Samuel Baker Kucel holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Energetics) from the University of Udine (2002, Italy), a Masters of Engineering Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of New South Wales (1998, Sydney, Australia) and a Bachelors degree (1 st Class Honours) in Mechanical Engineering from Makerere University (1995, Kampala, Uganda). He did additional tailor made training in Energy Management and Conservation from the Energy Resources Institute – TERI (2004, Bangalore, India), Agricultural Products Processing Technologies from Hainan University (2010, Haikou, China), University Management and Leadership from the University of Cape Coast (Cape Coast, Ghana, 2014), Leadership and Management Skills Course for Academic Leaders (Lilongwe, Malawi, 2017), Leadership and Change Management (ESAMI, Kampala, Uganda, 2018) and did various short courses, viz., Cadre Development, Project Management, Research Management and Administration, PhD Supervision, CDM Consultancy, Project Self Evaluation, E-Learning (Blackboard and KEWL.NextGen), Innovation Systems and Innovative Clusters Facilitation, Financial Management and Accountability, Entrepreneurship Thinking and Development, Procurement Planning, Value Chain Analysis, Building and Implementing Balance Score Card, Academic Programme Development, Proposal Development, Staff Performance Appraisal, Teamwork, Effective Communications, Management of Meetings, and Leadership and Management of Higher Education Institutions. Samuel Baker Kucel has strong Industrial and Consulting experience, especially in the areas of Mechanical Systems Conceptualization, Design, Manufacture, Operation and Maintenance. He has also been involved in various Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects, Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, ICT Implementation Projects and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) consultancies and assignments in Uganda. He reviewed the Energy Advisory Project Phase II, supported by the German Government and Implemented by the
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development of Uganda and the German Technical Co-operation. He participated in complete energy audits of Devon Tea Estate (India), Southern Range Nyanza Limited (Uganda) and Nile Breweries (Uganda). He was involved in the review of country-wide activities in all sectors of the Ugandan Economy and identification of the activities whose implementation has impact on climate change leading to climate vulnerability. He was part of the Team that carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Kalangala Infrastructure Project on behalf of InfraCo, New York, USA (“the developer”). He participated in the identification of alternative fuel options for clay baking manufacturing of building products at Uganda Clays Limited. He took part in the review of improved kiln technologies and other alternative efficient charcoal production systems in Uganda. He was in involved in socio-economic and energy access baseline studies in
Uganda. He was part of the Team that drafted the EAC Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Regional Status Report 2017 for REN21, Paris, France.
Samuel Baker Kucel has vast experience in University Lecturing/Teaching (at both Graduate and Undergraduate levels), Research, Administration, Academic Supervision/Mentorship, Outreach, External Examination, Peer Review and in Writing/Formulating new Academic Programmes. He lectured at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Art Design and Technology, Makerere University for over 19 years (rising from the rank of Assistant Lecturer to Senior Lecturer), where he taught various Mechanical Engineering and Energy
Engineering courses. Within that time, he supervised over 30 Masters and 4 PhD students of both Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy Engineering. He was also a Visiting Lecturer with the Department of Energy Technology, The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Samuel Baker Kucel served as a Senior Lecturer with the Department of Agricultural Mechanization and Irrigation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Busitema University from October 2007 to July 2013. He was a Care-Taker Head of Department for Computer Engineering Department and for Textile and Ginning Engineering Department. He was also the pioneer Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Busitema University, where he served from August 2007 to July 2013. He is currently (First appointed in August 2013 for a five-year term and contract was renewed in August 2018 for another five years) the First Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs and Research) of Busitema University and an Associate Professor of Energetics. He was the Representative of Public Universities in the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB) from July 2013 to September 2019. He is also a member of the fourth Council of Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) since November 2015. He is also currently the representative (since August 2020) of Scientists in Uganda in the Governing Board of the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO).
- Erasmus+ Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility Bewteen Busitema University and the University of Twente, Netherlands. Period: 2021-2023.
- The Better Education for Africa’s Rise (BEAR) II Project. Sponsored byUNESCO and the Republic of Korea. The Project Focused on Facilitating Improvements in the Relevance, Quality and Attractiveness of TVET Programmes at Busitema University to Provide Graduates with a Better Chance of Finding Decent Employment or of Generating Self Employment. Period: 2018-2022.
- A three years research project titled “ICT and Adaptation to Climate Change: Innovative and Integrated Solutions to Address Challenges of Water Resources Governance over Lake Victoria Basin.” The research was implemented as a collaboration between Busitema University (Tororo, Uganda), The University of Dodoma in Tanzania and Kigali Institute of Science and Technology in Rwanda and was supported (USD 597,999) by Lake Victoria Research Initiative (VicRes)
- A two years research project titled, “Strengthening Social and Environmental Accounting Practices in Uganda for Sustainable Development.” The research was implemented as a collaboration between Busitema University, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, and Makerere University Business School and was supported (UGX 32.5 million) by Uganda National Council for Higher Education.
