Daniel Otim is a Senior Lecturer and the current Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Busitema University. He is an expert in drainage engineering, hydrology, soil and water conservation engineering, and water resources engineering. Daniel is a member of the Engineers Registration Board of Uganda. He holds a PhD (Agricultural Engineering) from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, an MSc Engineering degree in Irrigation Engineering from the University of Florence in Italy, and a BSc Engineering degree in Civil Engineering from Makerere University in Uganda. He has planned and managed numerous civil engineering projects, and he teaches soil and water engineering, applied hydrology, and irrigation system design and management at Busitema University. Daniel is such a versatile type of Engineer given the numerous special trainings he has received both domestically and internationally.
- Omara, J., Talavera Martinez, E., Otim, D., Turcza, D., Ofumbi, E., & Owomugisha, G. (2023). A Field-based Recommender System for Crop Disease Detection Using Machine Learning. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 6, 57.
- Mafukidze, H. D., Owomugisha, G., Otim, D., Nechibvute, A., Nyamhere, C., & Mazunga, F. (2022). Adaptive Thresholding of CNN Features for Maize Leaf Disease Classification and Severity Estimation. Applied Sciences, 12 (17), 8412.
- Otim, D., Smithers, J., Senzanje, A., van Antwerpen, R., & Thornton-Dibb, S. L. (2021). Development and assessment of an updated tool for the design of soil and water conservation structures in the sugar industry of South Africa. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 23(4).
- Otim, D., Smithers, J., Senzanje, A. and van Antwerpen, R., 2020a. Investigation of System Design Criteria and the Capital Cost of Varying Design Return Periods for Soil and Water Conservation Structures. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 36 (4): 511-523.
- Otim, D, Smithers, J, Senzanje, A and Van Antwerpen, R.2020b. Verification of runoff volume, peak discharge and sediment yield simulated using the ACRU model for bare fallow and sugarcane fields. Water SA 46 (2): 182-196.
- Otim, D, Smithers, J, Senzanje, A and Van Antwerpen, R. 2019a. Assessment of trends in run-off and sediment yield from catchments under sugarcane production and management practices*. International Sugar Journal 121 (1443): 216-219.
- Otim, D, Smithers, J, Senzanje, A and Van Antwerpen, R. 2019b. Design norms for soil and water conservation structures in the sugar industry of South Africa. Water SA 45 (1): 29-40.
- Otim, D, Smithers, JC, Senzanje, A and Van Antwerpen, R.2019c. Verification of runoff volume, peak discharge and sediment yield simulated using the ACRU model for bare fallow and sugarcane fields. Proceedings of South Africa Sugar Technologists' Association, (92) 77-81. SASTA, Durban, RSA.
- Otim, D, Smithers, JC, Senzanje, A and Van Antwerpen, R. 2018a. Assessment of trends in rainfall and runoff at the La Mercy catchments under bare fallow conditions and sugarcane production. In: eds. Akdeniz, RC and Yaldiz, O, CIGR 2018 XIX. World Congress of CIGR Program and Abstracts' Book, 201. CIGR, Antalya, Turkey.
- Otim, D, Smithers, JC, Senzanje, A and Van Antwerpen, R.2018b. Assessment of trends in runoff and sediment yield from catchments under sugarcane production and management practices. Proceedings of South Africa Sugar Technologists' Association, 98-102. SASTA, Durban, RSA.
- Otim, D, Smithers, JC, Senzanje, A and Van Antwerpen, R.2018c. Assessment of trends in runoff, peak discharge and sediment yield from catchments under sugarcane production and management practices. South African Institute of Agricultural Engineers (SAIAE) Symposium and Biennial CPD Event. Durban North, South Africa. 17 – 20, September 2018.
- Otim, D, Smithers, JC, Senzanje, A and van Antwerpen, R. 2018d. Verification of runoff volume and peak discharge from sugarcane fields simulated using the ACRU model. In: eds. Akdeniz, R and Yaldiz, O, CIGR 2018 XIX. World Congress of CIGR Program and Abstracts' Book, 46. CIGR, Antalya, Turkey.
- Senior Lecturer
- Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology
- Water Engineering
- Irrigation system Design
- Hydrology