Dr. Andama is a Wildlife and Range land Ecologist and Natural Resource Management specialist with over 20 years of experience in research and management of natural resources specifically natural rangelands and wildlife protected areas and cattle corridor environments such as forests, woodlands, and savannahs Dry lands in Western, Central and Northern Uganda. He is currently working at Busitema University as a Senior Lecturer in the Biology Department, Faculty of Science and Education. He has a passion for biodiversity conservation and has done most of his study projects on the conservation of biological resources and landscapes. He is a passionate promoter of equitable education and is currently a consultant and partner to promote programs that increase access to higher education for the disadvantaged communities in Uganda through promoting Higher education access/bridging certificate programs. He loves the teaching profession and is passionate about education for sustainable development.
Dr. Andama graduated with a Ph.D. in Botany from Makerere University in 2008 after attaining a Master of Science degree in Wildlife Management and conservation and a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology at the same university. He has worked in administrative positions within the university environment as head of the department, Faculty Dean, and served in the university Senate and Council for over 8 years. He currently represents Busitema University in various fora including IUCNs the global nature conservation (IUCN) body, Nature Uganda and Forum for African women educationalist Uganda (FAWEU) chapter, and Resilient Africa Network based at Makerere University among others. He also serves as governing board Chair for Uganda Cooperative College Tororo and a local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) - The Victim Relief Alliance (TVRA). He serves as Chair for Research Firm Zami Research Foundation limited (ZRF). He has personally invested time and resources to promote vocational and technical education by establishing Katrini Comprehensive Institute-(KCI) in Terego district to support the promotion of practical skills for gainful self-employment and training of the poor community in Wet Nile region. This is to support the enhancement of their livelihoods. He has been instrumental in establishing the greater Eastern Uganda Regional Centre of Expertise in education for sustainable development which is an initiative supported under Regional Centres of Expertise (RCE) by the United Nations University based in Japan.
He led the promotion of conservation education among the university student youth in the Northern and Eastern Uganda region by establishing Nature Uganda branches in Busitema and Gulu Universities. He has initiated and led the signing of a Memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Busitema University and the International Union for Conservation and Nature and Natural Resource (IUCN)-Uganda, Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), and the National Forestry Authority (NFA). His teaching philosophy is “leave no one behind in promoting and harnessing unique talents for livelihoods and community development. His philosophy is “Be determined to succeed”.
- Andama Edward 2020. Estimating Population of African Elephant Loxodonta Africana (Blumenbach, 1797) In Rwenzori, Kibale and Bwindi National Parks. Uganda wildlife authority (cost 163millionUGX)
- Andama Edward 2019. Population, Distribution and Conservation Status of Sitatunga (Tragelaphus Spekei) (Sclater) In Selected Wetlands In Uganda. a Non Detrimental Finding (NDF) of sitatunga in Uganda, Uganda wildlife authority (112millionUGX)
- Andama Edward 2015. Baseline Study of the Flora in Offaka Sub County, Arua District.(45millionUGX)
- Andama Edward and others 2012;The study on the impact of limestone mining on the biodiversity of Dura sector of queen Elizabeth national park, Kamwenge district 2011/2012. (45milionUGX)
- Assessment of the effectiveness of Mauritius thorn (Caesalpinia decapetala.)hedge as a strategy for human wildlife control along the park boundary in Rwenzori mountains national park 2011
- Andama Edward 2011/2012 Distribution and Community perspective on medicinal values and conservation of Aloe tororoana (Reynolds) in Tororo District Eastern Uganda.
- Andama Edward 2011 Report on baseline survey for AICAD’S Community Empowerment Programme (CEP) in Kakindu Sub-county, Mityana District. African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD) Uganda Country Office.
- Andama Edward 2009. Occurrence, distribution and relative abundance of medium to large size wild mammal species in Madi wildlife corridor.
- Andama Edward 2009. occurrence, distribution and relative abundance of medium to large size wild mammal species in Madi wildlife corridor: Prospects for conservation and development opportunities
- Andama Edward 2009. Lead Consultant in assessment of the effectiveness of Mauritius thorn (Caesalpinia decapetala) hedge as a strategy for human wildlife control along the park boundary in Rwenzori mountains national park.
- Andama E. 2004: Human Wildlife conflict mitigation around Nkuringo Buffer area of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.. ITFC/WWF/UNESCO.
- Musaasizi J. and Andama E. 2007. training community on Human –wildlife conflict mitigation interventions around Bwindi Impenetrable National park, Uganda. International Gorilla, Conservation Programmes (IGCP):
- Andama E., 2005. Ongeng D. and Langole S. Distribution, abundance, phenology, management and processing of Tamarindus indica to improve community livelihood in northern Uganda. African Institute for capacity Development (AICAD.
- Andama E. and Musaasizi Joel, 2004. Reducing cost of conservation to front line communities in south western Uganda. CARE Uganda.
- Andama Edwards et al.; Biodiversity surveys and Mapping -EIN Project, Makerere University Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (MUIENR): Biodiversity survey and mapping for district of Kumi, Palisa, Iganga, Tororo and Kamuli. 2002/2003.
