Following my professional registration in 1979, I began my career at a remote upcountry hospital, where I served for two years. I later returned to the national referral hospital and subsequently obtained my Master’s degree from Makerere University in 1986.
In 1987, I joined Mbale Regional Referral Hospital, which had been severely impacted by civil strife and had lacked a resident physician for decades. I took on the challenge of establishing and strengthening the Department of Medicine, operationalizing specialist outpatient clinics particularly for hypertension and diabetes and later expanding services to include HIV/AIDS care. That same year, I was appointed Medical Superintendent (Chief Executive Officer), a role I held for nearly four years before transitioning back to clinical responsibilities. These included training clinical officers, interns, and other healthcare professionals.
I retired from government service in 2013, and three months later, I was invited to join a dedicated team tasked with establishing the Faculty of Health Sciences at Busitema University. Initially, I served as the Head of the Department of Physiology before transitioning to lead the Department of Internal Medicine in 2016, a position I held until 2021.
I remain an active and proud member of the Department of Internal Medicine, which continues to be recognized for its outstanding contributions to the University and the broader healthcare community.
With several postgraduate students I supervised for their dissertations.
Operational Research