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.
- Adenuga, B. A., Kibuule, D., & Rennie, T. W. (2020). Optimizing spontaneous adverse drug reaction reporting in public healthcare setting in Namibia. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 126(3), 247-253.
- Kagoya, H. R., Rennie, T. W., Kibuule, D., & Mitonga, H. K. (2020). Alignment of standard treatment guidelines with medicine use indicators in a limited-resource setting: findings and implications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, 11(2), 149-157.
- Kagoya HR, Rennie WT, Kibuule D, Mitonga-Kabwebwe H. Does pharmaceutical information systems data inform decision-making in public healthcare? Utility of a national system in a limited resource setting. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2020 Jun 9.
- Adenuga, B. A., Aluvilu, A., Olafusi, O. O., & Kibuule, D. (2020). Effective stakeholder analysis and engagement: a vital strategy for enhanced pharmacovigilance systems in sub-Saharan Africa. Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine, (AheadOfPrint), 0-0.
- Godman, B., Basu, D., Pillay, Y., Mwita, J. C., Rwegerera, G. M., Paramadhas, B. D. A., Kibuule D ... & Sefah, I. (2020). Review of ongoing activities and challenges to improve the care of patients with Type 2 diabetes across Africa and the implications for the future. Frontiers in pharmacology, 11.
- Kudzinesta, M., Mubita, M., Kalemeera, F., Godman, B., Hango, E., & Kibuule, D. (2020). Utility of medicines information leaflets in hypertensive care in a setting with low health literacy: A cross-sectional study. Medicine Access@ Point of Care, 4, 2399202620910031.
- Godman, B., Basu, D., Pillay, Y., Almeida, P. H., Mwita, J. C., Rwegerera, G. M., Kibuule D... & Sefah, I. (2020). Ongoing and planned activities to improve the management of patients with Type 1 diabetes across Africa; implications for the future. Hospital Practice, (just-accepted).
- Olaru ID, Kibuule D, Godman B. (2019) Implications of antibiotic exposure among children in LMICs: antibiotic exposure in LMICs. Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2019 Nov 27.
- Kamati, M., Godman, B., & Kibuule, D. (2019). Prevalence of self-medication for acute respiratory infections in Namibia: findings and implications. Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice, 8(4), 220-224.
- Godman, Brian, Christoffel Grobler, Marianne Van-De-Lisle, Janney Wale, Wallace Breno Barbosa, Amos Massele, Philip Opondo , Dan Kibuule (2019). "Pharmacotherapeutic interventions for bipolar disorder type II: addressing multiple symptoms and approaches with a particular emphasis on strategies in lower and middle-income countries." Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy 20, no. 18 (2019): 2237-2255.
- Kiboneka, Andrew, and Dan Kibuule. "The Immunology of Asthma." EC Dental Science 9.1 (2019): 01-12.
- Godman, B., Haque, M., McKimm, J., Bakar, M. A., Sneddon, J., Wale, J., Kibuule D... & Paramadhas, B. D. A. (2019). Strategies to improve the management of upper respiratory tract infections and reduce inappropriate antibiotic use particularly among lower and middle-income countries; findings and implications. Current Medical Research and Opinion.
- Kagoya, H. R., & Kibuule, D. (2018). Quality assurance of health management information system in Kayunga district, Uganda. African Evaluation Journal, 6(2), 11.
- Segamwenge, I., Kibuule, D., Naikaku, E., Mwangana, M., & Godman, B. (2018). Renal function outcomes in patients receiving TDF-containing antiretroviral therapy: a retrospective pilot study in Namibia. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. , 9(10), 4273-4279.
- Godman, B., Kurdi, A., Leporowski, A., Morton, A., Baumgärtel, C., Bochenek, T., Kibuule, D... Kalaba, M. (2017). Initiatives to increase the prescribing of low-cost generics: the case of Scotland in the international context. Medical Research Archives, 5(3), 1-34.
- Kalemeera F, Naikaku E, Kibuule D (2017). Current and former students' views on two different methods of classroom-based teaching in pharmaceutical care: University of Namibia. Pharmacy Education, 17 (1), 134 - 138.
- Nakwatumbah, S., Kibuule, D., Godman, B., Haakuria, V., Kalemeera, F., Baker, A. and Mubita, M., (2017). Compliance to guidelines for the prescribing of antibiotics in acute infections at Namibia’s national referral hospital: a pilot study and the implications. Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy, pp.1-9.
- Kagoya HR, Kibuule D, Mitonga-Kabwebwe H et al (2013). Awareness of, responsiveness to, and practice of patients’ rights at Uganda’s national referral hospital. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine; 5(1): 491.
- 2020: Chair, 6th Medicines Utilization research in Africa Workshop and symposium, University of Nairobi, September 2020
- 2018: Dossier Evaluator: Namibia Medicines Regulatory Council, Ministry of Health and Social Services, Namibia October
- 2018: Member, Faculty of Health Sciences postgraduate committee, University of Namibia, Namibia August, 2018
- 2017: Accreditation inspector of the National Health Training Center (NHTC), Health Professionals Councils of Namibia, Namibia July, 2017
- 2017: Member, National Technical Working group, National Tuberculosis and leprosy programme (NTLP), Ministry of Health and Social Services, Namibia September, 2017
- 2017: Member, Panel for position of Pharmaceutical Supply Management Advisor and Information Systems Administrator (MoHSS/DSP), September, 2017
- 2016: Member, Medicines Scheduling Committee, Namibia Medicines Regulatory Council, Ministry of Health and Social Services, Namibia September, 2016
- 2016: Member: Advisory Board for Pharmacist assistant course, Namibia University of Science and Technology, April 2016
- 2016: Member, Pharmaceutical Analytical Committee, Namibia Medicines Regulatory Council, Ministry of Health and Social Services, Namibia September, 2016
- 2016: Speaker, 62nd IPSF world Congress, Zimbabwe 2016, integration of online learning education, The International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF), 21 July 2016
- 2014: Member, Education committee of the Pharmacy Council of Namibia (PCN), 29 December, 2014
- 2014: Member, Evaluation sub-committee of the Education committee of the Pharmacy Council of Namibia (PCN), 29 September 2014
- 2010: Reviewer, Institutional Research Board, Mengo Hospital Research Review Committee (MHRRC), April 2010
- 2007: Course reviewer: Teaching materials for a course in Clinical pharmacy in antiretroviral Therapy, Infectious Diseases Institute, November 2007
Clinical Phamacology