- Title, “Instituting Information Communications Technology (ICT) andGeographical Information Systems (GIS) for Sustainable Rural Development,” Collaborators: Makerere University, Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden), Uppsala University (Sweden), Edwardo Mondlane University (Mozambique), University of Dar es Salaam(CoET, Tanzania); Sponsor: Sida/SAREC; Period: 2004-2013.
- Title, “Development of Renewable Energy Technologies,” Collaborators:Makerere University, Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Edwardo Mondlane University (Mozambique), University of Dar es Salaam(CoET, Tanzania), Sponsor: Sida/SAREC, Period: 2004-2013.
- Title: “Determination of Energy Conservation Potential and Identification of Alternative Fuel Options for Clay Baking in the Manufacture of Building Products at Uganda Clays Limited, Kajjansi,” Collaborators: Makerere University and University of Edinbrough (United Kingdom); Sponsor: The British Council, Uganda; Budget: £ 23,000; Period: 2007-2009.
- Title, “Efficient Stoves for Kampala Roasted Meat Vendors,” Sponsor: Sida/SAREC Faculty of Technology Research Fund; Budget: USD 6000; Period:
- Twaibu Semwogerere, Samuel Baker kucel, Hazairu Igga, Badru Lusiba, Yahaya Gavamukulya, Sophie Namwanje, Richard Opoka awichi, Joseph Matovu KB and Banson John Barugahare, 2022, “A Scoping Analysis of Theories, Models, and Standard Operating Procedures for the COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda,” International Journal of Tropical DISEASE Health, 43(14): 1-7, 2022; Article no. IJTDH. 86850, ISSN: 2278-1005, NLM ID: 101632866.
- Gashari Tom, Semwogerere Twaibu, Kucel Samuel Baker andMagumba David, 2021, “Tomato Yield and Quality Response to WaterApplication Technique and Management,” European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, Vol 6. Issue 7, December 2021, ISSN(Online):2736-576X
- Miguel Meque Uamusse and Samuel Kucel, 2021, “Rural Electrification: Sustainable Energy Solutions with a Focus on Biomass Energy,” 6th North American Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Conference, Monterry, Mexico, November 3-5, 2021, IEOM Society International.
- Mackay A. E. Okure, Yonah K. Turinayo and Samuel B. Kucel, 2017, “Techno-Economic Viability of Husk Powered Systems for Rural Electrification in Uganda, Part II: Economic and Policy Aspects,” in The Nexus: Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Springer International Publishing, Chapter 5, p53-74, Print ISBN 978-3-319-63611-5; Online ISBN 978-3-319-63612-2.
- H. J. Mongi, A. N. Mvuma, S. Kucel, A. J. Tenge and M. Gabriel, 2015, “Accessibility and Utilization of Mobile Phones for Governance of Water Resources in the Lake Victoria Basin: Constraints and Opportunities in Tanzania,” African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, http://www.academicjournals.org/AJEST, Vol 9(5), pp438-450, May 2015, Article Number: C7FE80C52164, ISSN: 1996-0786
- Chisomo Kasamba, Preksedis Marco Ndomba, Samuel Baker Kucel, Miquel M. Uamusse, 2015, “Analysis of Flow Estimation Methods for Small Hydropower Schemes in Bua River,” Energy and Power Engineering, Page 32 of 34 http://www.scirp.org/journal/ep, February 2015, 7, pp55-62
- Twaibu Semwogerere, Peter O. Lating and Samuel B. Kucel, “Exploration of Gravel Roads Erosion Data in Uganda,” Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology – CEET 2015, Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, USA, ISBN: 978-1-63248-069-9
- Charles Tushabomwe Kazooba, David Katamba, Imelda Kemeze and Samuel Baker Kucel, 2015, “An Investigation of Techniques of Writing a Fundable Research Grant Proposal: Practical Example from a Developing Country,” International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), www.ijsr.net, Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015, ISSN (online): 2319-7064
- Albino J. M. Tenge, Aloys N. Mvuma, Samuel K. Baker, Hector J. Mongi, Jonathan Mwakijele and Maria C. Gabriel, 2015, “Community Perception on Lake Victoria Basin Resources Degradation: Implications to Sustainable Management,” Journal of Sustainable Development, www.ccsenet.org/jsd, Vol 8, No. 2, March 2015, ISSN: 1913-9063, E-ISSN: 1913-9071
- Thomas Makumbi, Samuel Baker Kucel, John Baptist Kirabira and Adam Sebbit, 2014, “Design of a Sustainable Energy System for an Eco- Village: A Case Study of Bulindo Village,” Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, www.sciencedomain.org, 5(4), pp326-343, December 2014, ISSN: 2320-0227, Article Number: JSRR.2015.100.
- Anthony Faustine, Aloys N. Mvuma, Hector J. Mongi, Maria C. Gabriel, Albino J. Tenge and Samuel B. Kucel, 2014, “Wireless Sensor Networks for Water Quality Monitoring and Control within Lake Victoria Basin: Prototype Development,” Wireless Sensor Networks, http://www.scirp.org/journal/wsn, December 2014, 6, pp281-290
- Twaibu Semwogerere, Peter O. Lating and Samuel B. Kucel, “Erosion Features on Gravel Roads in Uganda – Formation and Effects,” International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics (IJAPM), Vol. 3, No. 4, July 2013, pp280-285, ISSN 2010-362X.
