Dr. Charles Muweesi is a Senior Lecturer and expert of Comparative and International Education as well as Foundations of Education in the Faculty of Science and Education, Also He is the Director/Head of Directorate of Institutional Advancement in the University and has seen the University brand improvement in the area of International Relations, Collaborations and Grant support across all the University inform of resource mobilization. His research interests include but are not limited to; Education Financing, Learners' Identities and Engagement, Education Borrowing, comparative and international education, Agency and Leadership in Education, Education legitimization and Professionalism, and Sociology of Education. He has carried out a lot of local and regional research and published in widely refereed journals.
Book Chapters
- Muweesi,C., & Egesa G., (2025) The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Student Engagement Among University Students in Uganda: A Case of Kyambogo University, Progress in Education, 147-168, Vol 86 (Ed: Roberta V. Nata) ISBN: 979-8-89530-313-9 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. https://doi.org/10.52305/
Journal Articles
- Charles, M., Athieno, M., Kaweesi, M., Taddeo, K.Y. and Mugagga, A.M. (2025), Contribution of Infrastructural Availability for School Growth and Sustainable Improvement in Academic Performance in Selected Secondary Schools in Tororo District. European Journal of Education, 1-9, 60: e12905. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejed.
12905 - Charles, M., George, K., Kuteesa Mugenyi, D., Muhamadi, K., Lawrence, S., Nabateregga, J., Lou S., Anthony M.M., & Taddeo, K. Y. (2024). Experiential and inquiry-based learning approaches; correlated exploration on usage in selected secondary schools in Bugiri District, Eastern Uganda. Interactive Learning Environments (Taylor & Francis), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/
10494820.2024.2368885 - Charles, M., Sarah, N., & Anthony, M. M. (2024). Education as a necessity of life: An exploration on Ugandan Education System Quality with reference to John Dewey's Philosophical Correlates. Review of Education (Wiley), 12(1), e3466. https://doi.org/10.1002/rev3.
3466 - Yapsoyekwo, J., Nassaka, O. B., Muweesi, C., Kagoire, M. O., Nambale, M. G., Judith, N., Musinguzi, F.M., Lawrence, S., Charles, E. & Mirembe, N. R. (2024). Integration of Students’ Career Opportunities and Dual Career Development among Students in Secondary Schools in Sebei Sub-Region, Uganda. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(1), 517-536. https://doi.org/10.37284/
eajes.7.1.1775 - Justine, Y., Charles, M., Nassaka, O. B., Kagoire, M. O., Mugenyi, D. K., Geoffrey, N. M., & Musinguzi, F. M. (2024). Identification of Career Needs and Dual Career Development Among Students in Secondary Schools in Uganda. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(1), 304-326. https://doi.org/10.37284/
eajes.7.1.1775m - Tumuhimbise, J. M., Muweesi, C., Buluma, A., Mbabazi, F., Ocheng, M. K., Eryenyu, C., & Wanyana, M. (2024). Head Teachers’ Team Leadership Practices’ Influence on Financial Performance in Church of Uganda Founded Secondary Schools in Namirembe Diocese. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(4), 302-319. https://doi.org/10.37284/
eajes.7.4.2309 - Rwabuhinga, R., Ibore, C. O., Muweesi, C., Ochieng, M. K., Musinguzi, F. M., Kabasiita, J., & Kagambe, E. (2024). Tracing the Employability Competencies among BSE Graduates in Mid-Western Uganda. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(4), 103-116. https://doi.org/10.37284/
eajes.7.4.2238 - Rebecca Muhumuza Nalule, Asaph Keikara Muhumuza, Fulgensia Kamugisha Mbabazi, Charles Muweesi, et al (2024) Integrating STEM Education in Uganda’s Higher Education to Produce Skills Required to Stimulate Industrialisation and Sustainable Economic Growth; The Uganda Higher Education Review Journal 12 (1), 13-30 https://doi.org/10.58653/nche.
v12i1.2 - Kagambe, E., Kabasiita, J., Kisembo, M., Kasiita, T., Muweesi, C., Kaweesi, M., ... & Namubiru, A. (2024). The Integration of ICT for Effective Implementation of the Competence-Based Curriculum among Secondary Schools in Kyaka II Refugee Settlement, Uganda. East African Journal of Information Technology, 7(1), 263-278. https://doi.org/10.37284/
eajit.7.1.2205 - Ssali, K. F., & Charles, M. (2024). Interpersonal Relations as a Determinant of Academic Staff Retention in Public Universities in Uganda. East African Journal of Education Studies, 7(4), 698-711. https://doi.org/10.37284/
eajes.7.4.2457 - Nassozi, P., Kebirungi, H., Opit, E., Muweesi, C., Taddeo Kaahwa, Y., Sserwadda, L., & Mugagga Muwagga, A. (2024). Assessment of female students' perception on access and utilization of water and sanitation facilities for menstruation management in higher education institutions in Uganda. Sexuality, Gender & Policy, 7(4), 332-347. https://doi.org/10.1002/sgp2.
