Joseph is currently the acting Head of Economics and Management Department at the faculty of Management sciences. Besides, Joseph has been a lecturer in the same department since 2016. He holds a Master's degree in Business Adminisstration and a Bachelor's of Commerce both from Makerere University.He is Currently persuing a Ph.D. in Business Administration and Management from Busitema University. Furthermore, Joseph has a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from Kampala International University. He has enormous exprience both in academia and administration having served and still serving as a member of various committees which among others include; Busitema University committee, Faculty quality assurance coordinator and acting head of Economics and Management department among others. In academia, Joseph is an examinaer with Uganda Business & Technical Examinations Board(UBTEB) and Uganda Colleges of Commerce and he has lectured in worked with various institutions such as; Uganda Colleges of commerce in Tororo and Soroti, Makerere University Business School among others.
- 2014-2016 Part time Lecturer Faculty of Science Education, Department of Economics Busitema University
- 2014-2015 Head of Quality Assurance department at Uganda College of Commerce Tororo
- 2012-2014 Head of department Accounting and Finance Uganda College of Commerce Tororo
- 2011-2014 Member of Quality assurance Uganda College of Commerce Tororo
- 2010-Todate Examiner with Uganda Business & Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB) and Uganda Colleges of Commerce
- 2010-2015 Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Finance, Uganda College of Commerce Tororo
- 2008-2010 Member of Contracts Committee Uganda College of Commerce Soroti
- 2007-2010 Head of Department ICT Uganda College of Commerce Soroti
- 2005-2008 Examiner with Makerere University Business School (Uganda Colleges of Commerce)
- 2005-2010 Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Finance, Uganda College of Commerce Soroti
- 2003-2005 Staff representantive to the Governing Council Uganda College of Commerce Soroti
- 2002-2010 Examinations Secretary Uganda College of Commerce Soroti
- 1992-2005 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Finance, Uganda College of Commerce Soroti
- Cost and Management Accounting
- Financial Accounting
- Financial Management/Business Finance
- Risk Management
- Business Statistics