Ms. Rosemary is the current Chairperson of Busitema University Council. She Holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration specializing in Corporate Strategy and Economic Policy from Maastricht School of Management, in the Netherlands, A Bachelor's of Arts in Economics and several trainings including:
- Advanced Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment, SB Natura
- Stockholm- Sweden
- Certificate in Project monitoring and evaluation; Bangkok, Thailand
- Savings Groups – Program Design and Implementation Management in Kigali, Rwanda.
- The Effective Director training on corporate governance by Strathmore Business School in Kampala
- Knowledge Management Training in Bangkok – Thailand
- Development Evaluation training in Carlton University - Ottawa – Canada
- Leadership Training at the Management Development Institute in India.
- Sustainable Micro-Enterprise Development Training In Boston – USA
- Training in Project and Program Impact Assessment by SETYM International in Montreal – Canada
- Training in Small Enterprise Promotion by UNIDO – Bahrain Training of Trainers under Business Edge, an IFC product that improves enterprise competitiveness.
- Managing Business Development Services for Increased Impact by ILO, Turin, Italy
- Policies and Institutions to improve SME Competitiveness by the International Training Institute of Singapore/Commonwealth Secretariat
She is an Enterprise Development Specialist with a vast experience in small enterprise promotion and private sector development. Over the last 30 years, she has worked with dynamic private sector support institutions notably Uganda Investment Authority (10 years), and currently with Enterprise Uganda (20 years) at the Senior Management level. As a result of 30 years of experience, she has developed professional expertise in the delivery of business development solutions to MSMEs; Project design and management; training of businesses in entrepreneurship and a range of business management skills; provision of business counseling and advisory services to SMEs; policy advocacy aimed at creating an enabling environment for small and medium enterprises; working with multiple stakeholders in SME development in both private and public sectors, including financial institutions; and resource mobilization.