12086 - Nassozi, P., Muweesi, C., & Sserwadda, L (2024). Integration of water and sanitation facilities programs for menstruation management: a focus on university planning and budgeting processes at Kyambogo University, Uganda. Sexuality, Gender & Policy (Wiley). 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1002/sgp2.
12086 - Mugenyi, D. K., Sarah, K. R., Drolence, N., Namagero, T. S., Muweesi, C., Teddy, N., ... & Lawrence, S. (2024). Learners’ discipline management by teachers during post-covid lockdown among selected primary schools in mbale district Uganda. Research and Advances in Education, 3(9), 14-22.
- Tumuhimbise, J. M., Buluma, A., Muweesi, C., Mbabazi, F., & Ocheng, M. K. (2024). Head Teachers’ vision and influence on financial performance in Church of Uganda founded Secondary Schools. International Journal of Educational Policy Research and Review, 11(2), 31. https://doi.org/10.15739/
IJEPRR.24.003 - Tumuhimbise, J., Muweesi, C., Buluma, A., Mbabazi, F., & Ocheng, M. K. (2024). Assessment of head teachers’ stakeholder collaboration in church of Uganda founded secondary schools of Namirembe Diocese. International Journal of Educational Policy Research and Review, 11(1), 14. https://doi.org/10.15739/
IJEPRR.24.002 - Anthony, W., Charles, M., Judith, N., Kabasiita, J., Mugagga, A. M., Lawrence, S., ... & Zerubabel, O. F. (2024). Sickness presenteeism correlates to teaching-learning activities: implication focus on public secondary schools in Busia District, Uganda. Research and Advances in Education, 3(7), 21-33.
- Joanittah, N., Christopher, I., Charles, M., Carol, D. K., Namaganda, M. R., Judith, N., & Lawrence, S. (2024). Knowledge, Attitudes and Perception of Tutors Towards Inter-Professional Education: A Case Study at Uganda Institute of Allied Health and Management Sciences. Research and Advances in Education, 3(3), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.56397/RAE.
2024.03.01 - Anthony, W., Charles, M., Judith, N., Kabasiita, J., Mugagga, A. M., Lawrence, S., Noah, S., Pomlet, N., Mugenyi, D.K., Robert, T. and Namaganda, M.R., & Zerubabel, O. F. (2024). Sickness presenteeism correlates to teaching-learning activities: implication focus on public secondary schools in Busia District, Uganda. Research and Advances in Education, 3(7), 21-33.
- Muweesi, C., Mugenyi, D. K., Muhamadi, K., Jessica, K., & Namaganda, M. R. (2024). Gender Bias in Educational Material and Teaching Practices in Schools: A Case Study of Public Secondary Schools in Iganga District. Advances in Social Sciences and Management, 2(1), 11-23.
- Masenje, Z. G., Muweesi, C., Ochieng, M. K., Namagero, T. S., & Musinguzi, F. M. (2024). Techniques Used by Teachers in Teaching Literacy and Numeracy in Selected Primary Schools in Kongwa District, Tanzania. Research and Advances in Education, 3(1), 13-22. https://doi.org/10.56397/RAE.
2024.01.02 - Kaweesi, M., Wamiti, H. M., Nabitula, A., & Muweesi, C. (2023). Discipline Management Practices and Students’ Discipline: A Case of Private Secondary Schools in Kasangati Town Council, Wakiso District, Uganda. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 6(2), 166-184. https://doi.org/10.53449/ije.
v6i2.315 - Balyaino, L., Charles, M., Ochieng, M. K., Christopher, I., & Musinguzi, F. M. (2023). Head Teacher’s Support Role on the Quality of Inclusive Education in Secondary Schools in Iganga District. Advances in Social Sciences and Management, 1(12), 44-58.
- Kaahwa, Y. T., Nansamba, F., & Muweesi, C. (2023). The Role of Technology-Enabled Teaching and Learning in Enhancing Student-Student Interaction in Secondary Schools in Kampala District. East African Journal of Education Studies, 6(3), 322-334. https://doi.org/10.37284/
eajes.6.3.1598 - Martha, N., Taddeo, K. Y., Charles, M., Jessica, K., Muhamadi, K., Namagero, T. S., ... & Mugagga, M. A. (2023). Contribution of the Skills-Based Approach to Teaching Students in Lower Secondary Schools and on Poverty Reduction After COVID-19 Disruptions in Communities in Jinja North Division, Uganda. Research and Advances in Education, 2(11), 37-48.
- Kaahwa, Y. T., Nansamba, F., & Muweesi, C. (2023). The Role of Technology-Enabled Teaching and Learning in Enhancing Student-Student Interaction in Secondary Schools in Kampala District. East African Journal of Education Studies, 6(3), 322-334. https://doi.org/10.37284/
eajes.6.3.1598 - Nandagire,P. Muweesi .C, Kaahwa .Y.T, Mutebi .A, Kabasiita .J, Kaweesi .M, Tendo .S.N, Mugenyi. D.K, Tomusange .R, Isabirye .C, Namukose .S, & Sserwadda, L. (2023) A Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Academic and Non-Academic Outcomes of Faith-Based Education on Students in Public Secondary Schools in Jinja City, Uganda,, Uganda Advances in Social Sciences and Management , Smithfield Street, EH11 2PH, Edinburgh United Kingdom
- Wako Ezra, & Muweesi Charles. (2023). Organizational Culture Among Religious Founded Schools in Enhancing Teachers’ Performance: A Case Study of Bishop Willigers Secondary School in Bugweri District, Eastern Uganda. Research and Advances in Education, 2(9), 61–73. https://doi.org/10.56397/RAE.
2023.09.06 - Kaahwa Y.T, Tondo .Z, Muweesi. C, Mutebi .A., Kabasiita .J, Kaweesi .M, Tendo, S.N, Mugenyi, D.K, Tomusange ,R, Kabeera, P., Isabirye, C, Kasirye, R, Namukose, S, Muwagga A.M (2023) The Post Covid-19 Violence Prevention Approaches in Schools and Students’ Achievement in Selected Government-Aided Secondary Schools in Jinja City, Uganda Advances in Social Sciences and Management , Smithfield Street, EH11 2PH, Edinburgh United Kingdom
- Kaahwa, Y., Sentamu, R., Muweesi, C., & Atugonza, S. (2023). Perception of Teachers of English Towards Boys in English Lessons in Secondary Schools in Uganda: Implication on Students’ Performance. East African Journal of Education Studies, 6(2), 182-197 https://doi.org/10.37284/
eajes.6.2.1286 - Charles, M., Kuteesa, M. D., Muhamadi, K., George, K., Robert, T., Christopher, I., Shira, N.T., Taddeo, K.Y., Lawrence, S., Mercy, W.& Victoria, N. (2023). Gender Parity Approaches in Uganda’s Education System: A Case of Public Secondary Schools in Bugiri District. Educational Research and Reviews, 18(8), 194-202 https://doi.org/10.5897/
ERR2022.4278 - Oleksiyenko, A., Mendoza, P., Riaño, F. E. C., Dwivedi, O. P., Kabir, A. H., Kuzhabekova, A., Muweesi, C., Ros, V., & Shchepetylnykova, I. (2022). Global crisis management and higher education: Agency and coupling in the context of wicked COVID-19 problems. Higher Education Quarterly (Wileys), 00, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1111/hequ.
- Charles Muweesi, Shizhou Lou, Muwagga Anthony Mugagga, Wang Cuiying, Ssali Francis Kizza, Robert Tomusange, Mugenyi Disan Kuteesa and Namagero Shira Tendo (2022) "Correlates in granting students loans in Uganda: Thematic selection criterion and guidelines." Educational Research and Reviews 17, 10: 254-263. https://doi.org/10.5897/
ERR2021.4162 - Adupa Stephen, Muweesi Charles, Disan Kuteesa Mugenyi, Kaweesi Muhamadi, Tomusange Robert, Isabirye Christopher, & Ochieng Mary T. Kagoire. (2022). Students as Agents of Change in Curriculum Designing and Implementation: Involvement and Participation Drives. Research and Advances in Education, 1(5), 1–10 https://doi.org/10.56397/rae.
2022.11.01 - Nabirye Rose, Muweesi Charles, Kaweesi Muhamadi, Tomusange Robert, Cuiying Wang, sabirye Christopher, Kuteesa Disan Mugenyi, & Kabasiita Jessica. (2022). School Policy Commitments to Staff and Students’ Welfare: A Case Study of Public Secondary Schools in Iganga District, Uganda. Research and Advances in Education, 1(4), 1–7 https://doi.org/10.56397/rae.
