Dr Martin Chebet is a paediatrician and a senior lecturer at Busitema University Faculty of Health Sciences. He holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of surgery degree from Makerere University. He also Holds Master of Medicine in Paediatrics and Child health from Makerere University and a diploma in tropical medicine and hygiene from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He also holds an International Olympics Committee (IOC) diploma in sports medicine.
From 2010 to 2014, Dr Chebet worked as a medical officer at Mbale Regional Referral Hospital, a tertiary hospital in in Eastern Uganda. He later joined Busitema University in 2014 as an assistant lecturer where he has worked up to date. Dr Chebet’s primary research interest is tropical paediatrics especially in the field of infectious diseases, emergency paediatrics, haematology and neonatology. Most of his research has been in Malaria, emergency paediatrics and neonatology. As part of his academic training Dr Chebet is undertaking a PhD at the University of Bergen in Norway specialising in “The aetiology of stillbirths in Eastern Uganda. “
He has extensively participated in the transformation of medical education in his department where he spearheaded the curriculum review for the master of medicine in paediatrics and child health programme. He also led the team that pioneered the shift in assessment of student academic performance at the department from subjective assessment methods such as long case clinical examinations to the more objective methods such as objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE).