Yovani is a Statistician/Population scientist with a PhD in Population studies/Statistics from Makerere University. A graduate of Statistics and Demography with strong Monitoring and Evaluation background in both quantitative and qualitative analytical skills, and a sampling expert. With 30 years of experience in designing and implementing result based monitoring and evaluation systems for health programs, education, HIV/AIDS, conducting project and program evaluations, surveys, and program Impact assessments, in Uganda, the East African Region (EAC-Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi) including South Sudan and the Horn of Africa (Eritrea, Ethipia, Somalia), Zambia and South Africa were he has worked with various organizations including Statistics South Africa. A research Fellow at MICRI in Mbale and A Research Fellow at Centre for Population and Applied Statistics (CPAS), based at Makerere University, Kampala.
Yovani has conducted population and demographic studies, HIV/AIDS, Education Studies, Agriculture Studies, Livelihood projects, Reproductive health, M&E, Water and Sanitation, Human Rights and Conflict and socio studies. He has a niche on vulnerability especially fir orphans and vulnerable children.
A member of various internatinal organizations a) International Statistical Institute b) Union of African Poplulation Scientistics- UAPS), c)IUSSP, d)Uganda Statistical Society e) Institute of Survey Statisticians among others.
- Cate Namayanja 1, George Paasi 1 2, Jimmy Patrick Alunyo 1 2, Denis Amorut 1, Charles Benard Okalebo 1 2, William Okiror 1, Paul Ongodia 1, Grace Abongo 1, Rita Muhindo 1, Yovani A M Lubaale 2, Peter Olupot-Olupot Epidemiology, clinical spectrum, and outcomes of severe malaria in Eastern Uganda: a prospective study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39920795/
- Richard Kabaka Mumali, Charles Okolimong, Tonny Kabuuka, Yovani Moses Lubaale, Ambrose Okibure,Francis Okello, David Soita & Peter Olupot-Olupot (2023) Health workers’ adherence to the malaria test, treat and track strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic in malaria high transmission area in Eastern Uganda
- Patrick Diox Ouni 1, Racheal Namulondo 1, Benon Wanume 1, David Okia 1, Peter Olupot Olupot 1 2, Ritah Nantale 3, Joseph K B Matovu 1 4, Agnes Napyo 1, Yovani A Moses Lubaale 1, Nathan Nshakira 5, David Mukunya 1 6 (2023) COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among health workers in rural Uganda: A mixed methods study
- Jagire Onyango David Mukunya , Agnes Napyo , Ritah Nantale, Brian T Makoko , Joseph K B Matovu , Benon Wanume , David Okia , Francis Okello , Sam Okware, Peter Olupot-Olupot , Yovani Lubaale (2023) Side-Effects following Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine in Tororo District, Eastern Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Eudu James, Benon Wanume, Milton W Musaba, Ritah Nantale , Vivian Mutaki , Brendah Nambozo , David Okia, David Soita, Agnes Napyo, Joseph K B Matovu , Racheal Namulondo, Jovani Lubaale , Francis Okello, Ronald Mulebeke, Abel Kakuru Nancy Amejje, David Emojong , Charles Okolimong, Simple Ouma, Sam Okware , Peter Olupot-Olupot, David Mukunya (2022) Characteristics, treatment outcomes and experiences of COVID-19 patients under home-based care in Kapelebyong district in Uganda: a mixed-methods study can be found on https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Nantale+R&cauthor_id=36517922
- Lubaale Y.A.M, Nakabugo M.G. Nassereka F. (2021) Learning outcome in literacy and numeracy in Uganda: Mining Uwezo assessment data to demonstrate the importance of maternal education, Vol. 45 No. 3-4 (2021); https://iassistquarterly.com/index.php/iassist/article/view/1001)
- Yang YY, Kaddu G, Ngendahimana D, Barkoukis H, Freedman D, Lubaale YA, Mupere E, Bakaki PM; Trends and determinants of stunting among under-5s: evidence from the 1995, 2001, 2006 and 2011 Uganda Demographic and Health Surveys. (Can be accessed from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30156173)
- Ruth Atuhaire, Leonard Atuhaire, Yovani Lubaale (2016) Factors Associated with Survival of HIV/HBV Co-infected Patients in Uganda African Journal of Economic Review, Vol 4, No 2 (2016). https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajer/article/view/136053
- Frank Mubiru, Leornard K. Atuhaire, Yovani Moses Lubaale, Robert Wamala; Predictors of time to first birth after first marriage among women in Uganda; African Population Studies Vol 30, No 2, (Supp.), 2016; http://aps.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/860.
- Yovani A. Moses Lubaale, Gideon Rutaremwa, Gender and Land Ownership in Uganda: Do female headed households have equal opportunity to use land? East African researcher (EAR) interdisciplinary Journal ISSN-5656 3/1 July-December, 2013. East African Researcher - University of Kisubi www.unik.ac.ug/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/St-Francis.pdf
- Okella, Hedmon & Lubaale, Yovani & Wamala, Robert & Mohaddesi, Behzad. (2015). Determinants of Full Immunization of Children Aged 12-59 Months in Northern Uganda. Indian Journal of Pharmacology. 47. 152.
- Explaining persistent high fertility rate in Uganda using ethnicity. A case of the Ateso and Soga ethnic groups in Uganda, Makerere University Journal
- Lubaale Yovani Moses and Joseph Kayizi “Using the Bongaarts Model in Explaining fertility decline in Urban areas of Uganda” https://www.google.com/#q=lubaale+Bongaarts+model - Final edition published not on line in Makerere Journal
- Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Uganda; are orphans more malnourished than non-orphans http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ss.20130202.16.pdf
- J.P.M. Ntozi and Lubaale Yovani Moses "Fertility Levels, Patterns and Trends in the Face of AIDS in Uganda". Published in Health Transition Review, Supplement to Volume 7, 1997 http://www-nceph.anu.edu.au/htc/htr.htm.
- J.P.M Ntozi, Immaculate Nakaanabi and Lubaale Yovani Moses "AIDS mortality in Uganda: A study of Circumstances, Factors and Impact of Death" Published in Health Transition Review, Supplement to Volume 7, 1997 http://www-nceph.anu.edu.au/htc/htr.htm.
- Lubaale Y.A.M, P.M. Namuwenge, J.K. Bagyendera, J.K.Mukonzo Low knowledge of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) service sites and implications for testing among Ugandans http://www.academicjournals.org/journal/JAHR/article-abstract/517463E8223
- Survey Report for the Delivery of Improved Services for Health (DISH) Project, with Katende, et al. Measure website.
- Survey Report of the Quality of Care for Delivery of Improved Services for Health (DISH) Project, With Bessinger Ruth, et al. Measure website
- Lubaale Y.A. M. Child marriages in Uganda after enacting the death penalty for defilement http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.pbs.20130203.19.pdf
- November 2012 Effectiveness of OVC Interventions towards Improvement in Food and Nutrition Security and Economic Strengthening among OVC Households in Uganda http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00J3ZV.pdf
- November 2012 Factors influencing knowledge levels regarding identifying ways of preventing sexual transmission of HIV, rejecting major misconceptions and the correct steps on condom use in Uganda http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00J411.pdf
- Betty Walakira, Yovani A. Moses Lubaale,Frank Balidawa, Sarah Nalule, Florence Githinji March 2013 Can Mobile Phone Text Messaging Increase Uptake of Family Planning Services in Uganda? http://www.cpc.unc.edu/measure/publications/wp-13-135/at_download/document+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk
Book Chapters
- Yovani Moses A. Lubaale, Gideon Rutaramwa and Patrick Manyenye Ntozi (2019): Types and Levels of Vulnerability among Children in Uganda, Chapter 9, in the book Discourse on Uganda's Demography, Scholarly Works to Commemorate the 8th African Population Conference in Uganda, 2019, Fountain publishers,
- Pali Lehohla, Risenga Maluleke, Ashwell Jenneker and Yovani Moses A. Lubaale (2019) Mentoring Young Statisticians, what can Africa, Uganda in particular learn from Statistics South Africa, Chapter 18, in the book Discourse on Uganda's Demography, Scholarly Works to Commemorate the 8th African Population Conference in Uganda, 2019, Fountain publishers,
- Kirabo Deborah and Lubaale Yovani A. Moses (2017) Parents and Social Accountability in School Governance https://www.amazon.co.uk/Parents-Social-Accountability-School-Governance/dp/3659822787/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1579095962&refinements=p_27%3AYovani+A.+Moses+Lubaale&s=books&sr=1-1
Kefiloe Masiteng and Yovani A. Moses Lubaale. Chapter 15: Gender disparities in South Africa in Social Demography of South Africa, advances and emerging issues, edited by Clifford O. Odimegwu and John Kekovole, Routledge Taylor ns Francis Group NewYork and London, First Published 2016
Member - International Statistical Institute (ISI)
Orphans and Vulnerable children