Dr. Kamalha holds a Ph.D. in Textile Engineering, Chemical Engineering, as well as Materials, Energy and Mechanics from Soochow University Suzhou,China, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, and ENSAIT- Lille 1 University of Science and Technology, France respectively . He has experience of foreign working, leadership and intercultural adaptation, excellent communication and reporting skills. His major focus being; Textiles and apparel, advanced functional fibers and materials, quality assurance, technical textiles and composites, anthropometry and sizing, cotton and fiber markets, research and data analysis, data mining and soft computing. Dr. Kamalha has vast exeprience in academia having started as a teaching assistant from the year 2009 to becoming a senior lecturer in the department of Polymer, textile & Ginning Engineering at Busitema University a department he heads currently. He actively participates in students' research supervision, Carriculum development, developing training materials as well as students' asessment
- Feb 2020-Aug 2020: (PI) Design and development of functional garments for children with Locomotor disabilities; Funded under Busitema University researchseed grants of the Faculty of Engineering
- 2018- To date (Member): Apparel, Textiles and Footwear Quality Assurance for Uganda Peoples Defence Forces.
- This project is aimed at establishing a QA system,including a testing laboratory, training personnel and a customized sizing standard for military wear.
- June 2019- Large Scale Cotton Production and Value Addition (Project member);with Operation Wealth Creation and Cotton Development Organization. The project ttargets cotton farming on over 6000 acres, cotton ginning and a garment plant at Busitema University
- May 2019- Project Consultant: Innovative textile production; knitting, embroidery,garments: Nyabaghole Development Foundation (under Rwenzururu Kingdom).With financing through OWC, the project focuses on production of market derived textile products
- Nov 2017 to May 2018 (Member)- Profiling of cottage industrial models in China for policy development in Uganda. This project was funded by the Embassy of Uganda in Beijing, China
- July 2021-To date: Think Tank Chair; Beauty & Apparel- Ministry of Science,Technology and Innovation (MoSTI), Office of the President. A prioritized Industrial Value Chain under NDPIII framework. Key roles include the coordination and development of programme actions towards industrialization and value chain development through STI.
- Edwin Kamalha, Zheng Yuansheng, Yongchun Zeng and Fredrick I Mutua. FTIRand WAXD study of Bombyx Mori fibroin. Advanced Material Research. 677, 2013, 211-215 .
- Edwin Kamalha, Zheng Yuansheng and Yongchun Zeng. Effect of solvent concentration on morphology of electrospun Bombyx Mori silk. Indian Journal of Fiber and Textile Research.39, 2014, 201-203.
- J.I. Mwasiagi, C. Yu, T. Phologolo, A. Waithaka, E. Kamalha, J.R. Ochola. Characterization of the Kenyan Hibiscus Sabdariffa L. (Roselle) bast fiber; Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe. 22, 3(105), 2014, 31-34.
- Kaixuan Liu, Jianping Wang, Edwin Kamalha, Victoria Li & Xianyi Zeng (2017): Construction of a prediction model for body dimensions used in garment pattern making based on anthropometric data learning, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 108(12):2107-2114. DOI:10.1080/00405000.2017.1315794 .
- Edwin Kamalha, Ludovic Koehl. Christine Campagne. Classification and measure of quantitative difference between polyester and cotton fabrics based on sensory analysis; Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making(FLINS2016), PART 9: Soft Computing in Fashion Design and Textile Production, 2016, pp. 1022-1028.
- Nicholus Tayari Akankwasa, Wang Jun, Qasim Siddiqui, Edwin Kamalha, LoydNdlovu. Cotton-elastane ring core spun yarn: Review. Research & Reviews in Polymer. 4(4), 2013, 127-137.
- Kaixuan Liu, Edwin Kamalha, Jianping Wang, Tarun-Kumar. Agrawal. Optimization design of cycling clothes' patterns based on digital clothing pressures. Fibers and Polymers Fibers (2016) 17: 1522.
- Janani Loum, Henry Kanwezi, Edwin Kamalha. Optimization of Photocatalytic Degradation of Reactive Blue Dye Using Zinc Oxide Catalyst. International Journal of Research and Review (2015) 2(6); 343-34.
- Edwin Kamalha, Zheng Yuansheng and Yongchun Zeng. Analysis of the Secondary Crystalline Structure of Regenerated Bombyx Mori fibroin. Research and Reviews in BioSciences. 7(2), 2013, 76-83.
- L Tsongo, J Nakavuma, C Mugasa, E Kamalha. Helicobacter pylori among patients with symptoms of gastroduodenal ulcer disease in rural Uganda. Infection Ecology & Epidemiology 5, 26785, 2015.
- Kaixuan Liu, Jianping Wang, Xuyuan Tao, Xianyi Zeng, Pascal Bruniaux, Edwin Kamalha. Fuzzy classification of young women's lower body based on anthropometric measurement. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 55, 2016, 60-68. Find online
- Edwin Kamalha, Yongchun Zeng, Salome Kyatuhaire and Josphat I Mwasiagi. The comfort dimension in clothing; a review of perception in clothing. Journal of Sensory Studies. 28, 2013, 423–444 Find online
- Liu, Kaixuan; Wang, Jianping; Zhu, Chun; Kamalha, Edwin; Hong, Yan; Zhang, Junjie; Dong, Min. A mixed human body modelling method based on 3D body scanning for clothing industry. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology. 2017, 29(5), 673-685. Find online
- J.I.Mwasiagi, T.Phologolo, C.W.Yu, E. Kamalha, L.Kinuthia, Lusweti Kituyi. Characterization of Triumfetta Tomentosa B, a bast fiber growing wildly in Kenya.Materials Science; an Indian Journal 11(9), 2014, 291-297.