- T. Semwogerere, S. B. Kucel, P. O. Lating and L. Trojer, “Analysis of Existing Erosion and Deposition Models,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (AET 2011), 30th January – 1st February, 2011, Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda, ISBN: 978-9970-214-00-7.
- A. Mwesigye, S. B. Kucel and A. Sebbit, “Opportunities for Generating Electricity from Municipal Solid Wastes: Case of Kampala City Council Landfill,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (AET 2011), 30th January – 1st February, 2011, Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda, ISBN: 978- 9970-214-00-7.
- Otine, C. D., Kucel S. B. and Trojer L., “Dimensional Modeling of HIV Data Uising Open Source,” Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Issue 63, March 2010.
- Timothy Tibesigwa and Kucel S. B., “The Commercial Production of Biodiesel in Uganda: Is it Viable?” Proceedings of the International Conference on Collaborative Research for Technological Development, 17-21 December 2007, Kampala, Uganda, 2007.
- Kiza Michael and Kucel S. B., “Techno-Economic Analysis of Cogeneration Options for Mpanga Growers’ Tea Factory,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Collaborative Research for Technological Development, 17-21 December 2007, Kampala, Uganda, 2007.
- Mwesigye A., Watta I., Kucel S. B., Okure M. A., Burdendorfer A. and Martin A., “Sustainability of Small Scale Hydro Schemes: A Case Study of Maziba- a 1 MW Power Station” Proceedings of the International Conference on Collaborative Research for Technological Development, 17-21 December 2007, Kampala, Uganda, 2007.
- Otine Charles Daniel, Kucel S. B. and Lena Trojer, “Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Using Data Mining,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Collaborative Research for Technological Development, 17-21 December 2007, Kampala, Uganda, 2007.
- Lating P. O., Kucel S. B. and Lena Trojer, “E-Learning for Development in Rural Uganda: Co-evolution in Triple Helix Processes,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Collaborative Research for Technological Development, 17-21 December 2007, Kampala, Uganda, 2007.
- Lating P. O., Kucel S. B. and Lena Trojer,“Longitudinal Analysis of the Performance of Ugandan Rural Advanced-Level Students in Physics Practicals,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Collaborative Research for Technological Development, 17-21 December 2007, Kampala, Uganda, 2007.
- B. K. Buhwezi, S. B. Kucel and A. G. Kerali, 2007, “Glass,” in Development and Aplication of Construction Materials in Uganda, Fountain Publishers, Chapter 11, p138-168, ISBN 97889970-02-681-4.
- P. O. Lating, S. B. Kucel and Lena Trojer, “Strategies for ImplementingHybrid E-Learning in Rural Secondary Schools in Uganda,” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, 16-19 July 2006, Entebbe, Uganda, 2006 Elsevier Limited, pp538-545, ISBN: 0-080-45312-0.
- P. O. Lating, S. B. Kucel and L. Trojer, “Design and Development of Interactive Multimedia CD-ROMs for Rural Secondary Schools in Uganda,” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advances inPage 34 of 34 Engineering and Technology, 16-19 July 2006, Entebbe, Uganda, 2006 Elsevier Limited, pp546-553, ISBN: 0-080-45312-0.
- M. Okure, J. A. Ndemere, S. B. Kucel and B. O. Kjellstrom, “Suitability of Agricultural Residues as Feedstock for fixed bed Gasifiers,” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, 16-19 July 2006, Entebbe, Uganda, 2006 Elsevier Limited, pp756-763, ISBN: 0-080-45312-0.
- Da Silva I. P., C. K. Kutty, Nturanabo F. and Kucel S. B., “Stand Alone Small Level Power Systems Based on Utilization of Agricultural Residues (Benecke System),” Proceedings of the Conference on Domestic use of Energy, 2nd–3rd April 2003, Cape Town, South Africa, pp187-191.
- Rodolfo Pallabazzer and Samuel Baker Kucel, “Small Hydropower Plants can Support Uganda’s Economic Growth,” Proceedings of Hydro Africa 2003: International Conference on Hydropower, 17-19 November 2003, Arusha, Tanzania, pp1/7-7/7.
- Samuel Baker Kucel, 2003, “Energy Supply and COMESA,” Proceedings of Climate Network Africa: The Workshop on Energy Demand, CDM, NEPAD and Millennium Development Goals in East Africa, 22-23 November 2003, Hilton Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Samuel Baker Kucel, 2001, “Exploitation of Water Resources For Micro And Mini Hydropower Plants," a thesis report submitted for the award of Doctor of Philosophy Degree of the University of Udine/Trento, Italy.
- Samuel Baker Kucel, 1998, “Comparison of Refrigerant Performance," a thesis report submitted for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering Science in Mechanical Engineering of the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
- Samuel Baker Kucel, 1995, “Improvement on the Calorific Value of Manufactured Charcoal Briquettes from Biomass," a project report submitted for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering of Makerere University, Kampala, Ug
- Mechanical Engineering
- Renewable Energy
- Energetics
- Systems design
- Energy management