2022.10.01 - Muweesi Charles, & Basan Muhamed Khan. (2022). Gender and Participation in Sexuality Extra-Curricular Education in Primary Schools in Bugiri Municipality, Uganda. Studies in Social Science & Humanities, 1(3), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.56397/SSSH.
2022.10.01 - Wamubirigwe Thomas, & Muweesi Charles. (2022). Innovative Pedagogical Approaches in Enhancing Health, Safety & Well Ness of Students in Secondary Schools. A Case Study of ‘A’ Level Students Of Jinja College, Jinja City, Uganda. Research and Advances in Education, 1(3), 30–44. https://doi.org/10.56397/RAE.
2022.09.04 - Dzanvoula Chéri Thibaut Gaël, and Muweesi Charles (2022), “The Devalorization of Education in Congo Stakes and Realities.” American Journal of Educational Research, vol. 10, no. 8 (2022): 476-483 https://doi.org/10.12691/
education-10-8-1 - Emokol Francis, Muweesi Charles, Namisi Moses, Musiime Joseline, and Kaweesi Muhamadi, (2022) “Assessment of Student’s Engagement on the Utilization of NCDC Home-study Learning Materials during COVID-19 Lockdown; A Case Study of Senior Two Class of St. Peter’s College Tororo.” American Journal of Educational Research, 10(6): 409-412. http://doi.org/10.12691/
education-10-6-6 http://www.sciepub.com/ EDUCATION/abstract/14479 - Taaka Mary Agatha, Muweesi Charles and Kintu Gerald Joseph (2022). Psychological Contract and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Government Aided Primary Schools in Uganda. American Journal of Educational Research; 10(5):298-303. doi:10.12691/education-10-5-5 http://www.sciepub.com/
EDUCATION/abstract/14385 - Kintu Godfrey, Musiime Joseline, Muweesi Charles, Mugabo Augustine, Disan Kuteesa Mugyenyi and Achan Nancy(2022) Social Radar as a Necessity in the School Workplace: Review of Goleman’s Reinforcements on Emotional Intelligence. American Journal of Educational Research. 2022; 10(4):179-181. doi:10.12691/education-10-4-3 http://www.sciepub.com/
EDUCATION/abstract/14278 http://doi.org/10.12691/ education-10-5-5 - Tomusange, R, Muweesi, C, & Kyagaba, A. (2021). Effective Financial Resources Management For School Improvement And Development In Uganda. African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies, 2(1), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.5897/
AJEMATES2021.0004 https://academicjournals.org/ journal/AJEMATES/article- references/882304966935
- Muweesi Charles et el (2021) Discourses in ICT integration: Pedagogical orientations in selected city primary schools in Uganda, Educational Research and Reviews 16 (5), 172-180, 2021 https://doi.org/10.5897/
ERR2020.4103 - Nansubuga, O., Muweesi, C., Zhao, L. & Mutebi, A. (2019). Constructs in Leadership Style’s Choice based on Workplace Experience in Ugandan Secondary Schools. The European Educational Researcher, 2(3), pp 165-171. https://doi.org/10.31757/
- Muweesi Charles , Lou Shizhou, Nakonde Justine (2019), “Students Morals and Discipline; Intra Socio-Philosophical Reflection on Ugandan Education System", Journal of Educational System, 3(2), 2019, pp. 59-68. https://www.
sryahwapublications.com/ journal-of-educational-system/ volume-3-issue-2/9.php
- Muweesi Charles (2018): Epistemological Dynamics and Incorporation of Appraisal Practices in Uganda, Scientific Journal of Education (Open Access Library) DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105052 PP.1-13 https://dx.doi.org/10.4236/
- Muweesi Charles, (2015): Performance Appraisal Practices and their Influence on Teachers’ attitude towards work: a case of selected secondary schools in Kampala Archdiocese, Kampala-Uganda. http://dspace.mak.ac.ug/
- President, International and Comparative Education Society of East Africa 2021-25
- Past President, Rotary Club of Nsangi D9214 (NO. 9717168)
- Member, Lubaga Cathedral National Foundation
- Member & Chair Academic Committee, School Management Committee, Nsawo C/U Primary School-Wobulenzi
- Member, Board of Governors, Kasangati High School
- Vice Chairman- St John’s University Gaba Steering Committee under Kampala Archdiocese
- Member, Association of Catholic Professionals in Uganda.
- Education Financing
- Learners' dentities, and Engagement,
- Education Borrowing
- comparative and international education
- Agency and Leadership in Education
- Education legitimization and Professionalism
- ociology of Education.