- Edwin Kamalha, Jovan Kiberu, Ildephonse Nibikora, Josphat Igadwa Mwasiagiand Edison Omollo (2017). Clustering and Classification of Cotton Lint Quality Using Principal Component Analysis, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering and k-means Clustering. Journal of Natural Fibers 15:3, 425-435 Find online
- Kaixuan Liu, Xianyi Zeng, Jianping Wang, Xuyuan Tao, Jun Xua, XiaowenJiang, Jun Ren, Edwin Kamalha, Tarun-Kumar Agrawal, Pascal Bruniaux Parametric design of garment flat based on body dimension. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2018, 65, 46-59. Find online
- J.I. Mwasiagi, J.R. Ochola, E. Kamalha. A Study of the Factors Affecting Yarn Tensile Properties of Cotton Ring Spun Yarn 12th World Textile Conference AUTEX, June 13th to 15th 2012, Zadar, Croatia.
- J.I. Mwasiagi, E. Kamalha, B.A. Igadwa, S. Kyatuheire. The Quality of Cotton RingSpun Yarns Manufactured in Kenya. Cotton, Textile and Apparel Value Chain in Africa; IOTEX 2nd conference- Bahir University, Ethiopia- 9-11th May 2013
- Fredrick N. Mutua, Edison Omollo, Edwin Kamalha, Yimin Wang. HGMS/TPUComposite Foam in Value Addition of Cotton Fiber Sports Gear. IOTEX 2nd Conference,May 9-11, 2013. Bahir Dar University- Ethiopia
- Edwin Kamalha, Janani Loum, Josphat I Mwasiagi. A survey on indeginous plants as potential sources of dyes for cotton fabric in Busitema. Cotton, Textile and Appar Value Chain in Africa, IOTEX 2nd Conference, May 9-11, 2013. Bahir Dar University-Ethiopia
- Edwin Kamalha, Ada Ferri, Periolatto Monica, Roberta Peila and RobertaBongiovanni. UV Assisted Radical Graft Polymerization on Poly-(ethylene terephthalate) for Hydrophilic Functionality.AATCC International Conference March 28-30, 2017, Hilton Wilmington Riverside Wilmington, NC, USA
- Edwin Kamalha, Ludovic Koehl. Christine Campagne. Classification and Measureof Quantitative Difference between Polyester and Cotton Fabrics Based on Sensory Analysis p1022. In Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Science -FLINS’2016- 12th International Conference on Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making August 24-26, 2016 - Roubaix, France
- Liu K., Zeng X., Bruniaux P., Tao X., Kamalha E., Wang J. (2018) Garment Fit Evaluation Using Machine Learning Technology. In: Thomassey S., Zeng X. (eds) Artificial Intelligence for Fashion Industry in the Big Data Era. SpringerSeries in Fashion Business.
- Edison Omollo Oduor, Lucy Wanjiru Ciera, Edwin Kamalha. Applications of Silk in Biomedical and Healthcare Textiles. In Textiles for Functional Applications, 2021. Intechopen.DOI: 10.5772/intechopen. 96644
- Kenema Christine, Semwogerere Twaibu, Kamalaha Edwin, Alio Deborah, Kawuma Carol. Statistical Model for Predicting Salinity of Water at Doho I Irrigation Scheme in Busia. East African Journal of Engineering. 4:1, 2021. DOI:https://doiorg/10.37284/2707-5397
- A survey on indeginous plants as potential sources of dyes for cotton fabric in Busitema. Cotton, Textile and Apparel Value Chain in Africa, IOTEX 2nd Conference, May 9-11, 2013. Bahir Dar University- Ethiopia. Oral presenter.
- UV Assisted Radical Graft Polymerization on Poly-(ethylene terephthalate) for Hydrophilic Functionality. AATCC International Conference March 28-30, 2017, Hilton Wilmington Riverside Wilmington, NC, USA. Oral presenter
- Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Science -FLINS’ 2016- 12th International Conference on Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making August 24-26, 2016 - Roubaix, France. Oral presenter
- 2nd International Conference on Micro Nano Devices, Structure and Computing Systems MNDSCS (2013), Shenzhen, China Jan 23-24
- 12th World Textile Conference AUTEX, June 13th to 15th 2012, Zadar, Croatia
- Erasmus+ and Europe Day, Uganda. May 5. Unveiling Opportunities in Education,Training and the Youths. Kampala. Guest Speaker
- After the PhD? Think about your future. International PhD Workshop 2016, Archamps Technopole (France) September 5-6, 2016. Participant
- The 2nd Foreign Experts’ Conference- Taian China, 6th-10th September 2017- Invited Expert on textiles and polymers, special focus on functional textiles. Expert delegate
- Diaspora Conference of Ugandans in China, 8th-10th December 2018- Invited Expert on Textiles, Apparel and Technology Transfer
- Senior Research Scholar under the Africa Center of Excellence for Photochemicals, Textiles and Renewable Energy (ACE-PTRE), Moi University, Eldoret June 10th – June 24th 2019
- Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training; Dec 13-23, 2019, Greece- Athens
- Training Workshop on Writing Winning Grants Proposals; Jan 28-29, 2020, Busitema University
- Panelist on Seminar: COVID-19, Opportunity to Thrive- Clothing and Fashion. CASTLE THINK TANK , Kampala July 25,2020.
Senior lecturer
Textiles and apparel, advanced functional fibers and materials, quality assurance, technical textiles and composites, anthropometry ,sizing, cotton
fiber markets, data analysis, data mining, Soft computing.