- Andama E. 2004: Human Wildlife conflict mitigation around Nkuringo Buffer area of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.US$ 26,000. ITFC/WWF/UNESCO.
- Musaasizi J. and Andama E. training community on Human –wildlife conflict mitigation interventions around Bwindi Impenetrable National park, Uganda. International Gorilla, Conservation Programmes (IGCP): Ug.Sh. 4million
- Andama E., Ongeng D. and Langole S. Distribution, abundance, phenology, management and processing of Tamarindus indica to improve community livelihood in northern Uganda. US$10,000,African Institute for capacity Development (AICAD.
- Andama E. and Musaasizi Joel, 2004. Reducing cost of conservation to front line communities in south western Uganda.US$ 15,000. CARE Uganda.
- Andama Edwards et al.; Biodiversity surveys and Mapping -EIN Project, Makerere University Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (MUIENR): Biodiversy survey and mapping for district of Kumi, Palisa, Iganga, Tororo and Kamuli. 2002/2003.
- Andama Edward and Mark Ocen. June- 2002. Survey of abundance, distribution and conservation status of Sitatunga, Tragelaphus spekei (Sclater) in wetlands of Murchison falls conservation area (MFCA). GTZ support, US$8,000.
- Andama Edward. 1997-2000. Status and Distribution of Carnivores in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park Uganda. MSc. Thesis. US$5,000. MBIFCT.
- Andama Edward 1999.Wildlife Crop Damage around Mgahinga Gorilla National Park: Particular reference to Porcupine (Hystrix africaustralis) crop damage.US$3,000. Care International in Uganda.
- Andama Edward, 2001-2005. The Ecology and Use of Caesalpinia decapetala as a Deterrent to Crop Raiding around Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.US$ 25,000. MBIFCT/ITFC/GULU University/Eco-trust.
- Andama E.1998. Population and Distribution of diurnal primates in primary and logged forests in Kibale National Park.Makerere University/TBA
- Andama E. 1994. Bird species Diversity in Artificial and Natural forests in Kibale National Park.Makerere University/TBA.Fees and facilitation costs
- Andama E. , E., Geghard, L., & Matagaro, C. 1999. Aspects of Tree morphology that influence distribution of epiphytes. A case study of Asplenium nidus in Amani, Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. TBA/European union. Fees and facilitation costs covered.
- Omoding, J., Walters, G., Andama, E., Carvalho, S., Colomer, J., Cracco, M., ... & Nakangu Bugembe, B. (2020). Analysing and Applying Stakeholder Perceptions to Improve Protected Area Governance in Ugandan Conservation Landscapes. Land, 9(6), 207.
- Edward Andama (Busitema University, Uganda) 2019|Administrative Support for Graduate Education Success in Resource-Poor and Culturally-Challenging Environments. Book chapter in Postgraduate Research Engagement in Low Resource Settings. Editor Dennis Zami Atibuni (University of Johannesburg, South Africa). ISBN13: 9781799802648
- Dickson Robert Opio1, Edward Andama2 and Gbednet Theophilus Kureh3 ‘2017. Ethnobotanical Survey of Antimalarial Plants in Areas of: Abukamola, Angeta, Oculokori and Omarari of Alebtong District in Northern Uganda . European Journal of Medicinal Plants 21(4): 1-14, 2017; Article no.EJMP.38043.
- Andima Moses, Ssegujja Bernard1 , Owor Richard Oriko1 , Andama Edward 2014 .Preliminary Qualitative Analysis of Phytochemical Constituents of the Endemic Aloe tororoana Raynolds in Tororo, Eastern Uganda. Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science (ISSN: 2315-5094) Vol. 3(3) pp. 096-099, March, 2014.
- Edward Andama and Ujeyo M. S. Suubi 2015. Chapter 9: Mainstreaming Education For Sustainable Development In Teacher Education At Busitema University, Uganda. In Lotz@Sisitka H., Hlengwa.,WardM.,SalamiA.,Ogbuigwe A.,Pradhan M., Neeser M.,&Lauriks S. (Eds).!(2015).!Mainstreaming Environment andSustainabilityin African Universities: Stories of Change. Grahamstown: Rhodes University Environmental Learning Research Centre. ISBN:978K0K86810K613K7
- Andama E., C. Michira and G. B. Luilo,. 2003. Epiphytic ferns s potential indicators of changes in forest microclimate. Unasylva. Vol. 54. ISSN 0041-6436, Forest management at the XII world Forestry Congress. Food and Agricultural of organisation of the United Nations, An international journal of forestry and forest industries.
- Musaasizi, J. E. Andama, D. Ruta and B, Byamukama, 2007. Conservation-based Conflict in South western Uganda. Policy paper. Programme for the association for strengthening Agricultural research in eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA), IDRC, ECAPAPA.
- Andama E, Ongeng D, Langole, 2006. Distribution, abundance, phenology, management and processing of Tamarindus indica to improve community livelihood in northern Uganda. African institute for capacity development (AICAD). Publication of first call projects. Mini reviews, volume 5, 3006. JICA ISSN 1880-925X.
