Dr. Joseph F. Hokello is a Molecular Biologist/Virologist with enormous research experience focusing on HIV basic research for HIV prevention in developing countries and globally. He is a Professional Science educator with pedagogical skills required to enhance teaching and comprehension of Science’s complex concepts. Dr. Joseph F. Hokello is the acting Head of Biology department, Faculty of Science and Education and a Senior Lecturer in the same department. Dr. Joseph F. Hokello has a vast experience both in academia and administration i.e. he was an Associate Dean in charge of Research and Innovations, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kampala International University-Western Campus. He was a Research Co-coordinator for the Faculty of Science and Technology, Kampala International University-Western Campus, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Basic Science, Microbiology and Immunology at Faculty of Science and Technology and Biomedical Sciences respectively at Kampala International University-Western Campus. He was Lecturer at Makerere University in the Master of Science in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Program. He was also a Post-Doctoral trainee in the Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America
- Wandera A, Ssekatawa K, Kato C.D and Hokello J (2022). Centrifugation following HIV-1 Virion Lysis improves the Sensitivity of the Fourth-Generation HIV Ag/Ab Combo Assay. (In Preparation)
- Hokello J (2022). Dietary approach to prevention of cardiovascular diseases: A personal practical handbook. (In Preparation)
- Hokello J, Sharma AL and Tyagi M (2022). Insights into HIV Molecular Biology, HIV-induced Th1/Th2 Shift and Preferential Virus infection of Th2 Cells. (In Preparation)
- Hokello J, Sharma AL and Tyagi M (2022). T-cell receptor activation using α- CD3mAb without α-CD28mAb co-stimulation activates HIV latency through functional synergy between NFAT and AP-1. (In Preparation)
- Hokello J, Sharma AL and Tyagi M (2022). Comparison of biological basis for non-HIV transmission to HIV-exposed seronegative individuals, disease non progression in HIV long-term non-progressors and elite suppressors. (In Preparation)
- Hokello J, Sharma AL, Tyagi P, Bhushan A and Tyagi M (2021). Human Immunodeficiency Virus type-1 (HIV-1) transcriptional regulation, latency and therapy in the Central Nervous System. Vaccines, 9 (11): 1272
- Sharma AL, Hokello J and Tyagi M (2021). Acquisition of HIV in the mal genital tract and circumcision as an intervening strategy. Pathogens, 10 (7): 806
- Hokello J, Sharma AL and Tyagi M (2021). An update on the HIV DNA vaccine strategy. Vaccines, 9 (6): 605
- Hokello J, Sharma AL and Tyagi M (2021). Combinatorial use of both epigenetic and non-epigenetic mechanisms to efficiently reactivate HIV latency. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22 (7): 3697
- Hokello J, Sharma AL and Tyagi M (2021). AP-1 and NF-κB synergize to transcriptionally activate latent HIV upon T-cell receptor activation. FEBS Letters, 595 (5): 577-594
- Hokello J, Sharma AL, Shukla GC and Tyagi M (2020). A narrative review on the basic and clinical aspects of the novel SARS-CoV-2, the etiologic agent of COVID-19. Annals of Translational Medicine, 8 (24): 1686
- Sharma AL, Hokello J, Sonti S, Zicari S, Sun L, Alqatawni A, Bukrinsky M, Simon G, Chauhan A, Daniel R and Tyagi M (2020). CBF-1 promotes the establishment and maintenance of HIV latency by recruiting Polycomb repressive complexes, PRC1 and PRC2, at HIV LTR. Viruses, 12 (9): 1040
- Hokello J, Sharma AL and Tyagi M (2020). Efficient non-epigenetic activation of HIV latency through the T-cell receptor signalosome. Viruses, 12 (8): 868
- Hokello J, Sharma AL, Dimri M and Tyagi M (2019). Insights into the HIV latency and the role of cytokines. Pathogens, 8 (3): 137
- Kim YK, Mbonye U, Hokello J, and Karn J (2011). T-cell receptor signaling enhances transcriptional elongation from latent HIV proviruses by activating P TEFb through an ERK-dependent pathway. Journal of Molecular Biology, 410 (5): 896-916
- Pearson R, Kim YK, Hokello J, Lassen K, Friedman J, Tyagi M, and Karn J (2008). Epigenetic silencing of human immunodeficiency virus transcription by formation of restrictive chromatin structures at the viral long terminal repeat
- drives the progressive entry of HIV in to latency. Journal of Virology, 84 (24):
- 12292-303.
- Kajumbula H, Wallace RG, Zong JC, Hokello J, Sussman N, Simms S, Rockwell RF, Pozos R, Hayward GS and Boto W (2006). Ugandan Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus phylogeny: evidence for cross-ethnic transmission of viral subtypes. Intervirology, 49 (3): 133-43.
Senior Lecturer
AG. Head of Biology Department
- Cell Biology
- Molecular Biology
- Fundamental
- Pathogenicity.