- Andama E, and McNeilage A. 2002. Integrated wild vertebrate pest management around two tropical forest parks in Uganda. Integrated pest management conference Proceedings, 8-12 September, 2002, Kampala, Uganda. Makerere University, national Agricultural research Organization (NARO) and IPM/CRSP, African Crop Science Journal, Makerere University.
- ANDAMA Edward – Rampant Indigenous Biodiversity destruction: A Precursor for Disaster. Poster Presentations-Natural Resource Utilisation. SIDA. Paper presented Hotel Africana Kampala.
- Andama Edward. Mitigation of Human-Wildlife Conflict in Uganda. Paper presented in Students Conference on Conservation Science 25t-27th march, 2008. Zoology Department, Cambridge University United Kingdom.
- Andama Edward. Invasive potential of Caesalpinia decapetala in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) 21st Annual Meeting south Africa 2007.
- Andama E. A. McNeilage and B. G. Isabirye. 2006. An integrated approach to mitigate conflict between non-human primate and farmers around Bwindi impenetrable National Park, Uganda. Presentations at International Primatological Society Congress.
- Edward Andama. Population status and food habits of carnivores in Bwindi Impenetrable national park, Uganda. Paper presented in Students Conference on Conservation Science 28t-30th March, 2001. Zoology Department, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom).
- Andama E. and McNeilage A. 2002. Integrated wild vertebrate pest management around two tropical forest parks in Uganda. Integrated pest management conference Proceedings, 8-12 September, 2002, Kampala, Uganda. Makerere University, national Agricultural research Organization (NARO) and IPM/CRSP.
- Edward Andama. Integrated management of vertebrate pests around two National parks in Uganda. Paper presented in Students Conference on Conservation Science 22t-27th March, 2002. Zoology Department, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom).
- Edward Andama. Population status and food habits of carnivores in Bwindi Impenetrable national park, Uganda. Paper presented in Students Conference on Conservation Science 28t-30th March, 2001. Zoology Department, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom).
- Edward Andama. Integrated approach to mitigate conflict between non-human primate and farmers around Bwindi Impenetrable National park Uganda. Presentation in International Primatological Society Conference 25th to 30th June 2006 Entebbe Uganda.
- Andama E and J. Musaasizi, 2005. a review of problem animal management interventions around Bwindi impenetrable national park. The Rights, Equity and Protected Areas (REPA) Programme.
- Andama E.Population Status and Food habits of carnivores in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Second Student Conference on Conservation Science, Cambridge University (UK), 27th-30th March 2001.
- Andama E.Integrated approach to mitigate crop depredation around two tropical forests in South western Uganda. Third Student Conference on Conservation Science, Cambridge University (UK), 25th-28th March 2002.
- Andama E. The role of Parks in Nature Conservation in 21st Century. June, 1997. Zoology Department, Makerere University Kampala.
- Andama E.Use of Caesalpinia decapetala as a deterrent to crop raiding around Bwindi National Park. November 2001 Problem animal Workshop Lake view Hotel Mbarara.
- 2010-to date Senior Lecturer Faculty of Science and Education. up to date
- 2012 to 2019: Dean Faculty of Science and Education.
- 2012 -2014 Chairperson Research and outreach committee.
- 2012-2016.Member University council, Busitema University
- 2012-2019-Member University Senate Busitema University
- 2012-2014-Chairperson for Busitema University Development Partners and Stakeholder conference 2013.
- 2004-2009-Cordinatier Nature Uganda Gulu University Branch
- 2005-2007- Deputy Dean Faculty of Education Gulu University
- 2007-2009- Deputy Dean Faculty of education Gulu University
- 2002-2007. Senate member Gulu University
- 2002-2007-Council member Gulu University
- 2003-3007 Chairperson Gulu University Open day committee
- 2007-2009.Chairperson ceremonies committee Busitema University
- June 2002 – Dec 2002 Lecturer Biology Faculty of Education – Gulu University
- Jan 2002 – 2004 Head of Biology Department Faculty of Education GuluUniversity.
- Focal person FAWE Higher Education Access Programme Busitema University
- Focal person- international Union for conservation Nature (IUCN) Faculty of Science and Education
- Coordinator -Eastern Uganda Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE)
- Coordinator- Nature Uganda Busitema University
- Contact person- The eastern universities region for Resilient Africa Network(RAN)
- 2016 to date. Chairperson and Representative of tertiary institution to the governing council of Uganda cooperative college Tororo.
- July /September 2020. Research consultancy work I participated in: A rapid assessment of the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 on communities inselected districts of Uganda. I lead the team for eastern Uganda undertaken through Resilient Africa Network (RAN), housed within the Makerere University School of Public Health supported by USAID.
- Focal person deeply involved in the implementation of Higher education Access Programme HEAP activities, including mentorship for the supported students within Busitema University.
Ecology, Natural Resources Management, Biodiversity, Natural rangelands , wildlife , forests, woodlands, Education for sustainable development.